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teampass (1) Versions 0.1.1

Installs/Configures teampass a collaborative password management site

cookbook 'teampass', '~> 0.1.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'teampass', '~> 0.1.1'
knife supermarket install teampass
knife supermarket download teampass
Quality 17%


Teampass is a collaborative password manager that runs on a LAMP stack. It offers role based access control for more granular control of who has access to certain folders or password items. It supports ldap/Active Directory and google multi factor authentication systems.


  • Apache
  • MySQL
  • PHP version 5.3 or higher
  • PHP extension “mcrypt” enabled


  • For LDAP, PHP extension “LDAP” enabled
  • chef-vault is used by this cookbook for ssl certificate management
  • mod-ssl and mod-rewrite apache2 modules if SSL is used
  • rsync and an rsyncd role:backup-server if "[teampass::backup]" recipe is used


  • Ubuntu 12.04+
  • Debian 7.0+


Requires community site cookbooks: openssl, mysql, database, git, php, apache2, and chef-vault cookbooks. See Attributes and Usage for more information.


Teampass Core Attributes

  • node['teampass']['dir'] - The install directory which is also served via Apache2 (default "/var/www/teampass")
  • node['teampass']['version'] - The Teampass version to install (default "2.1.19")
  • node['teampass']['gitrepo'] - Git repository for Teampass install files (default "git://")

Database Attributes

  • node['teampass']['database_mysql'] - if true the database recipe will run on the same server which installs MySQL, creates a database for Teampass, and creates a user with grants allowing it to modify its own database. if false we won't do any of this, you will have to manage databases and grants yourself
  • node['teampass']['dbname'] - MySQL Database name to use for this teampass installation (defaults to "teampassdb")
  • node['teampass']['dbuser'] - Username teampass will use when communicating with a local or remote MySQL server (defaults to "teampassadmin")
  • node['teampass']['dbpass'] - Teampass user's MySQL database password randomly generated by OpenSSL and stored in the node data
  • node['teampass']['dbhost'] - Hostname teampass will use when communicating with a local or remote MySQL server (defaults to "localhost"). If a remote server is used you will be left to setup the database name and grants yourself.

Chef Vault Attributes

  • node['teampass']['usechefvault'] - Toggle whether to use chef-vault for SSL certificate management or not. If "false" you will need to install certificates by your own means (default is "true").
  • node['teampass']['vaultitem'] - This is used to set the name of the encrypted data bag created and managed by chef-vault. When using wildcard certs this might be selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert.

Web/Apache/SSL Attributes

  • node['teampass']['wwwname'] - Hostname users will use to reach this teampass installation (default is "")
  • node['teampass']['email'] - Email address of the Teampass site administrator (defaults to "")
  • node['teampass']['webserver_apache2'] - Toggle whether to install and configure Apache2 for the Teampass install or to perform no webserver installation at all (default is "true" to install Apache2). No webserver installed means it is being left to the user to install/configure some other webserver.
  • node['teampass']['sslcertdir'] - Directory containing SSL certificates, keys, and CA/Intermediary certificates (default "/etc/apache2/ssl")
  • node['teampass']['sslcertfile'] - The PEM formatted SSL certificate file used in HTTPS communications (default /etc/apache2/ssl/selfsigned_wildcard.pem)
  • node['teampass']['sslkeyfile'] - The SSL certificate private key file used in HTTPS communications (default /etc/apache2/ssl/selfsigned_wildcard.key)
  • node['teampass']['sslchainfile'] - The PEM formatted SSL certificate file used in HTTPS communications to complete the chain of trust between web browsers, web servers, and your chosen Certificate Authorities (default /etc/apache2/ssl/selfsigned_wildcard_cacert.pem)

Teampass Backup Attributes

  • node['teampass']['backup_dir'] - If you use the [teampass::backup] recipe it can automatically generate snapshots of databases and Teampass files and upload them to an rsync server. Support for this comes from the [opscode-backup] cookbook which has a sensible provider for rsync based backups..
  • node['teampass']['backup_schedule'] - 5 cron values in the min, hour, day of month, month, day of week schedule format (default 0 23 * * * which is every night at 11PM ). See


First thing read the SSL Certificates section below and get some vault items created with your preferred type of certificate.

See the 'examples/roles/teampass-server.json' file in this cookbook as a role example, copy to your roles directory, and modify as desired. Apply this 'teampass-server' role to the run_list of a node you want to apply it to.

Run chef-client to execute the teampass cookbook. If the cookbook is using chef-vault to manage certificate installation and it has errors make sure to check ithe Chef Vault section below for more details. For chef-client to converge cleanly you need to have chef-vault encrypted data bags installed in a "vault" data bag with the vaultitem attribute storing its name, and the chef client as seen from the chef server needs to have permission to decrypt the vault item. Work through these issues until you can run chef-client without error.

At this point you have a working apache2 webserver and a mysql database and user with permissions to do things to that database but no schema or data is loaded into the database yet. Go to http://TEAMPASSURL/install/install.php to begin the web based installation.

When you get to "Absolute path to SaltKey" use /var/www/teampass/current/secrets if you are installing to /var/www/teampass. If the cookbook worked correctly this dir should exist and be writable by the webserver. This phase of the installation will write the SaltKey php config into this secrets directory.

Once you are logged in as admin/admin create some folders, add a role, and adjust the general settings as needed. Once the basic installation is done the files/settings on disk for the local installation and teampass mysql database will not be managed by this cookbook.

SSL Certificates

If you already have commercial certificates setup override_attributes in a role for the following attributes: [:teampass][:vaultitem], and possibly [:teampass][:sslcertfile], [:teampass][:sslkeyfile], and [:teampass][:sslchainfile]. With the vaultitem name you should read the Chef Vault section below and learn about importing your certs into a chef vault encrypted data bag and how to manage access to it.

If you do not already have certs the sensu team had a great shell script and openssl.cnf for generating a Certificate Authority and self-signed certificate that I adopted and extended with wildcard domains and Subject Alternate Names (SAN, multiple domains and subdomain support). Generating ssl certificates for each server and/or service is tedious so instead use one that can be deployed everywhere that can be deployed quickly and without financial cost. If its compromised or you want to change certificates periodically just update the vault item and have chef-client deploy the new certificates.

To generate a new CA and wildcard cert edit examples/ssl/ and examples/ssl/certificates_ca/openssl.cnf (especially around words like 'example' and 'Example'), and then run generate to generate a CAcert/server certificate/key. This will produce a selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert.json file with all three items which can consumed by chef-vault (see Chef Vault section below), or encrypted/unencrypted data bags in your own wrapper cookbook.

If you do use to generate certs be sure to copy the public CAcert file examples/ssl/certificates_ca/cacert.pem some place safe and maybe attach it to an internal wiki page. It can be imported into web browsers like Firefox and Chrome as an "authority" and this completes the browser SSL chain of trust verification check so the browser bar turns green and doesn't display warnings to the user and requiring manual acceptance of an untrusted certificate.

Chef Vault

I think its the best chef pattern for secrets management right now. You don't have to copy keyfiles to servers to be used with encrypted data bags and instead use the client keys of servers/people on the chef server. You can control who can access the credentials and chef-vault knife commands + json files is a workable framework for automating password changes for me.

'gem install chef-vault' to install it. Probably a good idea to read some chef vault documentation or web sites but I'll include a few quick tips below.

If you have your own commercial certs copy the examples/vault/selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert.json and use it as an example template for creating a .json file to be ingested with chef vault. Once you have made a customized wildcard_yourdomain_com_ssl_cert.json import it with this command:

knife encrypt create vault wildcard_yourdomain_com_ssl_cert --json ./wildcard_yourdomain_com_ssl_cert.json \
--search 'roles:base' --admins admin,youruser,user1,user2 --mode client

If you are using the selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert.json run something like this:

knife encrypt create vault selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert --json ./selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert.json \
--search 'roles:base' --admins admin,youruser,user1,user2 --mode client

Use some other list of users or scope of servers as you see fit. Note that you can always 'knife data bag list' and 'knife data bag show' commands around the vault you will notice for each vault item 2 data bags are created. The one with _keys in the name always shows the list of users and servers with permissions to decrypt the chef vault data.

To decrypt the vault stored on the server:

knife decrypt vault selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert --mode client

To decrypt and store the vault stored on the server as json:

knife decrypt vault selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert --mode client -Fj > selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert.json

Gotcha #1: Expect chef-client runs on new servers to fail! Because chef vault stores a list of clients and servers, when a new server is added you need to update that client list to include it with a 'knife encrypt update'. My hope is this will get better in time. This is a 'chicken before egg' problem right now.

knife encrypt update vault selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert --search 'roles:base' --json \
./selfsigned_wildcard_ssl_cert.json --admins admin,youruser,user1 --mode client


Chef does not have much to do with any ldap support here aside from installing a php ldap library. Below are just a few tips I'll share around openldap in particular:

I run an openldap server on the same node that runs teampass and after installing Teampass 2.1.19 I go to the LDAP settings as admin and set them like this:

ldap server type: posix / openldap (rfc2307)
ldap base dn for your domain: dc=domain,dc=com
ldap array of domain controllers: localhost

With the above configuration an ldap authentication request is sent as uid=myusername,ou=People,dc=domain,dc=com which works for one of my configurations. Enable debugging on your LDAP client/server to troubleshoot this further.

Unfortunately the first time a user logs in they will not be a members of any roles. Give new users a default password, login to teampass once as them to create the local account stub, then with an admin account in the webui grant that user membership to the appropriate roles as you see fit, and they can change their password to a personal one through some other means (no support for Teampass password changes modifying ldap).


Set the [:teampass][version] attribute as an override_attribute in a role like examples/roles/teampass-server.json to the desired version, upload it, and run chef-client on your Teampass server. This will install the new files to a different directory and updates the 'current' symlink to point at the new version so your web browser then tracks the new version.

Run a mysqldump to save your data. We will be running database schema updates shortly and its a good idea to get a snapshot in case we need to roll back to the old version which should be left behind.

Copy includes/settings.php and secrets/secrets/sk.php from the old Teampass version to the new version. Also go through the upload directory to see if you need to copy any of those files over. Take care to maintain file permissions and ownership when copying files over (they likely need to be writable by the apache2 user).

Go to http://TEAMPASSITE/install/upgrade.php and follow any instructions to update the database schema.


If you backup on your own be sure to keep a mysqldump of the database paired with the installation files used with it as some encrypted data in the database depends on a SALT value set in secrets/sk.php.

If you do not have your own mysql and file backup capabilities you can use the [teampass::backup] recipe which depends on the [opscode-backup] cookbook:

To enable backups add the recipe[teampass::backup] recipe to a node or role and run 'chef-client' on it. This assumes you have setup a "role:backup-server" node in your environment which runs the "opscode-backup::server" recipe. You will need a data bag named 'secrets' with a data bag name matching your chef_environment (which was _default for me). So I created this with knife data bag create secrets _defaults and used something similar to the JSON below:

$ knife data bag show secrets _default -Fj
  "id": "_default",
  "rsyncd_password": "SomeReallyLongAndHopefullyExtraSecretSecret"

This cookbook depends on the 'opscode-backup' cookbook and allows for flexible pre/post hooks around rsync copying a local directory to an rsync server. The pre hook shell script run by a [:teampass][:backup] client generates a tarball for the 'teampass' mysql database, the 'mysql' mysql database, and all of the teampass files.

When restoring the data you probably should skip the db-mysql-#DATE.sql.gz file as chef and these cookbooks should recreate a new user and new passwords. That file is mostly captured to be thorough so we can see any mysql grants in the database if we needed to do so.

License and Authors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

php >= 0.0.0
apache2 >= 0.0.0
mysql >= 0.0.0
openssl >= 0.0.0
database >= 0.0.0
git >= 0.0.0
chef-vault >= 0.0.0
opscode-backup >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

Collaborator Number Metric

0.1.1 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

0.1.1 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Foodcritic Metric

0.1.1 failed this metric

FC064: Ensure issues_url is set in metadata: teampass/metadata.rb:1
FC065: Ensure source_url is set in metadata: teampass/metadata.rb:1
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: teampass/metadata.rb:1
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata: teampass/metadata.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 16.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any

No Binaries Metric

0.1.1 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

0.1.1 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

0.1.1 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number