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yum (97) Versions 5.0.1

Configures various yum components on Red Hat-like systems

cookbook 'yum', '= 5.0.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'yum', '= 5.0.1'
knife supermarket install yum
knife supermarket download yum
Quality 100%

yum Cookbook

Build Status Cookbook Version

The Yum cookbook exposes the yum_globalconfig resource which allows a user to control global yum behavior. This resources aims to allow the user to configure all options listed in the yum.conf man page, found at



  • RHEL/CentOS and derivatives
  • Fedora


  • Chef 12.14+


  • none



This renders a template with global yum configuration parameters. The default recipe uses it to render /etc/yum.conf. It is flexible enough to be used in other scenarios, such as building RPMs in isolation by modifying installroot.


yum_globalconfig '/my/chroot/etc/yum.conf' do
  cachedir '/my/chroot/etc/yum.conf'
  keepcache 'yes'
  debuglevel '2'
  installroot '/my/chroot'
  action :create


yum_globalconfig can take most of the same parameters as a yum_repository, plus more, too numerous to describe here. Below are a few of the more commonly used ones. For a complete list, please consult the yum.conf man page, found here:

  • cachedir - Directory where yum should store its cache and db files. The default is '/var/cache/yum'.
  • keepcache - Either true or false. Determines whether or not yum keeps the cache of headers and packages after successful installation. Default is false
  • debuglevel - Debug message output level. Practical range is 0-10. Default is '2'.
  • exclude - List of packages to exclude from updates or installs. This should be a space separated list. Shell globs using wildcards (eg. * and ?) are allowed.
  • installonlypkgs = List of package provides that should only ever be installed, never updated. Kernels in particular fall into this category. Defaults to kernel, kernel-bigmem, kernel-enterprise, kernel-smp, kernel-debug, kernel-unsupported, kernel-source, kernel-devel, kernel-PAE, kernel-PAE-debug.
  • logfile - Full directory and file name for where yum should write its log file.
  • exactarch - Either true or false. Set to true to make 'yum update' only update the architectures of packages that you have installed. ie: with this enabled yum will not install an i686 package to update an x86_64 package. Default is true
  • gpgcheck - Either true or false. This tells yum whether or not it should perform a GPG signature check on the packages gotten from this repository.


This resource is now provided by chef-client 12.14 and later and has been removed from this cookbook. If you require this resource we highly recommend upgrading your chef-client, but if that is not an option you can pin the 4.X yum cookbook.


  • default - Configures yum_globalconfig[/etc/yum.conf] with values found in node attributes at node['yum']['main']
  • dnf_yum_compat - Installs the yum package using dnf on Fedora systems to provide support for the package resource in recipes. This is necessary on chef-client < 12.18. This recipe should be 1st on a Fedora runlist


The following attributes are set by default

default['yum']['main']['cachedir'] = '/var/cache/yum/$basearch/$releasever'
default['yum']['main']['keepcache'] = false
default['yum']['main']['debuglevel'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['exclude'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['logfile'] = '/var/log/yum.log'
default['yum']['main']['exactarch'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['obsoletes'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['installonly_limit'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['installonlypkgs'] = nil
default['yum']['main']['installroot'] = nil

For Amazon platform nodes,

default['yum']['main']['releasever'] = 'latest'

Recipes from older versions of this cookbook have been moved individual cookbooks. Recipes for managing platform yum configurations and installing specific repositories can be found in one (or more!) of the following cookbook.

  • yum-centos
  • yum-fedora
  • yum-amazon
  • yum-epel
  • yum-elrepo
  • yum-repoforge
  • yum-ius
  • yum-percona
  • yum-pgdg


Put depends 'yum' in your metadata.rb to gain access to the yum_repository resource.

License & Authors

Copyright:: 2011 Eric G. Wolfe
Copyright:: 2013-2017 Chef Software, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

CVE-2015-0235 Applicable Versions
abiquo Applicable Versions
ajenti Applicable Versions
amazon_s3cmd Applicable Versions
appcanary Applicable Versions
asf Applicable Versions
askbot Applicable Versions
asterisk Applicable Versions
auditbeat Applicable Versions
automatic_updates Applicable Versions
bamboo-agent Applicable Versions
baseserver Applicable Versions
bash-it Applicable Versions
bazaar Applicable Versions
bittorrent Applicable Versions
blackfire Applicable Versions
bosun Applicable Versions
boundary-meter Applicable Versions
boundary_meter Applicable Versions
bprobe Applicable Versions
cassandra-dse Applicable Versions
cdap Applicable Versions
centos-preupg Applicable Versions
centos-test Applicable Versions
ceph Applicable Versions
ceph-chef Applicable Versions
chef-bareos Applicable Versions
chef-grafana Applicable Versions
chef-manageiq Applicable Versions
chef-mongodb Applicable Versions
chef-yum-docker Applicable Versions
chef_nginx Applicable Versions
chrome Applicable Versions
cinc-build-support Applicable Versions
circonus-broker Applicable Versions
clamav Applicable Versions
cloudinsight-agent Applicable Versions
cloudless-box Applicable Versions
cloudpassage Applicable Versions
cloudstack Applicable Versions
confluent-cookbook Applicable Versions
confluent-platform Applicable Versions
conjur Applicable Versions
cookbook-openshift3 Applicable Versions
cookbook-openshift3 0.0.1
cookbook-openshift3 1.0.2
cookbook-openshift3 1.0.3
cookbook-openshift3 1.0.4
cookbook-openshift3 1.0.5
cookbook-openshift3 1.0.6
cookbook-openshift3 1.0.7
cookbook-openshift3 1.0.8
cookbook-openshift3 1.0.9
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.0
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.1
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.2
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.3
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.4
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.5
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.6
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.7
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.8
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.9
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.10
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.11
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.12
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.13
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.14
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.15
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.16
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.17
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.18
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.19
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.62
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.63
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.64
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.66
cookbook-openshift3 1.10.67
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.5
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.6
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.7
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.9
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.10
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.12
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.13
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.14
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.15
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.18
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.19
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.20
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.21
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.22
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.23
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.24
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.26
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.27
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.28
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.29
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.32
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.33
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.41
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.42
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.43
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.44
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.45
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.46
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.47
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.48
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.49
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.50
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.51
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.52
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.53
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.54
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.55
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.57
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.58
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.60
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.62
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.63
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.64
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.65
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.66
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.68
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.69
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.71
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.72
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.74
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.75
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.76
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.77
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.82
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.83
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.85
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.86
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.88
cookbook-openshift3 2.0.90
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.0
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.1
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.2
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.3
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.4
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.5
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.6
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.7
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.8
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.9
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.11
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.13
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.14
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.17
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.18
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.19
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.21
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.23
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.24
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.25
cookbook-openshift3 2.1.26
coopr Applicable Versions
corosync Applicable Versions
corosync-cookbook Applicable Versions
couchbase Applicable Versions
couchbase-ng Applicable Versions
couchdb Applicable Versions
crenv Applicable Versions
datadog Applicable Versions
dbench Applicable Versions
ddrelease Applicable Versions
diamond Applicable Versions
dirsrv Applicable Versions
docker Applicable Versions
dotnet-core Applicable Versions
dse Applicable Versions
ejabberd Applicable Versions
elastic-heartbeat Applicable Versions
elastic_beats_repo Applicable Versions
elastic_repo Applicable Versions
elasticsearch Applicable Versions
elasticsearch-cluster Applicable Versions
elasticsearch-curator Applicable Versions
elasticsearch-ng Applicable Versions
elkstack Applicable Versions
embulk Applicable Versions
enstratius_agent_proxy Applicable Versions
erlang Applicable Versions
et_mesos Applicable Versions
eucalyptus Applicable Versions
fabio Applicable Versions
fail2ban Applicable Versions
filebeat Applicable Versions
filezilla Applicable Versions
fish-shell Applicable Versions
fog_gem Applicable Versions
fping Applicable Versions
freeswitch Applicable Versions
frog Applicable Versions
fuse Applicable Versions
galera-platform Applicable Versions
ganeti Applicable Versions
gantbox Applicable Versions
gecode Applicable Versions
gflags Applicable Versions
git Applicable Versions
gitlab Applicable Versions
gitlab-ci-runner Applicable Versions
gitlab-server Applicable Versions
gkrellmd Applicable Versions
gliderlabs_registrator Applicable Versions
gluster Applicable Versions
glusterfs Applicable Versions
goaccess Applicable Versions
gocd Applicable Versions
google-authenticator Applicable Versions
grafana Applicable Versions
grafana2 Applicable Versions
hadoop Applicable Versions
hadoop_cluster_rpm Applicable Versions
hdp-cloud Applicable Versions
hello_world_circleci_deploy_example Applicable Versions
hem Applicable Versions
hhvm Applicable Versions
hipchat_client Applicable Versions
htop Applicable Versions
httpie Applicable Versions
ibm-power Applicable Versions
ibm_mq Applicable Versions
icinga-ng Applicable Versions
icinga2 Applicable Versions
icinga2repo Applicable Versions
imply-platform Applicable Versions
incron Applicable Versions
influxdb Applicable Versions
ipynb Applicable Versions
irssi Applicable Versions
jenkins Applicable Versions
jenkins-repo Applicable Versions
jolicode-php Applicable Versions
k8s Applicable Versions
katello Applicable Versions
keycloak Applicable Versions
ldapknife Applicable Versions
letsencrypt-boulder-server Applicable Versions
libffi Applicable Versions
librato Applicable Versions
libxml2 Applicable Versions
libxslt Applicable Versions
logdna Applicable Versions
logentries_agent Applicable Versions
logentries_ng Applicable Versions
logstash Applicable Versions
logstash-forwarder Applicable Versions
logstash_forwarder Applicable Versions
lshw Applicable Versions
lsyncd Applicable Versions
lumenvox Applicable Versions
lxmpbox Applicable Versions
mackerel-agent Applicable Versions
magento Applicable Versions
magentostack Applicable Versions
marathon Applicable Versions
mariadb Applicable Versions
mcollective Applicable Versions
memcached Applicable Versions
memcached-cookbook Applicable Versions
mesos Applicable Versions
metricbeat Applicable Versions
minecraft Applicable Versions
mod_security Applicable Versions
mongodb Applicable Versions
mongodb-lib Applicable Versions
mongodb3 Applicable Versions
mono Applicable Versions
mono3 Applicable Versions
mono4 Applicable Versions
mosh Applicable Versions
mssqltools Applicable Versions
my_cookbook Applicable Versions
mysqld Applicable Versions
nagios Applicable Versions
neo4j Applicable Versions
netdevops Applicable Versions
netuitive Applicable Versions
newrelic Applicable Versions
newrelic-sysmond Applicable Versions
newrelic_meetme_plugin Applicable Versions
nexus Applicable Versions
nginx Applicable Versions
nginx-repo Applicable Versions
nodejs Applicable Versions
nodestack Applicable Versions
nsis Applicable Versions
ocserv Applicable Versions
omnibus Applicable Versions
omsa Applicable Versions
oneapm-ci-agent Applicable Versions
openbazaar Applicable Versions
opennms Applicable Versions
openresty Applicable Versions
openstack-clients Applicable Versions
openstack-common Applicable Versions
openvpn Applicable Versions
openvpnas Applicable Versions
opsview Applicable Versions
opsview_client Applicable Versions
os-hardening Applicable Versions
packagecloud Applicable Versions
packetbeat Applicable Versions
papertrail Applicable Versions
paramount Applicable Versions
patchman Applicable Versions
pdns Applicable Versions
percona Applicable Versions
percona-toolkit Applicable Versions
percona-tools Applicable Versions
perforce Applicable Versions
pertino Applicable Versions
pg Applicable Versions
pg-multi Applicable Versions
php-fpm Applicable Versions
phpstack Applicable Versions
pipeline Applicable Versions
pita Applicable Versions
platformstack Applicable Versions
poise-ruby Applicable Versions
postfix-dovecot Applicable Versions
postgis Applicable Versions
postgresql Applicable Versions
prometheus Applicable Versions
prosody Applicable Versions
protobuf Applicable Versions
pxe Applicable Versions
python Applicable Versions
pythonstack Applicable Versions
qpdf Applicable Versions
qpid Applicable Versions
rabbitmq Applicable Versions
rackspace_cloud_monitoring Applicable Versions
rackspace_cloudbackup Applicable Versions
rackspace_gluster Applicable Versions
rackspace_iptables Applicable Versions
rackspace_monitoring Applicable Versions
rackspace_support Applicable Versions
realmd-sssd Applicable Versions
redhat Applicable Versions
repose Applicable Versions
rethinkdb Applicable Versions
riak Applicable Versions
riak-cs Applicable Versions
riemann2 Applicable Versions
rkhunter Applicable Versions
rkt Applicable Versions
ruby-enterprise-install Applicable Versions
ruby-env-cookbook Applicable Versions
ruby_install Applicable Versions
rundeck Applicable Versions
rundeck-alt Applicable Versions
rundeck-server Applicable Versions
runit Applicable Versions
salt Applicable Versions
sc-mongodb Applicable Versions
scipy Applicable Versions
scl Applicable Versions
scout Applicable Versions
search_helpers Applicable Versions
selenium_grid Applicable Versions
selinux_policy Applicable Versions
sensu Applicable Versions
sensu_spec Applicable Versions
server-base Applicable Versions
serverdensity Applicable Versions
siege Applicable Versions
software-collections Applicable Versions
solr_6 Applicable Versions
sonarqube_server Applicable Versions
spacewalk-server Applicable Versions
sphinx Applicable Versions
ssmtp Applicable Versions
ssmtp2 Applicable Versions
stack_commons Applicable Versions
stackstorm Applicable Versions
stegosoc Applicable Versions
stenographer Applicable Versions
supermarket Applicable Versions
sysdig Applicable Versions
takipi Applicable Versions
taurus Applicable Versions
td-agent Applicable Versions
teamforge Applicable Versions
telegraf Applicable Versions
terraria Applicable Versions
threatstack Applicable Versions
thruk Applicable Versions
tideways Applicable Versions
tizen Applicable Versions
tomoyo Applicable Versions
topbeat Applicable Versions
tor-full Applicable Versions
toran Applicable Versions
tutum Applicable Versions
twindb-repo Applicable Versions
typesafe-stack Applicable Versions
uchiwa Applicable Versions
ut_base Applicable Versions
varnish Applicable Versions
varnish_ng Applicable Versions
virtualbox Applicable Versions
vlc Applicable Versions
vmware-tools Applicable Versions
vmwaretools Applicable Versions
wazuh Applicable Versions
wazuh_agent Applicable Versions
wazuh_manager Applicable Versions
webmin Applicable Versions
wildfly Applicable Versions
x2go Applicable Versions
xbuild Applicable Versions
xrdp Applicable Versions
xvfb Applicable Versions
yum-amazon Applicable Versions
yum-atomic Applicable Versions
yum-atrpms Applicable Versions
yum-bareos Applicable Versions
yum-centos Applicable Versions
yum-chef Applicable Versions
yum-cloudstack-apt-get Applicable Versions
yum-corporate Applicable Versions
yum-dell Applicable Versions
yum-docker Applicable Versions
yum-duosecurity Applicable Versions
yum-elasticsearch Applicable Versions
yum-elrepo Applicable Versions
yum-epel Applicable Versions
yum-erlang_solutions Applicable Versions
yum-fedora Applicable Versions
yum-gitlab-ce Applicable Versions
yum-grafana Applicable Versions
yum-hp Applicable Versions
yum-influxdb Applicable Versions
yum-ius Applicable Versions
yum-jenkins Applicable Versions
yum-jpackage Applicable Versions
yum-kubernetes Applicable Versions
yum-mysql-community Applicable Versions
yum-newrelic Applicable Versions
yum-nginx Applicable Versions
yum-nodesource Applicable Versions
yum-oracle Applicable Versions
yum-osuosl Applicable Versions
yum-passenger Applicable Versions
yum-percona Applicable Versions
yum-pgdg Applicable Versions
yum-plugin-versionlock Applicable Versions
yum-powerdns Applicable Versions
yum-pydio Applicable Versions
yum-rabbitmq Applicable Versions
yum-remi Applicable Versions
yum-remi-chef Applicable Versions
yum-repoforge Applicable Versions
yum-scl Applicable Versions
yum-virtualbox Applicable Versions
yum-vmware-tools Applicable Versions
yum-webtatic Applicable Versions
yum-zabbix Applicable Versions
yum_dag Applicable Versions
yum_mesosphere Applicable Versions
yum_mysql_community Applicable Versions
yum_utils Applicable Versions
yumrepo Applicable Versions
yumserver Applicable Versions
zabbix Applicable Versions
zabbix-agent Applicable Versions
zabbix3 Applicable Versions
zendserver Applicable Versions
zenoss Applicable Versions
zeromq Applicable Versions
zfsonlinux Applicable Versions
zncrypt Applicable Versions
zookeeperd Applicable Versions

yum Cookbook CHANGELOG

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the yum cookbook.

5.0.1 (2017-04-06)

  • Switch from Rake testing to Local Delivery
  • Rename kitchen-docker to kitchen-dokken
  • Update apache2 license string
  • use true/false vs. TrueClass and FalseClass in the resource

5.0.0 (2017-02-12)

Breaking changes

  • Removed the yum_repository resource and instead require chef-client 12.14 or later, which has the yum repository functionality built in. This resolves Chef 13 compatibility warnings for any cookbook with the yum cookbook.

Other changes

  • Convert yum_globalconfig from an LWRP to a custom resource

4.2.0 (2017-02-12)

  • Make cache in the DNF compat recipe
  • Fix fastestmirror_enabled.
  • Require Chef 12.1 not 12.0
  • Convert to Inspec

4.1.0 (2016-10-21)

  • Purge yum cache before removing a repo not after

4.0.0 (2016-09-06)

  • Remove support for Chef 11

3.13.0 (2016-09-06)

  • Add deprecation warning for add/remove actions, which were replaced with create/delete in Yum 3.0
  • Remove support for Chef 10

v3.12.0 (2016-08-25)

  • Fixing baseurl to support multiple urls
  • Modify releasever attribute for Amazon to match Amazon's default policy for releasever

v3.11.0 (2016-06-01)

  • Install yum at compile time in the dnf compatibility recipe
  • Add IBM zlinux as a supported platform in the metadata
  • Use cookstyle instead of rubocop to provide a consistent linting experience

v3.10.0 (2016-02-04)

  • Add a new sensitive attribute to the repository resource so prevent writing the diff of the config to Chef output / logs
  • Update testing dependencies and remove the Guardfile / Guard dependencies

v3.9.0 (2016-01-14)

  • Added dnf_yum_compat recipe to ensure yum is installed on Fedora systems for Chef package resource compatibility. This will no longer be necessary when native dnf package support ships in chef-client.

v3.8.2 (2015-10-28)

  • # 141 - Replace clean_headers with clean_metadata

v3.8.1 (2015-10-28)

  • Fixing up Chef13 deprecation warnings

v3.8.0 (2015-10-13)

  • adding clean_headers boolean property to yum_resource
  • restoring Chef 10 backwards compat for the sake of ChefSpec
  • (unique resource names needed to avoid cloning)
  • Fixing localpkg_gpgcheck values

v3.7.1 (2015-09-08)

  • # 135 - reverting "yum clean headers" as it breaks dnf compat

v3.7.0 (2015-09-05)

  • Adding deltarpm toggle
  • Cleaning 'headers' rather than 'all'

v3.6.3 (2015-07-13)

  • Normalizing sslverify option rendering behavior
  • Setting default value on the resource to nil
  • Explictly setting string to render in template if value is supplied
  • Behavior should default to "True", per man page

v3.6.2 (2015-07-13)

  • Adding -y to makecache, to import key when repo_gpgcheck = true.
  • Accepting Integer value for max_retries

v3.6.1 (2015-06-04)

  • Executing yum clean before makecache
  • Adding repo_gpgcheck

v3.6.0 (2015-04-23)

  • Adding "yum clean" before "yum makecache" in yum_repository :create
  • Adding why_run support to yum_globalconfig

v3.5.4 (2015-04-07)

  • Changing tolerant config line to stringified integer

v3.5.3 (2015-01-16)

  • Adding reposdir to globalconfig template

v3.5.2 (2014-12-24)

  • Fixing redhat-release detection for Redhat 7

v3.5.1 (2014-11-24)

  • Reverting management of ca-certificates because EL5 was broken

v3.5.0 (2014-11-24)

  • Adding management of ca-certificates package to yum_repository provider

v3.4.1 (2014-10-29)

  • Run yum-makecache only_if new_resource.enabled
  • Allow setting of reposdir in global yum config and man page
  • Change default 'obsoletes' behavior to match yum defaults

v3.4.0 (2014-10-15)

  • Dynamically generate the new_resource attributes

v3.3.2 (2014-09-11)

  • Fix globalconfig resource param for http_caching

v3.3.1 (2014-09-04)

  • Fix issue with sslverify if set to false
  • Add fancy badges

v3.3.0 (2014-09-03)

  • Adding tuning attributes for all supported resource parameters
  • Adding options hash parameter
  • Adding (real) rhel-6.5 and centos-7.0 to test-kitchen coverage
  • Updating regex for mirror_expire and mirrorlist_expire to include /\d+[mhd]$/
  • Updating README so keepcache reflects reality (defaults to false)
  • Changing 'obsoletes' behavior in globalconfig resource to match
  • default behavior. (now defaults to nil, yum defaults to false)
  • Adding makecache action to repository resource
  • Adding mode parameter to repository resource. Defaults to '0644'.

v3.2.4 (2014-08-20)

  • # 82 - Adding a makecache parameter

v3.2.2 (2014-06-11)

  • 77 - Parameter default to be Trueclass instead of "1"

  • 78 - add releasever parameter

v3.2.0 (2014-04-09)

  • [COOK-4510] - Adding username and password parameters to node attributes
  • [COOK-4518] - Fix Scientific Linux distroverpkg

v3.1.6 (2014-03-27)

  • [COOK-4463] - support multiple GPG keys
  • [COOK-4364] - yum_repository delete action fails

v3.1.4 (2014-03-12)

  • [COOK-4417] Expand test harness to encompass 32-bit boxes

v3.1.2 (2014-02-23)

Fixing bugs around :delete action and cache clean Fixing specs to cover :remove and :delete aliasing properly Adding Travis-ci build matrix bits

v3.1.0 (2014-02-13)

  • Updating testing harness for integration testing on Travis-ci
  • Adding and Guardfile
  • PR #67 - Add skip_if_unvailable repository option
  • PR #64 - Fix validation of 'metadata_expire' option to match documentation
  • [COOK-3591] - removing from repo template rendering
  • [COOK-4275] - Enhancements to yum cookbook
  • Adding full spec coverage
  • Adding support for custom source template to yum_repository

v3.0.8 (2014-01-27)

Fixing typo in default.rb. yum_globalconfig now passes proxy attribute correctly.

v3.0.6 (2014-01-27)

Updating default.rb to consume node['yum']['main']['proxy']

v3.0.4 (2013-12-29)


  • COOK-4156 - yum cookbook creates a yum.conf with "cachefir" directive


Updating globalconfig provider for Chef 10 compatability


3.0.0 Major rewrite with breaking changes. Recipes broken out into individual cookbooks yum_key resource has been removed yum_repository resource now takes gpgkey as a URL directly yum_repository actions have been reduced to :create and :delete 'name' has been changed to repositoryid to avoid ambiguity chefspec test coverage gpgcheck is set to 'true' by default and must be explicitly disabled


Reverting to Ruby 1.8 hash syntax.


[COOK-3275] LWRP repository.rb :add method fails to create yum repo in some cases which causes :update to fail Amazon rhel



  • [COOK-3025] - Allow per-repo proxy definitions



  • COOK-3689 - Fix warnings about resource cloning
  • COOK-3574 - Add missing "description" field in metadata



  • COOK-3145 - Use correct download URL for epel key_url


New Feature

  • [COOK-2924]: Yum should allow type setting in repo file



  • [COOK-2360]: last commit to yum_repository changes previous behaviour
  • [COOK-3015]: Yum cookbook test minitest to fail



  • [COOK-2741]: yum::elrepo
  • [COOK-2946]: update tests, test kitchen support in yum cookbook


  • [COOK-2639]: Yum cookbook - epel - always assumes url is a mirror list
  • [COOK-2663]: Yum should allow metadata_expire setting in repo file
  • [COOK-2751]: Update yum.ius_release version to 1.0-11


  • [COOK-2189] - yum::ius failed on install (caused from rpm dependency)
  • [COOK-2196] - Make includepkgs and exclude configurable for each repos
  • [COOK-2244] - Allow configuring caching using attributes
  • [COOK-2399] - yum cookbook LWRPs fail FoodCritic
  • [COOK-2519] - Add priority option to Yum repo files
  • [COOK-2593] - allow integer or string for yum priority
  • [COOK-2643] - don't use conditional attribute for yum_key remote_file


  • [COOK-2045] - add remi repository recipe
  • [COOK-2121] - add :create action to yum_repository


  • [COOK-2037] - minor style fixes
  • [COOK-2038] - updated README


  • [COOK-1908] - unable to install repoforge on CentOS 6 32 bit


  • [COOK-1758] - Add default action for repository resource


This version changes the behavior of the EPEL recipe (most commonly used in other Chef cookbooks) on Amazon, and removes an attribute, node['yum']['epel_release']. See the README for details.

  • [COOK-1772] - Simplify management of EPEL with LWRP


mirrorlist in the yum_repository LWRP must be set to the mirror list URI to use rather than setting it to true. See

  • [COOK-1088] - use for EPEL to prevent redirects
  • [COOK-1653] - fix mirrorlist
  • [COOK-1710] - support http proxy
  • [COOK-1722] - update IUS version


  • [COOK-1521] - add :update action to yum_repository


  • [COOK-1204] - Make 'add' default action for yum_repository
  • [COOK-1351] - option to not make the yum cache (via attribute)
  • [COOK-1353] - x86_64 centos path fixes
  • [COOK-1414] - recipe for repoforge


  • Updated README to remove git diff artifacts.


  • Default action for the yum_repository LWRP is now add.
  • [COOK-1227] - clear Chefs internal cache after adding new yum repo
  • [COOK-1262] - yum::epel should enable existing repo on Amazon Linux
  • [COOK-1272], [COOK-1302] - update RPM file for CentOS / RHEL 6
  • [COOK-1330] - update cookbook documentation on excludes for yum
  • [COOK-1346] - retry remote_file for EPEL in case we get an FTP mirror


  • [COOK-825] - epel and ius remote_file should notify the rpm_package to install


  • [COOK-675] - add recipe for handling EPEL repository
  • [COOK-722] - add recipe for handling IUS repository


  • Remove yum update in default recipe, that doesn't update caches, it updates packages installed.

Collaborator Number Metric

5.0.1 passed this metric

Contributing File Metric

5.0.1 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

5.0.1 passed this metric

License Metric

5.0.1 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

5.0.1 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

5.0.1 passed this metric

Version Tag Metric

5.0.1 passed this metric