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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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platformstack (31) Versions 1.4.3

Provides Rackspace base platform and managed support

cookbook 'platformstack', '= 1.4.3', :supermarket
cookbook 'platformstack', '= 1.4.3'
knife supermarket install platformstack
knife supermarket download platformstack
Quality 100%

Stories in Ready
Build Status


This cookbook installs and sets up commonly used things that we consider useful or standard (such as setting the timezone to UTC).

This cookbook is intended to install things that are NOT specific to DevOps support level at Rackspace. Contrast this with rackops_rolebook cookbook which performs configuration specifically for DevOps customers.

general notes

Most things can be toggled with an enabled attribute and some things are disabled by default. We lock down openssh pretty hard by default as well.

rackspace services

If you wish to use rackspace_cloudbackup or cloud monitoring you will need to set the following attributes:


specific notes


  • We only start iptables if node['platformstack']['rackconnect'] is false
  • We set up the rackconnect user and enable password auth via openssh if node['platformstack']['rackconnect'] is true
  • We allow ssh from the world by default (controled by the node['platformstack']['iptables']['allow_ssh_from_world'] attribute


Fairly simple and set by the node['platformstack']['locale'] attribute


Sets up monitoring for the following by default:
- cpu
- disk
- load
- memory
- network
- filesystem
- for non-memory type filesystems by default
- service
- only enabled if set up via the node['platformstack']['cloud_monitoring']['service']['name'] attribute

You can set the period and timeout along with the critical and warning thresholds via attributes, as well as configure custom monitors. Check the cloud_monitoring attributes file for more info.


Sets the timezone to UTC by default.

We run last in the run list via a notification / ruby_block trick to run last so that we can collect all overrides for node attributes.

This cookbook sets up the following (default disabled will be noted by a '*')
- apt:: default if debian
- locale
- ntp
- timezone
- auto-patching
- chef-client
- postfix
- newrelic (if license exists)
- rackspace_cloudbackup
- *statsd
- *logstash_rsyslog client
- *client-rekey
- omnibus_updater
- monitors
- iptables
- openssh

Dependent cookbooks

apt >= 0.0.0
auto-patch >= 0.0.0
chef-client >= 0.0.0
chef-sugar >= 0.0.0
client-rekey >= 0.0.0
consul >= 0.0.0
newrelic >= 0.0.0
motd-tail >= 0.0.0
ntp >= 0.0.0
ohai >= 0.0.0
omnibus_updater >= 0.0.0
openssh >= 0.0.0
postfix >= 0.0.0
rackspace_cloudbackup >= 0.0.0
rackspace_iptables >= 0.0.0
rsyslog >= 0.0.0
statsd >= 0.0.0
sudo >= 0.0.0
timezone-ii >= 0.0.0
user >= 0.0.0
yum >= 0.0.0
elkstack >= 0.0.0
logstash_commons >= 0.0.0
elasticsearch >= 0.0.0
java >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

elkstack Applicable Versions
jenkinsstack Applicable Versions
magentostack Applicable Versions
nodestack Applicable Versions
phpstack Applicable Versions
pythonstack Applicable Versions
rackops_rolebook Applicable Versions
stack_commons Applicable Versions


  • Add missing dependency (wasn't an error since elkstack depends on it, but still)
  • Add a hash to use to configure custom logstash


  • Guard more of elkstack execution to be sure we don't do anything too early, undoes part of 1.4.2


  • Remove logic that is already in elkstack::agent


  • Bump to re-release due to Supermarket upload concerns


  • Allow wrappers to supply additional custom monitors (always intended, but wasn't implemented)

Foodcritic Metric

1.4.3 passed this metric