Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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git (85) Versions 2.0.0

Installs git and/or sets up a Git server daemon

cookbook 'git', '= 2.0.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'git', '= 2.0.0'
knife supermarket install git
knife supermarket download git
Quality -%


Installs git and optionally sets up a git server as a daemon under runit.



The following platform families are supported:

  • Debian
  • Arch
  • RHEL
  • Fedora
  • Mac OS X (10.6.0+)
  • Windows


  • runit (for git::server)
  • build-essential (for git::source)
  • dmg (for OS X installation)
  • yum (for RHEL 5 installation)



Installs base git packages based on platform.


Sets up a git daemon to provide a server.


Installs git from source.


This cookbook primarily installs git core packages. It can also be
used to serve git repositories.

include_recipe "git::server"

This creates the directory /srv/git and starts a git daemon, exporting
all repositories found. Repositories need to be added manually, but
will be available once they are created.

License and Author

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

build-essential >= 0.0.0
dmg >= 0.0.0
runit >= 0.0.0
yum >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

amoeba_basenode Applicable Versions
apache2-git-site Applicable Versions
apache2_odin_auth Applicable Versions
appbox Applicable Versions
application_git Applicable Versions
askbot Applicable Versions
babushka Applicable Versions
baggage Applicable Versions
bamboo Applicable Versions
baragon Applicable Versions
base_image Applicable Versions
baseserver Applicable Versions
bash-it Applicable Versions
berkshelf-api Applicable Versions
better-chef-rundeck Applicable Versions
bitbucket_server Applicable Versions
buildkite Applicable Versions
burp Applicable Versions
cabot Applicable Versions
camo Applicable Versions
carbon Applicable Versions
cdo Applicable Versions
cgit Applicable Versions
chef-manageiq Applicable Versions
chef-server Applicable Versions
chef-teamcity Applicable Versions
chefdk_bootstrap Applicable Versions
cloudfoundry Applicable Versions
cloudless-box Applicable Versions
cookbook_pusher Applicable Versions
cq-unix-toolkit Applicable Versions
crenv Applicable Versions
cups Applicable Versions
dbench Applicable Versions
dev_env Applicable Versions
devstack Applicable Versions
dfu-util Applicable Versions
diamond Applicable Versions
diamond_lwrp Applicable Versions
diaspora Applicable Versions
docker Applicable Versions
docker-etcd-registrator Applicable Versions
docker_registry Applicable Versions
dokku Applicable Versions
doozer Applicable Versions
ds_opencv Applicable Versions
dynomite Applicable Versions
elastalert Applicable Versions
elite Applicable Versions
elixir Applicable Versions
errbit Applicable Versions
errbit-server Applicable Versions
et_fog Applicable Versions
etcd Applicable Versions
etckeeper Applicable Versions
eulipion-slate Applicable Versions
ffmpeg Applicable Versions
fieri Applicable Versions
fivem Applicable Versions
foreman Applicable Versions
gallery Applicable Versions
gem_specific_install Applicable Versions
gerrit Applicable Versions
ghost Applicable Versions
giraffe Applicable Versions
git-ssh-server Applicable Versions
git_dwk Applicable Versions
git_user Applicable Versions
github-enterprise Applicable Versions
github-users Applicable Versions
github_backup Applicable Versions
gitlab Applicable Versions
gitlab-server Applicable Versions
gitlab-shell Applicable Versions
gitolite-server Applicable Versions
go_chef Applicable Versions
golang Applicable Versions
gpac Applicable Versions
grafana Applicable Versions
graphene Applicable Versions
graphite-influxdb Applicable Versions
graphite_lwrp Applicable Versions
greenscreen Applicable Versions
hem Applicable Versions
homesick Applicable Versions
httplivestreamsegmenter Applicable Versions
hubot Applicable Versions
huginn Applicable Versions
iotop Applicable Versions
iptables_web Applicable Versions
ipxe Applicable Versions
ish Applicable Versions
jenkins-server Applicable Versions
jenkins_build Applicable Versions
jenkins_drupal Applicable Versions
jenkins_utils Applicable Versions
jently Applicable Versions
jenv Applicable Versions
justinaiken_dotfiles Applicable Versions
kibana5-gm Applicable Versions
kibana_lwrp Applicable Versions
libfdk_aac Applicable Versions
libvpx Applicable Versions
lmctfy Applicable Versions
logstash Applicable Versions
logster Applicable Versions
magentostack Applicable Versions
mater Applicable Versions
mcrouter Applicable Versions
metarepo Applicable Versions
modcloth-hubot Applicable Versions
mono Applicable Versions
mono3 Applicable Versions
mono4 Applicable Versions
mozilla-firefox-accounts Applicable Versions
mozilla-firefox-sync Applicable Versions
mozilla-sync Applicable Versions
mplayer Applicable Versions
multichain Applicable Versions
ndenv Applicable Versions
node Applicable Versions
node_build Applicable Versions
nodebrew Applicable Versions
nodenv Applicable Versions
nodestack Applicable Versions
npm_registry Applicable Versions
nvm Applicable Versions
oclint Applicable Versions
oh-my-zsh Applicable Versions
ohmage Applicable Versions
omnibus Applicable Versions
openbazaar Applicable Versions
opencart Applicable Versions
openresty Applicable Versions
opensmtpd Applicable Versions
openstack-mistral Applicable Versions
pa11y Applicable Versions
particle-cli Applicable Versions
pdns Applicable Versions
pentester Applicable Versions
phpcpd Applicable Versions
phpcs Applicable Versions
phpdcd Applicable Versions
phpstack Applicable Versions
phpunit Applicable Versions
pipeline Applicable Versions
pita Applicable Versions
platformstack Applicable Versions
plexconnect Applicable Versions
poise-ruby-build Applicable Versions
pythonstack Applicable Versions
rackops_rolebook Applicable Versions
radiant Applicable Versions
rails_application Applicable Versions
razor Applicable Versions
rbenv Applicable Versions
rbenv-gemset Applicable Versions
riak Applicable Versions
ruby-install Applicable Versions
ruby_build Applicable Versions
s3fs-c Applicable Versions
screen Applicable Versions
sensu Applicable Versions
sickrage Applicable Versions
signalfx Applicable Versions
singularity Applicable Versions
sitecore Applicable Versions
skyline Applicable Versions
sockstat Applicable Versions
stackstorm Applicable Versions
stash Applicable Versions
statsd Applicable Versions
statsd-centos7 Applicable Versions
statsite Applicable Versions
stoplight Applicable Versions
sugar_crm Applicable Versions
sugarcrm Applicable Versions
sugarcrm-ce Applicable Versions
sugarcrm_ce Applicable Versions
supermarket Applicable Versions
symfony Applicable Versions
symfony_project Applicable Versions
tarsnap Applicable Versions
taskwarrior Applicable Versions
teampass Applicable Versions
tig Applicable Versions
uptime Applicable Versions
ut_base Applicable Versions
vagrant-node-simple Applicable Versions
varnishd Applicable Versions
vim-go Applicable Versions
vim_config Applicable Versions
vs_code Applicable Versions
vslinko Applicable Versions
winbox Applicable Versions
x264 Applicable Versions
xbuild Applicable Versions
yajsw Applicable Versions
yasm Applicable Versions
zabbix-ruby-client Applicable Versions
zeromq Applicable Versions
zerovm Applicable Versions

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