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line (86) Versions 2.0.2

Provides line editing resources for use by recipes

cookbook 'line', '= 2.0.2', :supermarket
cookbook 'line', '= 2.0.2'
knife supermarket install line
knife supermarket download line
Quality 83%

line cookbook

Build Status


Quite often, the need arises to do line editing instead of managing an entire file with a template resource. This cookbook supplies various resources that will help you do this.


  • The line resources processes the entire target file in memory. Trying to edit large files may fail.
  • The end of line processing was only tested using\n and \r\n. Using other line endings very well may not work.
  • The end of line string used needs to match the actual end of line used in the file \n and \r\n are used as the defaults but if they don't match the actual end of line used in the file the results will be weird.
  • Adding a line implies there is a separator on the previous line. Adding a line differs from appending characters.
  • Lines to be added should not contain EOL characters. The providers do not do multiline regex checks.
  • Missing file processing is the way it is by intention

    • add_to_list do nothing, list not found so there is nothing to add to.
    • append_if_no_line create file, add the line.
    • delete_from_list do nothing, the list was not found which implies there is nothing to delete
    • delete_lines do nothing, the line isn't there which implies there is nothing to delete
    • replace_or_add create file, add the line
  • Chef client version 13 or greater is expected. Some limited testing on Chef client 12 has been done and the cookbook seems to work. PRs for chef 12 support will be considered.


Add "depends 'line'" to your cookbook's metadata.rb to gain access to the resoures.

append_if_no_line "make sure a line is in some file" do
  path "/some/file"

replace_or_add "why hello" do
  path "/some/file"
  pattern "Why hello there.*"
  line "Why hello there, you beautiful person, you."

delete_lines "remove hash-comments from /some/file" do
  path "/some/file"
  pattern "^#.*"

delete_lines "remove hash-comments from /some/file with a regexp" do
  path "/some/file"
  pattern /^#.*/

replace_or_add "change the love, don't add more" do
  path "/some/file"
  pattern "Why hello there.*"
  line "Why hello there, you beautiful person, you."
  replace_only true

add_to_list "add entry to a list" do
  path "/some/file"
  pattern "People to call: "
  delim [","]
  entry "Bobby"

delete_from_list "delete entry from a list" do
  path "/some/file"
  pattern "People to call: "
  delim [","]
  entry "Bobby"

delete_lines 'remove from nonexisting' do
  path '/tmp/doesnotexist'
  pattern /^#/
  ignore_missing true

Resource Notes

So far, the only resources implemented are


Resource: append_if_no_line


Action Description
edit Append a line if it is missing.


Properties Description Type Values and Default
path File to update String Required, no default
line Line contents String Required, no default
ignore_missing Don't fail if the file is missing true or false Default is true
eol Alternate line end characters String default \n on unix, \r\n on windows
backup Backup before changing Boolean default false


This resource is intended to match the whole line exactly. That means if the file contains this is my line (trailing whitespace) and you've specified line "this is my line", another line will be added. You may want to use replace_or_add instead, depending on your use case.

Resource: replace_or_add


Action Description
edit Replace lines that match the pattern. Append the line unless a source line matches the pattern.


Properties Description Type Values and Default
path File to update String Required, no default
pattern Regular expression to select lines Regular expression or String Required, no default
line Line contents String Required, no default
replace_only Don't append only replace matching lines true or false Required, no default
ignore_missing Don't fail if the file is missing true or false Default is true
eol Alternate line end characters String default \n on unix, \r\n on windows
backup Backup before changing Boolean default false

Resource: delete_lines


Action Description
edit Delete lines that match the pattern.


Properties Description Type Values and Default
path File to update String Required, no default
pattern Regular expression to select lines Regular expression or String Required, no default
ignore_missing Don't fail if the file is missing true or false Default is true
eol Alternate line end characters String default \n on unix, \r\n on windows
backup Backup before changing Boolean default false


Removes lines based on a string or regex.

Resource: add_to_list


Action Description
edit Add an item to a list


Properties Description Type Values and Default
path File to update String Required, no default
pattern Regular expression to select lines Regular expression or String Required, no default
delim Delimiter entries Array Array of 1, 2 or 3 multi-character elements
entry Value to add String Required, No default
ends_with List ending String No default
ignore_missing Don't fail if the file is missing true or false Default is true
eol Alternate line end characters String default \n on unix, \r\n on windows
backup Backup before changing Boolean default false


If one delimiter is given, it is assumed that either the delimiter or the given search pattern will proceed each entry and each entry will be followed by either the delimiter or a new line character: People to call: Joe, Bobby delim [","] entry 'Karen' People to call: Joe, Bobby, Karen

If two delimiters are given, the first is used as the list element delimiter and the second as entry delimiters: my @net1918 = ("", ""); delim [", ", "\""] entry "" my @net1918 = ("", "", "");

if three delimiters are given, the first is used as the list element delimiter, the second as the leading entry delimiter and the third as the trailing delimiter: multi = ([310], [818]) delim [", ", "[", "]"] entry "425" multi = ([310], [818], [425])

end_with is an optional property. If specified a list is expected to end with the given string.

Resource: delete_from_list


Action Description
edit Delete an item from a list


Properties Description Type Values and Default
path File to update String Required, no default
pattern Regular expression to select lines Regular expression or String Required, no default
delim Delimiter entries Array Array of 1, 2 or 3 multi-character elements
entry Value to delete String Required, No default
ends_with List ending String No default
ignore_missing Don't fail if the file is missing true or false Default is true
eol Alternate line end characters String default \n on unix, \r\n on windows
backup Backup before changing Boolean default false


Delimiters works exactly the same way as add_to_list, see above.


  • Contributor: Mark Gibbons
  • Contributor: Dan Webb
  • Contributor: Sean OMeara
  • Contributor: Antek S. Baranski

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

al_agents Applicable Versions
apparmor Applicable Versions
autofs Applicable Versions
aws-kinesis-agent Applicable Versions
bash_history_timestamp Applicable Versions
cerner_splunk Applicable Versions
chamber-kibana Applicable Versions
checkmk Applicable Versions
chefdk_bootstrap Applicable Versions
cis-el7-l1-hardening Applicable Versions
codenamephp_chef Applicable Versions
dynatrace Applicable Versions
dynatrace-appmon Applicable Versions
elk Applicable Versions
elkstack Applicable Versions
fipsify Applicable Versions
fqdn Applicable Versions
hdp-cloud Applicable Versions
java Applicable Versions
jenkinsstack Applicable Versions
linux-tweak Applicable Versions
mondoo Applicable Versions
network_interfaces Applicable Versions
nfs Applicable Versions
nyan-cat Applicable Versions
ocserv Applicable Versions
openvpnas Applicable Versions
percona Applicable Versions
ps1 Applicable Versions
puncha-kibana Applicable Versions
pyload Applicable Versions
r1337-linux-users Applicable Versions
rails_ubuntu Applicable Versions
rc Applicable Versions
starship Applicable Versions
vpn Applicable Versions
websrv Applicable Versions
yum-plugin-versionlock Applicable Versions
zf2 Applicable Versions

line Cookbook CHANGELOG

v2.0.2 (2018-06-29)

  • Explicitly disallow embedded EOL characters in replacement and append lines

v2.0.1 (2018-06-01)

  • Tested on chef 12.13.37. Fix error caused by using the sensitive attribute. Sensitive true will always be used for chef 12.

v2.0.0 (2018-05-19)

  • Breaking change - Files are processed in memory instead of line by line. It's possible that large files that were previously updated by the line cookbook will not be able to be processed.
  • Breaking change - Drop Chef 12 support
  • Use template files instead of cookbook_file so that we get platform sensitive line endings written for testing.
  • Add windows support to add_to_list, append_if_no_line, delete_from_list, delete_lines, replace_or_add.
  • Make the processing of missing target files consistent. Add the ignore_missing property to the resources to allow a missing file to raise an error.
  • Clean up the order of some boiler plate code.
  • Create helper methods for some common resource functions.
  • Drop the OS helpers in favour os using platform_family?.

v1.2.0 (2018-04-18)

  • Add the ignore_missing option to the delete_lines and delete_from_list. Don't raise an error if the target file is missing.

v1.1.1 (2018-04-16)

  • Allow appending to an empty file.

v1.1.0 (2018-03-26)

  • Rework delete_lines to use file provider sub-resource.
  • Support matching with regexps in addition to strings with delete_lines.
  • Rework append_if_no_line to use file provider sub-resource.
  • Fix edge conditions around files-with-no-trailing-CR being fed to append_if_no_line.
  • Remove library helpers.
  • Remove the escape_regexp and escape_string methods in favour of native Regexp.escape

v1.0.6 (2018-03-23)

  • Add question mark to regular expression escape characters

v1.0.5 (2018-02-20)

  • Minor Testing updates
  • Remove custom matchers for ChefSpec. ChefDK 1 versions of ChefSpec will no longer work when unit testing against this cookbook.

v1.0.4 (2018-01-10)

  • Handle deleting items from a list using spaces as the delimeter

v1.0.3 (2017-08-22)

  • Add edge case tests for add_to_list
  • Handle the delete_lines, add_to_list, and delete_from_list resources when a missing file is specified.

v1.0.2 (2017-07-07)

  • Fix #58 Add resource locator matchers
  • Fix #59 Add resource matcher tests
  • Make cookstyle 2.0.0 fixes
  • Delete the unused minitest files
  • Clean up the file_ext inspec resource

v1.0.1 (2017-07-05)

  • Fix #53 append_if_no_line appends line always appends

v1.0.0 (2017-06-13)

  • Move cookbook to Sous-Chefs org
  • Move to using custom resources

v0.6.3 (2015-10-27)

  • Fixing Ruby and Chef deprecation warnings
  • Cleaning up tests a bit
  • Adding support for source_url and issues_url
  • delete_from_list resource

v0.6.2 (2015-07-15)

  • Catch lines missed by strict patterns
  • Add rspec tests for the replace_or_add provider. The existing chefspec tests don't step into the provider code and so don't check the provider functionality.
  • Change the Gemfile to reflect the need for berkshelf 3, chefspec v4.2, rspec 3 for the tests.
  • Update provider_replace_or_add to handle cases where the pattern does not match the replacement line.
  • Fix notification problem where updated_by_last_action was set when nothing changed.

v0.6.1 (2015-02-24)

  • Adding CHANGELOG
  • Adding ChefSpec matchers

Collaborator Number Metric

2.0.2 passed this metric

Contributing File Metric

2.0.2 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

2.0.2 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

2.0.2 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

2.0.2 passed this metric

Version Tag Metric

2.0.2 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number