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ruby_build (49) Versions 0.6.0

Manages the ruby-build framework and its installed rubies. A LWRP is also defined.

cookbook 'ruby_build', '= 0.6.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'ruby_build', '= 0.6.0'
knife supermarket install ruby_build
knife supermarket download ruby_build
Quality -%

<a name="description"></a> Description

Manages the [ruby-build][rb_site] framework and its installed Rubies.
A lightweight resources and providers (LWRP) is also defined.

<a name="requirements"></a> Requirements

<a name="requirements-chef"></a> Chef

Tested on 0.10.4 but newer and older version should work just
fine. File an issue if this isn't the case.

<a name="requirements-platform"></a> Platform

The following platforms have been tested with this cookbook, meaning that
the recipes and LWRPs run on these platforms without error:

  • ubuntu (10.04)

Please report any additional platforms so they can be added.

<a name="requirements-cookbooks"></a> Cookbooks

There are no external cookbook dependencies. However, if you are
installing JRuby then a Java runtime will need to be installed.
The Opscode java cookbook can be used on supported platforms.

<a name="installation"></a> Installation

Depending on the situation and use case there are several ways to install
this cookbook. All the methods listed below assume a tagged version release
is the target, but omit the tags to get the head of development. A valid
Chef repository structure like the Opscode repo is also assumed.

<a name="installation-platform"></a> From the Opscode Community Platform

To install this cookbook from the Opscode platform, use the knife command:

knife cookbook site install ruby_build

<a name="installation-librarian"></a> Using Librarian

The Librarian gem aims to be Bundler for your Chef cookbooks.
Include a reference to the cookbook in a Cheffile and run
librarian-chef install. To install with Librarian:

gem install librarian
cd chef-repo
librarian-chef init
cat >> Cheffile < 'git://', :ref => 'v0.6.0'
librarian-chef install

<a name="installation-kgc"></a> Using knife-github-cookbooks

The knife-github-cookbooks gem is a plugin for knife that supports
installing cookbooks directly from a GitHub repository. To install with the

gem install knife-github-cookbooks
cd chef-repo
knife cookbook github install fnichol/chef-ruby_build/v0.6.0

<a name="installation-gitsubmodule"></a> As a Git Submodule

A common practice (which is getting dated) is to add cookbooks as Git
submodules. This is accomplishes like so:

cd chef-repo
git submodule add git:// cookbooks/ruby_build
git submodule init && git submodule update

Note: the head of development will be linked here, not a tagged release.

<a name="installation-tarball"></a> As a Tarball

If the cookbook needs to downloaded temporarily just to be uploaded to a Chef
Server or Opscode Hosted Chef, then a tarball installation might fit the bill:

cd chef-repo/cookbooks
curl -Ls | tar xfz - && \
  mv fnichol-chef-ruby_build-* ruby_build

<a name="usage"></a> Usage

Simply include recipe[ruby_build] in your run_list to have ruby-build
installed. You will also have access to the ruby_build_ruby resource. See
the Resources and Providers section for more details.

<a name="recipes"></a> Recipes

<a name="recipes-default"></a> default

Installs the ruby-build codebase and initializes Chef to use the Lightweight
Resources and Providers (LWRPs).

<a name="attributes"></a> Attributes

<a name="attributes-git-url"></a> git_url

The Git URL which is used to install ruby-build.

The default is "git://".

<a name="attributes-git-ref"></a> git_ref

A specific Git branch/tag/reference to use when installing ruby-build. For
example, to pin ruby-build to a specific release:

node['ruby_build']['git_ref'] = "v20111030"

The default is "master".

<a name="attributes-default-ruby-base-path"></a> default_ruby_base_path

The default base path for a system-wide installed Ruby. For example, the
following resource:

ruby_build_ruby "1.9.3-p0"

will be installed into
"#{node['ruby_build']['default_ruby_base_path']}/1.9.3-p0" unless a
prefix_path attribute is explicitly set.

The default is "/usr/local/ruby".

<a name="attributes-upgrade"></a> upgrade

Determines how to handle installing updates to the ruby-build framework.
There are currently 2 valid values:

  • "none", false, or nil: will not update ruby-build and leave it in its current state.
  • "sync" or true: updates ruby-build to the version specified by the git_ref attribute or the head of the master branch by default.

The default is "none".

<a name="lwrps"></a> Resources and Providers

<a name="lwrps-rbr"></a> ruby_build_ruby

<a name="lwrps-rbr-actions"></a> Actions

Action Description Default
install Build and install a Ruby from a definition file. See the ruby-build [readme][rb_readme] for more details. Yes
reinstall Force a recompiliation of the Ruby from source. The :install action will skip a build if the target install directory already exists.

<a name="lwrps-rbr-attributes"></a> Attributes

Attribute Description Default value
definition Name attribute: the name of a [built-in definition][rb_definitions] or the path to a ruby-build definition file. nil
prefix_path The path to which the Ruby will be installed. nil
user A user which will own the installed Ruby. The default value of nil denotes a system-wide Ruby (root-owned) is being targeted. Note: if specified, the user must already exist. nil
group A group which will own the installed Ruby. The default value of nil denotes a system-wide Ruby (root-owned) is being targeted. Note: if specified, the group must already exist. nil

<a name="lwrps-rbr-examples"></a> Examples

Install Ruby

ruby_build_ruby "1.9.3-p0" do
  prefix_path "/usr/local/ruby/ruby-1.9.3-p0"

  action      :install

ruby_build_ruby "jruby-1.6.5"

Note: the install action is default, so the second example is more common.

Install A Ruby For A User

ruby_build_ruby "maglev-1.0.0" do
  prefix_path "/home/deploy/.rubies/maglev-1.0.0"
  user        "deploy"
  group       "deploy"

Reinstall Ruby

ruby_build_ruby "rbx-1.2.4" do
  prefix_path "/opt/rbx-1.2.4"

  action      :reinstall

Note: the Ruby will be built whether or not the Ruby exists in the
prefix_path directory.

<a name="development"></a> Development

Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested.
Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make.

<a name="license"></a> License and Author

Author:: Fletcher Nichol (

Copyright 2011, Fletcher Nichol

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

aws-codedeploy-agent Applicable Versions
chruby Applicable Versions
errbit-server Applicable Versions
gitlab Applicable Versions
gitlab-shell Applicable Versions
gitlabhq Applicable Versions
ish Applicable Versions
minimart Applicable Versions
mw_application Applicable Versions
myusa Applicable Versions
noosfero Applicable Versions
polyglot Applicable Versions
redmine2 Applicable Versions
ruby_pkg Applicable Versions
ruby_rbenv Applicable Versions
sensu_admin Applicable Versions
server-base Applicable Versions
simple_passenger Applicable Versions
ut_workstation Applicable Versions

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