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minitest-handler (30) Versions 0.2.0

Installs and configures minitest-chef-handler

cookbook 'minitest-handler', '= 0.2.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'minitest-handler', '= 0.2.0'
knife supermarket install minitest-handler
knife supermarket download minitest-handler
Quality -%

Cookbook: minitest-handler<br/>
Author: Bryan W. Berry<br/>
Author: Bryan McLellan<br/>
Author: David Petzel<br/>
Copyright: 2012 Opscode, Inc.<br/>
License: Apache 2.0<br/>


<a name="title"></a> minitest-handler Build Status

This cookbook utilizes the minitest-chef-handler project to facilitate
cookbook testing. By default, minitest-handler will collect all the
tests in your cookbook_path and run them.

minitest-chef-handler project:<br/>
stable minitest-handler cookbook:<br/>
minitest-handler cookbook development:<br/>

Note: Version 0.1.8 deprecated use of
files/default/tests/minitest/_test.rb and the location of support
files. Test files should now be located in
Note: Version 0.1.0 added a change that breaks backward compatibility. The minitest-handler now only loads<br/>
test files named "<recipe-name>_test.rb" rather than all test files in the path files/default/test/*_test.rb

If you have any helper libraries, they should match files/default/test/helper.rb


  • node[:minitest][:path] - Location to store and find tests, defaults to /var/chef/minitest
  • node[:minitest][:recipes] - defaults to empty and is populated with the names of all recipes included during the chef run, whether by insertion to the run_list, inclusion through a role, or added with include_recipe. If you only want tests for select recipes to run, override this value with the names of the recipes that you want tested.
  • node[:minitest][:filter] - filter test names on a pattern
  • node[:minitest][:seed] - set random seed
  • node[:minitest][:ci_reports] - path to write out the result of each test in a JUnit-compatible XML file, parseable by many CI platforms
  • node[:minitest][:tests] - Test files to run, defaults to **/*_test.rb


  • add 'recipe[minitest-handler]' somewhere on your run_list, preferably last
  • place tests in 'files/default/test/' with the name 'your-recipe-name_test.rb' (default recipe is named 'default_test.rb')
  • put any helper functions you have in files/default/test/spec_helper.rb but minitest-handler will ensure that you have access to any file that matches the glob files/test/*helper.rb



Traditional minitest

class TestApache2 < MiniTest::Chef::TestCase
  def test_that_the_package_installed
    case node[:platform]
    when "ubuntu","debian"
      assert system('apt-cache policy apache2 | grep Installed | grep -v none')

  def test_that_the_service_is_running
    assert system('/etc/init.d/apache2 status')

  def test_that_the_service_is_enabled
    assert File.exists?(Dir.glob("/etc/rc5.d/S*apache2").first)

Using minitest/spec

require 'minitest/spec'

describe_recipe 'ark::test' do

  it "installed the unzip package" do

  it "dumps the correct files into place with correct owner and group" do
    file("/usr/local/foo_dump/foo1.txt").must_have(:owner, "foobarbaz").and(:group, "foobarbaz")


For more detailed examples, see here

Testing this cookbook

This cookbook currently uses test-kitchen 1.0 and the
kitchen-lxc driver to run
tests. The easiest way to put everything in place for proper lxc
functioning is to install the vagabond gem and execute vagabond
. This command will run chef-solo to configure LXC and put the
proper LXC templates in place.

All tests are written using
BATS, which is essentially
bash. I did this because I did not want to use minitest-handler or
minitest-chef-handler to test itself. For more examples of bats than are in this cookbook, see
the chef-rvm, chef-ruby_build, and chef-rbenv cookbooks.

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