Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

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apt (97) Versions 1.10.0

Configures apt and apt caching.

cookbook 'apt', '= 1.10.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'apt', '= 1.10.0'
knife supermarket install apt
knife supermarket download apt
Quality -%


This cookbook includes recipes to execute apt-get update to ensure the
local APT package cache is up to date. There are recipes for managing
the apt-cacher-ng caching proxy and proxy clients. It also includes a
LWRP for managing APT repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list.d as well as
an LWRP for pinning packages via /etc/apt/preferences.d.


Version 1.8.2+ of this cookbook requires Chef 10.16.4 or later.

If your Chef version is earlier than 10.16.4, use version 1.7.0 of
this cookbook.

See CHEF-3493 and
this code comment for more information on this


  • Debian
  • Ubuntu

May work with or without modification on other Debian derivatives.



This recipe installs the update-notifier-common package to provide
the timestamp file used to only run apt-get update if the cache is
more than one day old.

This recipe should appear first in the run list of Debian or Ubuntu
nodes to ensure that the package cache is up to date before managing
any package resources with Chef.

This recipe also sets up a local cache directory for preseeding packages.


Installs the apt-cacher-ng package and service so the system can
provide APT caching. You can check the usage report at
http://{hostname}:3142/acng-report.html. The cacher-ng recipe
includes the cacher-client recipe, so it helps seed itself.


Configures the node to use the apt-cacher-ng server as a client. If you
want to restrict your node to using the apt-cacher-ng server in your
Environment, set ['apt']['cacher-client']['restrict_environment'] to true.

To use a cacher server (or standard proxy server) not available via search
set the atttribute ['apt']['cacher-ipaddress'] and for a custom port
set ['apt']['cacher_port'].


Managing repositories

This LWRP provides an easy way to manage additional APT repositories.
Adding a new repository will notify running the execute[apt-get-update]
resource immediately.


  • :add: creates a repository file and builds the repository listing
  • :remove: removes the repository file

Attribute Parameters

  • repo_name: name attribute. The name of the channel to discover
  • uri: the base of the Debian distribution
  • distribution: this is usually your release's something like karmic, lucid or maverick
  • components: package groupings..when it doubt use main
  • arch: constrain package to a particular arch like i386, amd64 or even armhf or powerpc. Defaults to nil.
  • deb_src: whether or not to add the repository as a source repo as well - value can be true or false, default false.
  • keyserver: the GPG keyserver where the key for the repo should be retrieved
  • key: if a keyserver is provided, this is assumed to be the fingerprint, otherwise it can be either the URI to the GPG key for the repo, or a cookbook_file.
  • key_proxy: if set, pass the specified proxy via http-proxy= to GPG.
  • cookbook: if key should be a cookbook_file, specify a cookbook where the key is located for files/default. Defaults to nil, so it will use the cookbook where the resource is used.


# add the Zenoss repo
apt_repository "zenoss" do
  uri ""
  components ["main","stable"]

# add the Nginx PPA; grab key from keyserver
apt_repository "nginx-php" do
  uri ""
  distribution node['lsb']['codename']
  components ["main"]
  keyserver ""
  key "C300EE8C"

# add the Nginx PPA; grab key from keyserver, also add source repo
apt_repository "nginx-php" do
  uri ""
  distribution node['lsb']['codename']
  components ["main"]
  keyserver ""
  key "C300EE8C"
  deb_src true

# add the Cloudkick Repo
apt_repository "cloudkick" do
  uri ""
  distribution node['lsb']['codename']
  components ["main"]
  key ""

# add the Cloudkick Repo with the key downloaded in the cookbook
apt_repository "cloudkick" do
  uri ""
  distribution node['lsb']['codename']
  components ["main"]
  key "cloudkick.packages.key"

# add the Cloudera Repo of CDH4 packages for Ubuntu 12.04 on AMD64
apt_repository "cloudera" do
  uri ""
  arch "amd64"
  distribution "precise-cdh4"
  components ["contrib"]
  key ""

# remove Zenoss repo
apt_repository "zenoss" do
  action :remove

Pinning packages

This LWRP provides an easy way to pin packages in /etc/apt/preferences.d.
Although apt-pinning is quite helpful from time to time please note that Debian
does not encourage its use without thorough consideration.

Further information regarding apt-pinning is available via


  • :add: creates a preferences file under /etc/apt/preferences.d
  • :remove: Removes the file, therefore unpin the package

Attribute Parameters

  • package_name: name attribute. The name of the package
  • glob: Pin by glob() expression or regexp surrounded by /.
  • pin: The package version/repository to pin
  • pin_priority: The pinning priority aka "the highest package version wins"


# Pin libmysqlclient16 to version 5.1.49-3
apt_preference "libmysqlclient16" do
  pin "version 5.1.49-3"
  pin_priority "700"

# Unpin libmysqlclient16
apt_preference "libmysqlclient16" do
  action :remove

# Pin all packages from
apt_preference "dotdeb" do
  glob "*"
  pin "origin "
  pin_priority "700"


Put recipe[apt] first in the run list. If you have other recipes
that you want to use to configure how apt behaves, like new sources,
notify the execute resource to run, e.g.:

template "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/my_apt_sources.list" do
  notifies :run, resources(:execute => "apt-get update"), :immediately

The above will run during execution phase since it is a normal
template resource, and should appear before other package resources
that need the sources in the template.

Put recipe[apt::cacher-ng] in the run_list for a server to provide
APT caching and add recipe[apt::cacher-client] on the rest of the
Debian-based nodes to take advantage of the caching server.

If you want to cleanup unused packages, there is also the apt-get autoclean
and apt-get autoremove resources provided for automated cleanup.

License and Author

Author:: Joshua Timberman (
Author:: Matt Ray (
Author:: Seth Chisamore (

Copyright 2009-2012 Opscode, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

7dtd Applicable Versions
CVE-2015-0235 Applicable Versions
Lynis Applicable Versions
aegir Applicable Versions
aegir2 Applicable Versions
aegir3 Applicable Versions
airflow Applicable Versions
ajenti Applicable Versions
akibanserver Applicable Versions
alfresco Applicable Versions
alphard-chef-newrelic Applicable Versions
amazon-ecs-agent Applicable Versions
ambari Applicable Versions
anaconda Applicable Versions
apache_spark Applicable Versions
apache_spark_ng Applicable Versions
appbox Applicable Versions
appcanary Applicable Versions
application_zf Applicable Versions
applications Applicable Versions
apt-atomic Applicable Versions
apt-chef Applicable Versions
apt-docker Applicable Versions
apt-jenkins Applicable Versions
apt-nginx Applicable Versions
apt-periodic Applicable Versions
apt-zabbix Applicable Versions
apt_utils Applicable Versions
aptly Applicable Versions
archiva Applicable Versions
artifact-deployer Applicable Versions
asdf Applicable Versions
asf Applicable Versions
askbot Applicable Versions
asterisk Applicable Versions
atom Applicable Versions
auditbeat Applicable Versions
aufs Applicable Versions
auto-update Applicable Versions
automatic_updates Applicable Versions
aws-kinesis-agent Applicable Versions
aws-sdk Applicable Versions
awsclient Applicable Versions
ayte-yandex-disk Applicable Versions
bacula-client Applicable Versions
bamboo Applicable Versions
bamboo-agent Applicable Versions
bapteme Applicable Versions
base Applicable Versions
baseserver Applicable Versions
bash-it Applicable Versions
bastion Applicable Versions
bazaar Applicable Versions
bazel Applicable Versions
bd_nxlog Applicable Versions
beaver Applicable Versions
beef Applicable Versions
berkshelf-api-server Applicable Versions
better-chef-rundeck Applicable Versions
bigdata Applicable Versions
bind Applicable Versions
bittorrent Applicable Versions
bjn_ruby Applicable Versions
bke_signalsciences Applicable Versions
blackfire Applicable Versions
boost-source Applicable Versions
bosun Applicable Versions
boundary-meter Applicable Versions
boundary_meter Applicable Versions
bprobe Applicable Versions
brightbox-ruby Applicable Versions
btm-test Applicable Versions
buildkite Applicable Versions
burp Applicable Versions
cacti Applicable Versions
cafe-core Applicable Versions
carton Applicable Versions
cassandra Applicable Versions
cassandra-dse Applicable Versions
cdap Applicable Versions
ceph Applicable Versions
ceph-chef Applicable Versions
ceph_micro Applicable Versions
cg_mysql Applicable Versions
cgit Applicable Versions
chamber-kibana Applicable Versions
chef-apt-docker Applicable Versions
chef-bareos Applicable Versions
chef-davical Applicable Versions
chef-grafana Applicable Versions
chef-mongodb Applicable Versions
chef_crowd Applicable Versions
chef_eye Applicable Versions
chef_install_configure_collectd Applicable Versions
chef_newrelic_server Applicable Versions
chef_nginx Applicable Versions
chef_ruby Applicable Versions
chef_rvm Applicable Versions
chef_vault_pki Applicable Versions
chefdk_bootstrap Applicable Versions
chrome Applicable Versions
chronograf Applicable Versions
chronos Applicable Versions
chruby-build Applicable Versions
cifs Applicable Versions
cinc-build-support Applicable Versions
clamav Applicable Versions
cloudbees-cjp-ha Applicable Versions
cloudfoundry Applicable Versions
cloudinsight-agent Applicable Versions
cloudpassage Applicable Versions
cloudstack Applicable Versions
cobblerd Applicable Versions
code_deploy Applicable Versions
codenamephp_apache2 Applicable Versions
codenamephp_bash Applicable Versions
codenamephp_gui Applicable Versions
codenamephp_localmail Applicable Versions
codenamephp_mysql Applicable Versions
codenamephp_php Applicable Versions
common_linux Applicable Versions
composer Applicable Versions
confluent-cookbook Applicable Versions
conjur Applicable Versions
container Applicable Versions
containership Applicable Versions
coopr Applicable Versions
corosync Applicable Versions
corosync-cookbook Applicable Versions
couchbase Applicable Versions
couchbase-ng Applicable Versions
cronapt Applicable Versions
crowd Applicable Versions
crypto-coin Applicable Versions
cuckoo Applicable Versions
cyclesafe_chef Applicable Versions
darkice-rpi Applicable Versions
datadog Applicable Versions
ddrelease Applicable Versions
debian Applicable Versions
debian-sid Applicable Versions
debian-test Applicable Versions
deis Applicable Versions
device-mapper Applicable Versions
devops_basic Applicable Versions
devops_library Applicable Versions
devopsdance-consul-template Applicable Versions
devopsdance-dnsmasq Applicable Versions
devopsdance-policyrcd Applicable Versions
devopsdance-rinetd Applicable Versions
devopsdance-tinyproxy Applicable Versions
devstack Applicable Versions
dfu-util Applicable Versions
diamond Applicable Versions
dima-repose Applicable Versions
diskanalyser Applicable Versions
dnsimple Applicable Versions
dnsmasq-local Applicable Versions
docker Applicable Versions
docker-ce Applicable Versions
docker-registry2 Applicable Versions
docker_registry Applicable Versions
dokku Applicable Versions
dotdeb Applicable Versions
dotdeb_repo Applicable Versions
dotnet-core Applicable Versions
dotnetcore Applicable Versions
drill Applicable Versions
dropwizard Applicable Versions
druid-example Applicable Versions
ds_opencv Applicable Versions
ds_redis Applicable Versions
dse Applicable Versions
dspam Applicable Versions
duosecurity Applicable Versions
ejabberd Applicable Versions
elastic-heartbeat Applicable Versions
elastic_beats_repo Applicable Versions
elastic_repo Applicable Versions
elasticsearch Applicable Versions
elasticsearch-cluster Applicable Versions
elasticsearch-curator Applicable Versions
elasticsearch-ng Applicable Versions
elite Applicable Versions
elixir Applicable Versions
elk Applicable Versions
elkstack Applicable Versions
emacs24 Applicable Versions
embulk Applicable Versions
enstratius_agent_proxy Applicable Versions
entropy Applicable Versions
equivs Applicable Versions
erlang Applicable Versions
errbit Applicable Versions
et_elk Applicable Versions
et_fog Applicable Versions
et_haproxy Applicable Versions
et_mesos Applicable Versions
etcd-v2 Applicable Versions
eulipion-slate Applicable Versions
fabio Applicable Versions
factorio Applicable Versions
fieri Applicable Versions
filebeat Applicable Versions
filezilla Applicable Versions
firstbook Applicable Versions
flapjack Applicable Versions
flume Applicable Versions
flyway-cli Applicable Versions
fog_gem Applicable Versions
foreman Applicable Versions
formatron_beats Applicable Versions
formatron_common Applicable Versions
formatron_elasticsearch Applicable Versions
formatron_erlang Applicable Versions
formatron_grafana Applicable Versions
formatron_logstash Applicable Versions
formatron_rabbitmq Applicable Versions
formatron_sensu Applicable Versions
freeswitch Applicable Versions
freetds Applicable Versions
freight Applicable Versions
frog Applicable Versions
fuse Applicable Versions
fusioninventory-agent Applicable Versions
ganeti Applicable Versions
gantbox Applicable Versions
gcc-arm-embedded Applicable Versions
gce_gcsfuse Applicable Versions
gdebi Applicable Versions
gearman Applicable Versions
gecode Applicable Versions
gem_installation Applicable Versions
gemirro Applicable Versions
gflags Applicable Versions
ghost Applicable Versions
gimp Applicable Versions
git-annex Applicable Versions
git_ppa Applicable Versions
github_connector Applicable Versions
gitlab Applicable Versions
gitlab-shell Applicable Versions
gliderlabs_registrator Applicable Versions
gluster Applicable Versions
go_cd Applicable Versions
goaccess Applicable Versions
gocd Applicable Versions
gogs Applicable Versions
google-chrome Applicable Versions
gotcms Applicable Versions
gozer Applicable Versions
grafana Applicable Versions
grafana2 Applicable Versions
graylog Applicable Versions
graylog2 Applicable Versions
grinder Applicable Versions
grive Applicable Versions
gruyere Applicable Versions
guardian Applicable Versions
hadoop Applicable Versions
hadoop_cluster Applicable Versions
haproxy-ng Applicable Versions
harden Applicable Versions
harstorage Applicable Versions
hbase_cluster Applicable Versions
hclam Applicable Versions
hello_world_circleci_deploy_example Applicable Versions
hem Applicable Versions
hhvm Applicable Versions
hhvm3 Applicable Versions
hipchat_client Applicable Versions
hockeypuck Applicable Versions
hollandbackup Applicable Versions
http_platform Applicable Versions
hwraid Applicable Versions
ice Applicable Versions
icinga-ng Applicable Versions
icinga2 Applicable Versions
icinga2repo Applicable Versions
icingaweb2 Applicable Versions
ignite-openfire Applicable Versions
il-base Applicable Versions
influxdb Applicable Versions
iptables_web Applicable Versions
ipynb Applicable Versions
java Applicable Versions
java-service Applicable Versions
java-snapshot Applicable Versions
jboss7 Applicable Versions
jenkins Applicable Versions
jenkins-php Applicable Versions
jenkins-repo Applicable Versions
jenkins_build Applicable Versions
jenkins_drupal Applicable Versions
jenkins_utils Applicable Versions
jenkinsstack Applicable Versions
jenv Applicable Versions
jetbrains_license_server Applicable Versions
jmeter Applicable Versions
justniffer Applicable Versions
kafka-manager Applicable Versions
kafka_broker Applicable Versions
kali Applicable Versions
kamailio Applicable Versions
keycloak Applicable Versions
kibana Applicable Versions
kismet Applicable Versions
kodi Applicable Versions
komodo-edit Applicable Versions
kronia Applicable Versions
kvexpress Applicable Versions
kvm Applicable Versions
lemur Applicable Versions
libarchive Applicable Versions
libbzip2 Applicable Versions
libffi Applicable Versions
libguestfs Applicable Versions
libmaxminddb Applicable Versions
libmysqlclient Applicable Versions
librato Applicable Versions
librenms-ng Applicable Versions
libreoffice Applicable Versions
libxml2 Applicable Versions
libxslt Applicable Versions
libyaml Applicable Versions
linode Applicable Versions
linux-basic Applicable Versions
linux-gamer Applicable Versions
linux-tweak Applicable Versions
linux_basic Applicable Versions
lita Applicable Versions
lmctfy Applicable Versions
locustio Applicable Versions
logdna Applicable Versions
logentries Applicable Versions
logentries_agent Applicable Versions
logentries_ng Applicable Versions
loggly_rsyslog_ng Applicable Versions
logstash-forwarder Applicable Versions
logstash_forwarder Applicable Versions
lshw Applicable Versions
lxc-web-panel Applicable Versions
lxd Applicable Versions
lxmpbox Applicable Versions
maas Applicable Versions
machine_tag Applicable Versions
mackerel-agent Applicable Versions
magento Applicable Versions
magentostack Applicable Versions
marathon Applicable Versions
mariadb Applicable Versions
mattermost Applicable Versions
mcollective Applicable Versions
mcrouter Applicable Versions
memcached-cookbook Applicable Versions
mesos Applicable Versions
met-jenkins Applicable Versions
meteor Applicable Versions
metricbeat Applicable Versions
minecraft Applicable Versions
minecraft-basic Applicable Versions
mlocate Applicable Versions
mod_security Applicable Versions
mongo Applicable Versions
mongodb Applicable Versions
mongodb-10gen Applicable Versions
mongodb-lib Applicable Versions
mongodb3 Applicable Versions
monit-ng Applicable Versions
monit_wrapper Applicable Versions
monkey Applicable Versions
mono Applicable Versions
mono3 Applicable Versions
mono4 Applicable Versions
mosh Applicable Versions
mount_cifs Applicable Versions
mroonga Applicable Versions
mrpapp Applicable Versions
mu Applicable Versions
mule Applicable Versions
multichain Applicable Versions
murmur Applicable Versions
mw_server_base Applicable Versions
mysql-multi Applicable Versions
mysql-simple Applicable Versions
mysql_role Applicable Versions
mysqld Applicable Versions
mysqler Applicable Versions
mythtv Applicable Versions
nagios3 Applicable Versions
ndenv Applicable Versions
neo4j Applicable Versions
nephology Applicable Versions
netdata Applicable Versions
netdevops Applicable Versions
netselect Applicable Versions
netuitive Applicable Versions
networking-basic Applicable Versions
newrelic Applicable Versions
newrelic-ng Applicable Versions
newrelic-sysmond Applicable Versions
newrelic_meetme_plugin Applicable Versions
nftables Applicable Versions
nginx Applicable Versions
nginx-repo Applicable Versions
nginx_lwrp Applicable Versions
nginx_passenger Applicable Versions
nginx_resources Applicable Versions
nmdbase Applicable Versions
nodebrew Applicable Versions
nodejs Applicable Versions
nodestack Applicable Versions
ntp_cluster Applicable Versions
oc-id Applicable Versions
omni_ruby Applicable Versions
omnibus Applicable Versions
omnibus-gitlab Applicable Versions
oneapm-ci-agent Applicable Versions
open_resty Applicable Versions
opencpu Applicable Versions
opencv Applicable Versions
opendj-openam Applicable Versions
openfortivpn Applicable Versions
openhab Applicable Versions
openjdk Applicable Versions
opennebula_ng Applicable Versions
openresty Applicable Versions
openstack Applicable Versions
openstack-block-storage Applicable Versions
openstack-clients Applicable Versions
openstack-common Applicable Versions
openstack-mistral Applicable Versions
openvas Applicable Versions
openvpn Applicable Versions
opera Applicable Versions
opsmatic Applicable Versions
opsview Applicable Versions
opsworks_ruby Applicable Versions
opt-modules Applicable Versions
optipng Applicable Versions
orientdb Applicable Versions
os-hardening Applicable Versions
osquery Applicable Versions
osrm Applicable Versions
osslsigncode Applicable Versions
owncloud Applicable Versions
packagecloud Applicable Versions
packetbeat Applicable Versions
pam-ssh-agent-auth Applicable Versions
papertrail Applicable Versions
paramount Applicable Versions
particle-cli Applicable Versions
patchman Applicable Versions
pdns Applicable Versions
percona Applicable Versions
percona-multi Applicable Versions
percona-toolkit Applicable Versions
perforce Applicable Versions
pertino Applicable Versions
pg-multi Applicable Versions
pgbadger Applicable Versions
phabricator Applicable Versions
php Applicable Versions
php-fpm Applicable Versions
php5_ppa Applicable Versions
phpbb Applicable Versions
phpenv Applicable Versions
phpstack Applicable Versions
pig Applicable Versions
pipeline Applicable Versions
pita Applicable Versions
pkg-build Applicable Versions
platformstack Applicable Versions
playonlinux Applicable Versions
poise-ruby Applicable Versions
postgis Applicable Versions
postgresql Applicable Versions
postgresql91 Applicable Versions
postgresql_lwrp Applicable Versions
postgresql_studio Applicable Versions
poweradmin Applicable Versions
powercli_install Applicable Versions
pritunl Applicable Versions
prometheus Applicable Versions
prose Applicable Versions
prosody Applicable Versions
protobuf Applicable Versions
protractor Applicable Versions
ps3mediaserver Applicable Versions
puncha-kibana Applicable Versions
puppet Applicable Versions
pxe Applicable Versions
pxe_dust Applicable Versions
pythonstack Applicable Versions
qgis Applicable Versions
qpdf Applicable Versions
r-project Applicable Versions
r1337-linux-base Applicable Versions
r1337-linux-users Applicable Versions
rabbitmq Applicable Versions
rackops_rolebook Applicable Versions
rackspace_apache_php Applicable Versions
rackspace_cloud_monitoring Applicable Versions
rackspace_cloudbackup Applicable Versions
rackspace_gluster Applicable Versions
rackspace_iptables Applicable Versions
rackspace_monitoring Applicable Versions
rackspace_nginx_php Applicable Versions
rackspace_support Applicable Versions
rbenv Applicable Versions
realmd-sssd Applicable Versions
recognizer Applicable Versions
redis-cookbook Applicable Versions
redis-multi Applicable Versions
repos Applicable Versions
repose Applicable Versions
repository Applicable Versions
request_tracker Applicable Versions
rethinkdb Applicable Versions
riak Applicable Versions
riak-cs Applicable Versions
riemann2 Applicable Versions
rippled Applicable Versions
rkhunter Applicable Versions
rkt Applicable Versions
robot Applicable Versions
ros Applicable Versions
roundcube Applicable Versions
rsyslog_ng Applicable Versions
ruby-enterprise-install Applicable Versions
ruby-env-cookbook Applicable Versions
ruby-ng Applicable Versions
ruby_install Applicable Versions
ruby_pkg Applicable Versions
ruby_rvm Applicable Versions
rundeck-alt Applicable Versions
rvm Applicable Versions
rvm_fw Applicable Versions
rvm_io Applicable Versions
sai_nrpe Applicable Versions
sai_sensu Applicable Versions
salt Applicable Versions
samhain Applicable Versions
sanitize Applicable Versions
sanity Applicable Versions
sc-mongodb Applicable Versions
scipy Applicable Versions
scout Applicable Versions
search_helpers Applicable Versions
selenium_grid Applicable Versions
sensu Applicable Versions
sensu_admin Applicable Versions
sensu_spec Applicable Versions
server-base Applicable Versions
serverdensity Applicable Versions
shinken Applicable Versions
shorewall_ng Applicable Versions
signalsciences Applicable Versions
sikulix Applicable Versions
simple-mailcatcher Applicable Versions
simple-scala-sbt Applicable Versions
simple_consul_alerts Applicable Versions
simple_passenger Applicable Versions
singularity Applicable Versions
sinopia Applicable Versions
sips-office-server Applicable Versions
sk_ruby Applicable Versions
skype-app Applicable Versions
skype-daemon Applicable Versions
snu-sumologic Applicable Versions
soa_tools Applicable Versions
sogo Applicable Versions
solr Applicable Versions
solrcloud Applicable Versions
sonarr Applicable Versions
sonic-nodejs Applicable Versions
sox_mp3 Applicable Versions
spartan_loggly_rsyslog Applicable Versions
sphinx Applicable Versions
spigot Applicable Versions
spinen-artifactory Applicable Versions
spotify Applicable Versions
sshd-service Applicable Versions
stack-base Applicable Versions
stack-marathon Applicable Versions
stack_commons Applicable Versions
stackstorm Applicable Versions
stackup-base Applicable Versions
steam Applicable Versions
stegosoc Applicable Versions
storj Applicable Versions
storm-cluster Applicable Versions
stow Applicable Versions
strongloop Applicable Versions
stumpwm Applicable Versions
sublime-text Applicable Versions
sudo_consul Applicable Versions
sudo_elastic Applicable Versions
sudo_logstash Applicable Versions
sugarcrm-ce Applicable Versions
supermarket Applicable Versions
swftools Applicable Versions
sysdig Applicable Versions
system Applicable Versions
takipi Applicable Versions
taskwarrior Applicable Versions
taurus Applicable Versions
td-agent Applicable Versions
telegraf Applicable Versions
teleport-ce Applicable Versions
tentacool Applicable Versions
terraria Applicable Versions
tgw_uwsgi Applicable Versions
threatstack Applicable Versions
thruk Applicable Versions
thumbor Applicable Versions
thumbor_ng Applicable Versions
tideways Applicable Versions
tinc Applicable Versions
tomcat-all Applicable Versions
tomcat-openam Applicable Versions
tomcat-solr Applicable Versions
tomoyo Applicable Versions
tonicdns Applicable Versions
topbeat Applicable Versions
tor-full Applicable Versions
toran Applicable Versions
trafficserver Applicable Versions
tungsten Applicable Versions
tunnel Applicable Versions
tutum Applicable Versions
twemproxy Applicable Versions
twindb-repo Applicable Versions
typesafe-stack Applicable Versions
ubuntu Applicable Versions
uchiwa Applicable Versions
unattended-upgrades Applicable Versions
unifi Applicable Versions
unifi-video Applicable Versions
unimrcp Applicable Versions
uptime_cloud_monitor Applicable Versions
ut_base Applicable Versions
ut_workstation Applicable Versions
vagabond Applicable Versions
vagrant-node-simple Applicable Versions
valgrind Applicable Versions
varnish Applicable Versions
varnish_ng Applicable Versions
varnishd Applicable Versions
verdaccio Applicable Versions
vim-go Applicable Versions
virtualbox Applicable Versions
virtualbox-install Applicable Versions
vlc Applicable Versions
vmware-tools Applicable Versions
vmwaretools Applicable Versions
vs_code Applicable Versions
vsphere_perl_sdk Applicable Versions
vxfld Applicable Versions
wazuh Applicable Versions
wazuh_agent Applicable Versions
wazuh_manager Applicable Versions
webgoat Applicable Versions
webmin Applicable Versions
webobjects Applicable Versions
wildfly Applicable Versions
wkhtmltopdf Applicable Versions
wkhtmltopdf-update Applicable Versions
worldcommunitygrid Applicable Versions
x2go-client Applicable Versions
x2go-server Applicable Versions
xrdp Applicable Versions
xvfb Applicable Versions
yarn Applicable Versions
zabbix-agent Applicable Versions
zabbix3 Applicable Versions
zabbix_agent Applicable Versions
zabbix_lwrp Applicable Versions
zabbix_ng Applicable Versions
zend Applicable Versions
zend-server Applicable Versions
zendserver Applicable Versions
zenoss Applicable Versions
zentyal Applicable Versions
zeromq Applicable Versions
zfs_linux Applicable Versions
zncrypt Applicable Versions
zookeeper Applicable Versions
zookeeper_cluster Applicable Versions
zookeeperd Applicable Versions
zotonic Applicable Versions
zshell Applicable Versions

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