Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

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Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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Graham Stewart's Cookbooks

  • supervisor 0.4.12

    17% Updated August 16, 2014

    Installs supervisor and provides resources to configure services

    cookbook 'supervisor', '~> 0.4.12'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
    • smartos >= 0.0.0
  • timezone-ii 0.2.0

    17% Updated February 18, 2013

    Configure the system timezone on Linux systems

    cookbook 'timezone-ii', '~> 0.2.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • gentoo >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
  • tomcat 5.0.19

    50% Updated July 15, 2024

    Installs Apache Tomcat and manages the service

    cookbook 'tomcat', '~> 5.0.19'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • suse >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
    • zlinux >= 0.0.0
    • opensuseleap >= 0.0.0
  • tomcat6 0.5.4

    33% Updated January 16, 2011

    Installs and configures all aspects of tomcat6 using custom local installation

    cookbook 'tomcat6', '~> 0.5.4'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
  • ubuntu 3.0.3

    33% Updated May 4, 2020

    Sets up apt sources for Ubuntu Linux

    cookbook 'ubuntu', '~> 3.0.3'
    Supported Platforms
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
  • ucspi-tcp 1.3.0

    17% Updated January 29, 2021

    Installs ucspi-tcp

    cookbook 'ucspi-tcp', '~> 1.3.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • arch >= 0.0.0
  • users 8.1.20

    50% Updated May 3, 2024

    Creates users from a databag search

    cookbook 'users', '~> 8.1.20'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • freebsd >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • suse >= 0.0.0
    • mac_os_x >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
    • opensuse >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
    • aix >= 0.0.0
    • zlinux >= 0.0.0
    • opensuseleap >= 0.0.0
  • varnish 5.0.19

    50% Updated May 3, 2024

    Installs and configures varnish

    cookbook 'varnish', '~> 5.0.19'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
  • vim 3.0.1

    50% Updated May 20, 2024

    Installs vim and optional extra packages.

    cookbook 'vim', '~> 3.0.1'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • suse >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
    • opensuse >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
    • zlinux >= 0.0.0
    • opensuseleap >= 0.0.0
  • windows 7.0.2

    17% Updated January 5, 2021

    Provides a set of useful Windows-specific primitives.

    cookbook 'windows', '~> 7.0.2'
    Supported Platforms
    • windows >= 0.0.0
  • wordpress 3.0.0

    33% Updated October 19, 2015

    Installs/Configures WordPress

    cookbook 'wordpress', '~> 3.0.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • windows >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
  • xfs 2.0.1

    33% Updated March 24, 2016

    Installs packages for working with XFS

    cookbook 'xfs', '~> 2.0.1'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
  • xml 3.1.2

    17% Updated May 31, 2017

    Installs xml

    cookbook 'xml', '~> 3.1.2'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • freebsd >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • suse >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
  • yum 7.4.18

    50% Updated July 15, 2024

    Configures various yum components on Red Hat-like systems

    cookbook 'yum', '~> 7.4.18'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
    • zlinux >= 0.0.0
  • yumrepo 3.0.0

    0% Updated January 30, 2014
    Deprecated in favor of yum-corporate

    Installs and configures EPEL, ELFF, Dell, and VMware yum repositories.

    cookbook 'yumrepo', '~> 3.0.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 5.0
    • redhat >= 5.0
    • scientific >= 5.0
    • amazon >= 5.0
    • oracle >= 5.0
  • zip 1.1.0

    17% Updated September 27, 2013

    Installs zip and unzip

    cookbook 'zip', '~> 1.1.0'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
  • zlib 2.0.2

    33% Updated March 24, 2016

    Installs zlib

    cookbook 'zlib', '~> 2.0.2'
    Supported Platforms
    • centos >= 0.0.0
    • fedora >= 0.0.0
    • debian >= 0.0.0
    • ubuntu >= 0.0.0
    • redhat >= 0.0.0
    • suse >= 0.0.0
    • arch >= 0.0.0
    • scientific >= 0.0.0
    • amazon >= 0.0.0
    • oracle >= 0.0.0
    • mint >= 0.0.0
    • raspbian >= 0.0.0