cookbook 'chef-client', '= 12.2.0'
(130) Versions
- 12.3.4
- 12.3.3
- 12.3.2
- 12.3.1
- 12.3.0
- 12.2.0
- 12.1.0
- 12.0.1
- 12.0.0
- 11.5.0
- 11.4.0
- 11.3.6
- 11.3.5
- 11.3.4
- 11.3.3
- 11.3.2
- 11.3.1
- 11.3.0
- 11.2.0
- 11.1.3
- 11.1.2
- 11.1.1
- 11.1.0
- 11.0.5
- 11.0.4
- 11.0.3
- 11.0.2
- 11.0.1
- 11.0.0
- 10.1.2
- 10.1.0
- 10.0.5
- 10.0.4
- 10.0.3
- 10.0.2
- 10.0.1
- 10.0.0
- 9.0.5
- 9.0.4
- 9.0.3
- 9.0.2
- 9.0.1
- 9.0.0
- 8.1.8
- 8.1.7
- 8.1.6
- 8.1.5
- 8.1.4
- 8.1.3
- 8.1.2
- 8.1.1
- 8.1.0
- 8.0.2
- 8.0.1
- 8.0.0
- 7.2.1
- 7.2.0
- 7.1.0
- 7.0.3
- 7.0.2
- 7.0.1
- 7.0.0
- 6.0.0
- 5.0.0
- 4.6.0
- 4.5.4
- 4.5.3
- 4.5.2
- 4.5.1
- 4.5.0
- 4.4.0
- 4.3.3
- 4.3.2
- 4.3.1
- 4.3.0
- 4.2.4
- 4.2.3
- 4.2.2
- 4.2.1
- 4.2.0
- 4.1.1
- 4.1.0
- 4.0.0
- 3.9.0
- 3.8.2
- 3.8.1
- 3.8.0
- 3.7.0
- 3.6.0
- 3.5.2
- 3.5.0
- 3.4.0
- 3.3.8
- 3.3.6
- 3.3.4
- 3.3.3
- 3.3.2
- 3.3.0
- 3.2.2
- 3.2.0
- 3.1.2
- 3.1.0
- 3.0.6
- 3.0.4
- 3.0.2
- 3.0.0
- 2.2.4
- 2.2.2
- 2.2.0
- 2.1.10
- 2.1.8
- 2.1.6
- 2.1.4
- 2.1.2
- 2.1.0
- 2.0.2
- 2.0.0
- 1.2.0
- 1.1.4
- 1.1.2
- 1.1.0
- 1.0.4
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.0
- 0.99.5
- 0.99.4
- 0.99.3
- 0.99.2
- 0.99.1
- 0.99.0
Manages client.rb configuration and chef-client service
cookbook 'chef-client', '= 12.2.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install chef-client
knife supermarket download chef-client
Chef Client Cookbook
This cookbook is used to configure a system to run the Chef Infra Client.
- AIX 6+
- Clear Linux
- Debian
- Fedora
- FreeBSD
- macOS
- openSUSE
- SLES 12+
- Solaris 10+
- Ubuntu
- Windows
- Chef 13.0+
- cron 2.0+
- logrotate 1.9.0+
The chef-client cookbook provides several resources for setting up Chef Infra Client to run on a schedule. When possible these resources should be used instead of the legacy attributes / recipes as these same resources will be included in Chef Infra Client 16+ out of the box.
The chef_client_scheduled_task resource setups up Chef Infra Client to run as a scheduled task on Windows. You can use this resource directly in any of your own recipes. Using this resource to configure Chef Infra Client running as a scheduled task allows you to control where you store the user credentials instead of storing them as node attributes. This is useful if you want to store these credentials in an encrypted databag or other secrets store.
- The username to run the task as. default: 'System' -
The password of the user to run the task as if not using the System user -
- Frequency with which to run the task (e.g., 'hourly', 'daily', etc.) Default is 'minute' -
Numeric value to go with the scheduled task frequency - default: '30' -
The start time for the task in HH:mm format (ex: 14:00). If thefrequency
default start time will
plus thefrequency_modifier
number of minutes. -
- The start date for the task inm:d:Y
format (ex: 12/17/2017). nil by default and isn't necessary if you're running a regular interval. -
- A random number of seconds between 0 and X to add to interval. default: '300' -
- The path to the Chef config directory. default: 'C:/chef' -
- The name of the log file. default: 'chef-client.log' -
- The path to the Chef log directory. default: 'CONFIG_DIRECTORY/log' -
- The path to the chef-client binary. default: 'C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client' -
- An optional array of extra options to pass to the chef-client -
- The name of the scheduled task. This allows for multiple chef_client_scheduled_task resources when it is used directly like in a wrapper cookbook. default: 'chef-client'
The chef_client_cron resource sets up Chef Infra Client to run as a cron job using a cron.d configuration file on Linux hosts or a job in /etc/crontab for other Unix operating systems. You can use this resource directly in any of your own recipes.
- The username to run the task as. default: 'root' -
- The minute that Chef Infra Client will run as a cron task. default: '0,30' (every 30 minutes) -
- The hour that Chef Infra Client will run as a cron task. default: '*' -
- The day that Chef Infra Client will run as a cron task. default: '*' -
- The month that Chef Infra Client will run as a cron task. default: '*' -
- The weekday that Chef Infra Client will run as a cron task. default: '*' -
- A comment to add to the cron file. -
- The e-mail address to e-mail any cron task failures to. -
- The name of the cron task to create. This allows you to have schedules with different options if necessary. default: 'chef-client' -
- A random number of seconds between 0 and X to add to interval. default: '300' -
- A hash of environment variables to pass to chef-client's execution (e.g.SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt chef-client
) -
- The path to the Chef config directory. default: '/etc/chef/' -
- The name of the log file. default: 'chef-client.log' -
- The path to the Chef log directory. default: '/var/log/chef' on *nix or '/Library/Logs/Chef' on macOS -
- Whether to append to the log. Default:true
chef-client output. -
- The path to the chef-client binary. default: '/opt/chef/bin/chef-client' -
- An optional array of extra command line options to pass to the chef-client
The chef_client_trusted_certificate allows you to add a certificate to Chef Infra Client's set of trusted certificates. This is helpful when adding internal certificates for systems that the Chef Infra Client will later need to communicate with using SSL. You can use this resource directly in any of your own recipes.
- The name on disk for the cert file. If not specified the resource name will be used (and .pem appended if necessary) -
- The text content of the certificate file
chef_client_trusted_certificate '' do certificate <<~CERT -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDeTCCAmGgAwIBAgIJAPziuikCTox4MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMGIxCzAJBgNV BAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRYwFAYDVQQHDA1TYW4gRnJhbmNp c2NvMQ8wDQYDVQQKDAZCYWRTU0wxFTATBgNVBAMMDCouYmFkc3NsLmNvbTAeFw0x OTEwMDkyMzQxNTJaFw0yMTEwMDgyMzQxNTJaMGIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYD VQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRYwFAYDVQQHDA1TYW4gRnJhbmNpc2NvMQ8wDQYDVQQK DAZCYWRTU0wxFTATBgNVBAMMDCouYmFkc3NsLmNvbTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEB BQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMIE7PiM7gTCs9hQ1XBYzJMY61yoaEmwIrX5lZ6xKyx2 PmzAS2BMTOqytMAPgLaw+XLJhgL5XEFdEyt/ccRLvOmULlA3pmccYYz2QULFRtMW hyefdOsKnRFSJiFzbIRMeVXk0WvoBj1IFVKtsyjbqv9u/2CVSndrOfEk0TG23U3A xPxTuW1CrbV8/q71FdIzSOciccfCFHpsKOo3St/qbLVytH5aohbcabFXRNsKEqve ww9HdFxBIuGa+RuT5q0iBikusbpJHAwnnqP7i/dAcgCskgjZjFeEU4EFy+b+a1SY QCeFxxC7c3DvaRhBB0VVfPlkPz0sw6l865MaTIbRyoUCAwEAAaMyMDAwCQYDVR0T BAIwADAjBgNVHREEHDAaggwqLmJhZHNzbC5jb22CCmJhZHNzbC5jb20wDQYJKoZI hvcNAQELBQADggEBAGlwCdbPxflZfYOaukZGCaxYK6gpincX4Lla4Ui2WdeQxE95 w7fChXvP3YkE3UYUE7mupZ0eg4ZILr/A0e7JQDsgIu/SRTUE0domCKgPZ8v99k3A vka4LpLK51jHJJK7EFgo3ca2nldd97GM0MU41xHFk8qaK1tWJkfrrfcGwDJ4GQPI iLlm6i0yHq1Qg1RypAXJy5dTlRXlCLd8ufWhhiwW0W75Va5AEnJuqpQrKwl3KQVe wGj67WWRgLfSr+4QG1mNvCZb2CkjZWmxkGPuoP40/y7Yu5OFqxP5tAjj4YixCYTW EVA0pmzIzgBg+JIe3PdRy27T0asgQW/F4TY61Yk= -----END CERTIFICATE----- CERT end
The following attributes affect the behavior of the chef-client program when running as a service through one of the service recipes, or in cron with the cron recipe, or are used in the recipes for various settings that require flexibility.
- SetsChef::Config[:interval]
via command-line option for number of seconds between chef-client daemon runs. Default 1800. -
- SetsChef::Config[:splay]
via command-line option for a random amount of seconds to add to interval. On windows, this value is used for the scheduled task's random delay. Default 300. -
- Sets the file name used to store chef-client logs. Default "client.log". -
- Sets directory used to store chef-client logs. Default "/var/log/chef". -
- Set options to logrotation of chef-client log file. Default['compress']
. -
- Set prerotate action for chef-client logrotation. Default tonil
. -
- Set postrotate action for chef-client logrotation. Default to chef-client service reload depending on init system. It should be empty to skip reloading chef-client service in case ifnode['chef_client']['systemd']['timer']
is true. -
- Sets directory used via command-line option to a location where chef-client search for the client config file . Default "/etc/chef". -
- Sets the full path to thechef-client
binary. Mainly used to set a specific path if multiple versions of chef-client exist on a system or the bin has been installed in a non-sane path. Default "/opt/chef/bin/chef-client". -
- Sets the full path to the PEM-encoded certificate trust store used bychef-client
when daemonized. If not set, default values are used. -
- The minute that chef-client will run as a cron task. See cron recipe -
- The hour that chef-client will run as a cron task. See cron recipe -
- The weekday that chef-client will run as a cron task. See cron recipe -
- Environment variables to pass to chef-client's execution (e.g.SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
chef-client) -
- Location to capture the log output of chef-client during the chef run. -
- Whether to append to the log. Default:false
chef-client output. -
- If true, use thecron_d
resource. If false (default), use the cron resource built-in to Chef. -
- If set,MAILTO
env variable is set for cron definition -
- If set, defines the scheduling priority for thechef-client
process. MUST be a value between -20 and 19. ONLY applies to *nix-style operating systems. -
- If true, reload Chef config of current Chef run whenclient.rb
template changes (defaults to true) -
- An array of additional options to pass to the chef-client service, empty by default, and must be an array if specified. -
- If true, uses systemd timer to run chef frequently instead of chef-client daemon mode (defaults to false). This only works on platforms where systemd is installed and used. -
- If configured, sets the systemd timeout. This might be useful to avoid stalled chef runs in the systemd timer setup. -
- The string to use for systemdRestart=
value when not running as a timer. Defaults toalways
. Other possible options:no, on-success, on-failure, on-abnormal, on-watchdog, on-abort
. -
- If configured, the string to use for the systemdKillMode=
value. This determines how PIDs spawned by the chef-client process are handled when chef-client PID stops. Options:control-group, process, mixed, none
. Systemd defaults tocontrol-group
when this is not specified. More information can be found on the systemd.kill man page. -
- Frequency with which to run thechef-client
scheduled task (e.g.,'hourly'
, etc.) Default is'minute'
. -
- Numeric value to go with the scheduled task frequency. Default isnode['chef_client']['interval'].to_i / 60
- The start time for the task inHH:mm
format (ex: 14:00). If thefrequency
default start time will
plus thefrequency_modifier
number of minutes. -
- The start date for the task inm:d:Y
format (ex: 12/17/2017). nil by default and isn't necessary if you're running a regular interval. -
- The user the scheduled task will run as, defaults to'SYSTEM'
. -
- The password for the user the scheduled task will run as, defaults tonil
because the default user,'SYSTEM'
, does not need a password. -
- The name of the scheduled task, defaults tochef-client
The following attributes are set on a per-platform basis, see the attributes/default.rb
file for default values.
- Sets up the client service based on the style of init system to use. Default is based on platform and falls back to'none'
. See service recipes. -
- Directory location where chef-client should write the PID file. Default based on platform, falls back to "/var/run". -
- Directory location forChef::Config[:file_cache_path]
where chef-client will cache various files. Default is unset as it causes problems on first chef runs. The default location is typically "/var/cache/cache" but could be different based on the platform. Use this attribute at your own risk. -
- Directory location forChef::Config[:file_backup_path]
where chef-client will backup templates and cookbook files. Default is based on platform, falls back to "/var/chef/backup". -
- How file staging (via temporary files) is done. When true, temporary files are created in the directory in which files will reside. When false, temporary files are created under ENV['TMP']. When set to:auto
it creates them in the destination directory, and falls back to the ENV['TMP'] directory when that is not possible. default value: chef-client default. This cookbook makes use of attribute-driven configuration with this attribute. See USAGE for examples. -
- (only for macOS) If set to'daemon'
, runs chef-client with-d
options; defaults to'interval'
. -
- (only for macOS) Sets the working directory for the launchd user (generallyroot
); defaults to/var/root
. -
- (only for macOS) Determines whether chef-client should attempt to:restart
itself when changes are made to the launchd plist during converge. Note that the current implementation ofmacosx_service
unloads the daemon, which stops the current chef-client run and requires an external process to resume the service. Defaults tofalse
. -
is set and running on a logrotate supported platform (debian, rhel, fedora family), use the following attributes to tune log rotation.-
- Number of rotated logs to keep on disk, default 12. -
- How often to rotate chef client logs, default weekly.
- A hash of Chef::Config keys and their values, rendered dynamically in/etc/chef/client.rb
- Hash of gems to load into chef via the client.rb filenode['ohai']['disabled_plugins']
- An array of ohai plugins to disable, empty by default, and must be an array if specified. Ohai 6 plugins should be specified as a string (ie. "dmi"). Ohai 7+ plugins should be specified as a symbol within quotation marks (ie. ":Passwd").node['ohai']['optional_plugins']
- An array of optional ohai plugins to enable, empty by default, and must be an array if specified. Ohai 6 plugins should be specified as a string (ie. "dmi"). Ohai 7+ plugins should be specified as a symbol within quotation marks (ie. ":Passwd").node['ohai']['plugin_path']
- An additional path to load Ohai plugins from. Necessary if you use the ohai_plugin resource in the Ohai cookbook to install your own ohai plugins.
Chef Client Config
For the most current information about Chef Client configuration, read the documentation..
- Set to 'accept' or 'accept-no-persist' to accept the license before upgrading to Chef 15. -
- The URL for the Chef server. -
- The name of the chef-validator key that is used by the chef-client to access the Chef server during the initial chef-client run. -
- Set the log level. Options: true, nil, and false. When this is set to false, notifications about individual resources being processed are suppressed (and are output at the :info logging level). Setting this to false can be useful when a chef-client is run as a daemon. Default value: nil. node['chef_client']['config']['rubygems_url']
- The location to source rubygems. It can be set to a string or array of strings for URIs to set as rubygems sources. This allows individuals to setup an internal mirror of rubygems for "airgapped" environments. Default value:
.See USAGE for how to set handlers with the
This section describes the recipes in the cookbook and how to use them in your environment.
Sets up the /etc/chef/client.rb
config file from a template and reloads the configuration for the current chef-client run.
See USAGE for more information on how the configuration is rendered with attributes.
service recipes
The chef-client::service
recipe includes one of the chef-client::INIT_STYLE_service
recipes based on the attribute, node['chef_client']['init_style']
. The individual service recipes can be included directly, too. For example, to use the init scripts, on a node or role's run list:
Use this recipe on systems that should have a chef-client
daemon running, such as when Knife bootstrap was used to install Chef on a new system.
- uses the init script included in this cookbook, supported on debian and redhat family distributions. -
- sets up the service under launchd, supported on macOS -
- prints a message about how to update BSD systems to enable the chef-client service. -
- sets up the service under systemd. Supported on systemd based distros.
Includes the chef-client::service
recipe by default on *nix platforms and the task recipe for Windows hosts.
Use this recipe to delete the validation certificate (default /etc/chef/validation.pem
) when using a chef-client
after the client has been validated and authorized to connect to the server.
Use this recipe to run chef-client as a cron job rather than as a service. The cron job runs after random delay that is between 0 and 90 seconds to ensure that the chef-clients don't attempt to connect to the chef-server at the exact same time. You should set node['chef_client']['init_style'] = 'none'
when you use this mode but it is not required.
Use this recipe to run chef-client on Windows nodes as a scheduled task. Without modifying attributes the scheduled task will run 30 minutes after the recipe runs, with each chef run rescheduling the run 30 minutes in the future. By default the job runs as the system user. The time period between runs can be modified with the default['chef_client']['task']['frequency_modifier']
attribute and the user can be changed with the default['chef_client']['task']['user']
and default['chef_client']['task']['password']
Use the recipes as described above to configure your systems to run Chef as a service via cron / scheduled task or one of the service management systems supported by the recipes.
The chef-client::config
recipe is only required with init style init
(default setting for the attribute on debian/redhat family platforms, because the init script doesn't include the pid_file
option which is set in the config.
If you wish to accept the Chef license before upgrading to Chef 15 you must use the chef-client::config
recipe or set the chef_license
value in your config manually. See Accepting the Chef license for more details or other ways to accept the license.
The config recipe is used to dynamically generate the /etc/chef/client.rb
config file. The template walks all attributes in node['chef_client']['config']
and writes them out as key:value pairs. The key should be the configuration directive. For example, the following attributes (in a role):
default_attributes( "chef_client" => { "config" => { "ssl_verify_mode" => ":verify_peer", "client_fork" => true } } )
will render the following configuration (/etc/chef/client.rb
chef_server_url "" validation_client_name "MYORG-validator" ssl_verify_mode :verify_peer node_name "config-ubuntu-1204" client_fork true
The chef_server_url
, node_name
and validation_client_name
are set by default in the attributes file from Chef::Config
. They are presumed to come from the knife bootstrap
command when setting up a new node for Chef. To set the node name to the default value (the node['fqdn']
attribute), it can be set false. Be careful when setting this or the Server URL, as those values may already exist.
As another example, to set HTTP proxy configuration settings. By default Chef will not use a proxy.
default_attributes( "chef_client" => { "config" => { "http_proxy" => "", "https_proxy" => "", "http_proxy_user" => "my_username", "http_proxy_pass" => "Awe_some_Pass_Word!", "no_proxy" => "*,10.*" } } )
Special Behavior
Because attributes are strings and the /etc/chef/client.rb
can use settings that are not string, such as symbols, some configuration attributes have resulting lines with special behavior:
- the
, andssl_verify_mode
attributes are converted to symbols. The attribute need not include an initial colon. For example:
default_attributes( "chef_client" => { "config" => { "ssl_verify_mode" => ":verify_peer", "log_level" => "debug" } } )
will render the following configuration (/etc/chef/client.rb
ssl_verify_mode :verify_peer log_level :debug
- the
setting can be either a string representing a file path or one of the symbolsSTDOUT
, and:win_evt
. If thelog_level
attribute is a string suggestive of one of these symbols, the resulting configuration line will use the symbol. For example,
default_attributes( "chef_client" => { "config" => { "log_location" => "STDOUT" } } )
will render the following configuration (/etc/chef/client.rb
log_location STDOUT
default_attributes( "chef_client" => { "config" => { "log_location" => ":syslog" } } )
will render the following configuration (/etc/chef/client.rb
log_location :syslog
The strings "syslog" and "win_evt" will become the symbols :syslog
and :win_evt
regardless of whether they have an initial colon.
Configuration Includes
The /etc/chef/client.rb
file will include all the configuration files in /etc/chef/client.d/*.rb
. To create custom configuration, simply render a file resource with file
(and the content
parameter), template
, remote_file
, or cookbook_file
. For example, in your own cookbook that requires custom Chef client configuration, create the following cookbook_file
chef_gem 'syslog-logger' cookbook_file "/etc/chef/client.d/myconfig.rb" do source "myconfig.rb" mode '0644' notifies :create, "ruby_block[reload_client_config]" end include_recipe 'chef-client::config'
Then create files/default/myconfig.rb
with the configuration content you want. For example, if you wish to create a configuration to log to syslog:
require 'syslog-logger' require 'syslog' Logger::Syslog.class_eval do attr_accessor :sync, :formatter end log_location'chef-client', ::Syslog::LOG_DAEMON)
On Windows:
Requiring Gems
Use the load_gems
attribute to install gems that need to be required in the client.rb. This attribute should be a hash. The gem will also be installed with chef_gem
. For example, suppose we want to use a Chef Handler Gem, chef-handler-updated-resources
, which is used in the next heading. Set the attributes, e.g., in a role:
default_attributes( "chef_client" => { "load_gems" => { "chef-handler-updated-resources" => { "require_name" => "chef/handler/updated_resources", "version" => "0.1" } } } )
Each key in load_gems
is the name of a gem. Each gem hash can have two keys, the require_name
which is the string that will be require
'd in /etc/chef/client.rb
, and version
which is the version of the gem to install. If the version is not specified, the latest version will be installed.
The above example will render the following in /etc/chef/client.rb
["chef/handler/updated_resources"].each do |lib| begin require lib rescue LoadError Chef::Log.warn "Failed to load #{lib}. This should be resolved after a chef run." end end
Start, Report, Exception Handlers
To dynamically render configuration for Start, Report, or Exception handlers, set the following attributes in the config
This is an alternative to using the chef_handler
Each of these attributes must be an array of hashes. The hash has two keys, class
(a string), and arguments
(an array). For example, to use the report handler in the Requiring Gems section:
default_attributes( "chef_client" => { "config" => { "report_handlers" => [ {"class" => "SimpleReport::UpdatedResources", "arguments" => []} ] } } )
If the handler you're using has an initialize method that takes arguments, then pass each one as a member of the array. Otherwise, leave it blank as above.
This will render the following in /etc/chef/client.rb
report_handlers <<
On macOS and macOS Server, the default service implementation is "launchd".
Since launchd can run a service in interval mode, by default chef-client is not started in daemon mode like on Debian or Ubuntu. Keep this in mind when you look at your process list and check for a running chef process! If you wish to run chef-client in daemon mode, set attribute chef_client.launchd_mode
to "daemon".
Installing and updating chef-client
This cookbook does not handle updating the chef-client, as that's out of the cookbook's current scope. To sensibly manage updates of the chef-client's install, we refer you to:
- chef_client_updater - Cookbook for keeping your install up-to-date
Copyright: 2010-2020, Chef Software, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
chef-client Cookbook CHANGELOG
This file is used to list changes made in each version of the chef-client cookbook.
12.2.0 (2020-08-26)
- chef_client_cron: Add nice property to control nice level of the chef-client process - @tas50
- chef_client_cron: Fix the log dir mode to be 750 not 640 - @tas50
- chef_client_cron: Fix cron vs. crond_d determination in the :remove action - @tas50
12.1.0 (2020-08-19)
- Remove the
since this should not be set for most users - @lamont-granquist - Add new
resource for adding certificates for use within the client - @tas50
12.0.1 (2020-08-07)
- Ensure that client config reloads in kitchen across multiple runs. - @jjustice6
- Fix quoting behavior in Windows Scheduled Task jobs - @patcable
- Fix systemd_timer_resource :remove action failures - @tas50
- Fix the location of the FreeBSD templates - @tas50
12.0.0 (2020-08-05)
Breaking Changes
- Default cron times have been updated to run every 30 minutes instead of every 4 hours
- The default binary path on Linux, macOS and other *nix operating systems has been changed from
- The upstart service recipe has been removed as Ubuntu 14.04 is now EOL
- Support for non-RHEL platforms in the init service recipe has been removed as only RHEL 6 / Amazon 201x should need sys-v init support at this point
- The
attribute has been renamed tonode['chef_client']['file_cache_path']
and will properly be set in the client.rb if changed now. However, this attribute is unset by default as it causes issues on first client runs. Enable it at your own risk. - The
attribute has been renamed tonode['chef_client']['file_backup_path']
and will properly be set in the client.rb if changed now. - The
resource no longer uses thenode['chef_client']['log_file']
to set the log file name and intead had a newlog_file_name
property that defaults tochef-client.log
matching the attributes default value. - A new
configuration optionfile_staging_uses_destdir
is set vianode['chef_client']['file_staging_uses_destdir']
, which defaults to true. - Enable cron_d support on Linux by default - @tas50
- Append to the chef-client log by default - @tas50
Other changes
- Add
resources from Chef Infra Client 16 - @tas50 - Use
property in windows_task for splay - Update the cron recipe to use chef_client_cron resource - @tas50
- Simplify how we disable the existing service in cron recipe - @tas50
- Prevent chef-client launchd from unloading itself and add Catalina workaround (#651) - @jazaval
- Additional space removed from cron recipe - @sanga1794
- Add log_file_name property to chef_client_scheduled_task to match Chef Infra Client 16 - @tas50
- Make sure to create the log directory in chef_client_scheduled_task - @tas50
- Update the task recipe to use the log_file attribute - @tas50
- chef_client_cron: Don't cleanup legacy cron entries. The legacy recipe code we're cleaning up here was replaced many years ago - @tas50
- Add a new property
to the resources - @tas50 - Prevent failures when setting certain frequency types - @tas50
- Add
property to scheduled_task - @tas50 - Remove the legacy service name cleanup for launchd - @tas50
- Ensure we have resource_name in addition to provides in resources - @tas50
- Use windows? helper where we can - @tas50
- Switch testing from Travis to GitHub Actions
- Various Cookstyle fixes
Other Changes
- The splay time generation for cron jobs has been corrected
- The
resource will no longer fail if thefrequency
property is set to a value other thanonce
, ormonthly
- The
resource now creates the log directory specified in the resource. - A new
has been added for setting up Chef Infra Client to run as a cron job.
11.5.0 (2020-01-22)
- Simplify platform checks by using platform? helper - @tas50
- Notify :immediately not :immediate - @tas50
- Update the chefignore to include more files - @tas50
- Remove SLES 11 specs since it's EOL - @tas50
- Specify OPTIONS in /etc/defaults for Debian systemd platforms - @e1ven
11.4.0 (2019-11-13)
- Add support for ohai.optional_plugins with a new attribute - @cnaude
11.3.6 (2019-10-24)
This release removes default['chef_client']['config']['client_fork'] = true
from the attributes file.
Having this default value in place adds --fork to the chef-client run, which forces --fork on cli use of chef-client as well. This causes additional issues for CLI use where the supervisor chef-client process is not necessary or required. The use of the --interval flag or --once or similar flags correctly gets the default setting of fork/no-fork right and that behavior inside the chef-client should be left alone.
A concrete example of the kind of problems this causes is that running the chef_client_updater cookbook from the command line will send SIGKILL to the PPID if it is running with client_fork. that is the correct behavior, but for some reason that can SIGKILL the shell running chef-client as well, which is some kind of weird process-group leader issue -- one which i don't have the time to research so the best solution is that CLI invocation of the client should never fork (because the supervisor process on a CLI invocation is super duper 100.% useless) but with client_fork true that means everyone needs to know to use --no-fork on every command line invocation -- but forking works fine for 99% of the time until you hit the use cases where it doesn't.
11.3.5 (2019-10-18)
- convert symbol-like log_location to symbols - @dwmarshall
- make sure node[chef_client][cron][nice_path] is used everywhere - @scalp42
- Update the platforms we test on in Test Kitchen - @tas50
- Remove the EOL platform opensuse from the metadata - @tas50
11.3.4 (2019-10-01)
- Add ignore_failure to the windows_service stop - @tas50
11.3.3 (2019-10-01)
- Stop chef-client windows service after creating scheduled task - @jasonwbarnett
- Allow changing nice path - @scalp42
- Do not restart try to restart the timer when switching to service mode - @Annih
- Restart chef-client service after only when timer is setup - @Annih
11.3.2 (2019-10-01)
- Remove long_description and recipe metadata from metadata.rb - @tas50
- Fix chef-client.service reload - @dheerajd-msys
11.3.1 (2019-09-17)
- MSYS-1092 Fix for nil class error if chef client handlers are not defined. - @Vasu1105
- Removed unwanted condition - @Vasu1105
- Fix for nil class error if chef client handlers are not defined. (#635) - @lamont-granquist
11.3.0 (2019-08-19)
- Added KillMode option for systemd - @kimbernator
11.2.0 (2019-04-30)
- Added the ability to accept upcoming Chef 15+ license via attribute - @tyler-ball
11.1.3 (2019-04-08)
- Replace :reload with :restart - @americanhanko
- Update the macos launchd plist to use instance vars - @americanhanko
- Unit tests for launchd_service recipe - @americanhanko
11.1.2 (2019-04-02)
- Restart daemon on macOS if configuration is changed - @pludi
- Skip managing cron.d on any non-Linux platform not just non-AIX platforms - @jjustice6
11.1.1 (2019-03-18)
- fix systemd timer activation - @nathwill
11.1.0 (2019-03-18)
- Add windows 2016 vagrant testing to the kitchen config - @tas50
- Added
scheduled task to test recipe and updatedchef_client_scheduled_task
resource - @gdavison - Update Kitchen testing to include our new amazonlinux-2 box - @tas50
11.0.5 (2019-01-25)
- Changes systemd timer to trigger on OnActiveSec - @ngharo
11.0.4 (2019-01-11)
- Prepend :: to File call - @jasonwbarnett
- Fix missing log_dir attribute in task recipe for windows - @pschaumburg
- Fix for specifying known path for cmd.exe on a windows system to avoid nefarious PATH settings
- Fix idempotency in the task resource - @pschaumburg
11.0.3 (2018-10-29)
- Fix duplicate daemon options
- Create the Chef log directory if missing. Otherwise scheduled tasks fail.
11.0.2 (2018-10-12)
- Do not attempt to delete a cron_d resource on AIX hosts.
11.0.1 (2018-09-14)
- [cron] Be notified of chef-client failure if mailto is defined
- Chef 14.4.0 requires double quotes around command for scheduled task
11.0.0 (2018-07-24)
- Remove windows cookbook dep and require Chef 13.0 instead for the windows_task resource.
10.1.2 (2018-07-23)
- scheduled task user and password should be marked as sensitive
- Renames helper method.
10.1.1 (2018-07-13)
- Renames the
helper method toenv_vars
to address a Windows bug introduced in10.1.0
. - Addresses issue #579.
10.1.0 (2018-07-03)
- Adds support for prioritizing
10.0.5 (2018-05-10)
- fix issues with a new instance where
service is not found on Upstart systems (Ubuntu 14.04)
10.0.4 (2018-04-24)
- [GH-558] Add chef_client_scheduled_task name property
- Fix FC108: Resource should not define a property named 'name'
10.0.3 (2018-04-13)
- Fix the handling of log_locations that aren't strings
- Use RandomizedDelaySec as it is better suited in systemd
- Fix failures on Windows with Chef 14
10.0.2 (2018-03-18)
- Fix systemd ignoring ca_cert_path on rhel
10.0.1 (2018-03-09)
- Update the debug message for the chef-client binary
- Update the recipe to state we require Chef 12.11 not 12.1
- Add some specs for the SLES 11 init file
- Add more specs for SLES 11 init script
- Fail hard if the specified service type is not valid
- handle mixed lines if log_location is nil in the config
- handle empty (but not nil) handlers block in the config
10.0.0 (2018-02-14)
- The behavior of when to include the node name in the client.rb has been changed and the node name will now always be included to avoid various errors if we skip it. This is the correct behavior, but the cookbook has received a major version bump so users can properly test the new behavior.
- Fix a frozen string warning when passing daemon options to a cron job
- Don't include the daemon options if they don't exist.
- Chefspec matchers have been removed since Chefspec now autogenerates these
9.0.5 (2018-02-05)
- Swap Debian 7 testing for Amazon Linux 2
- Remove unused windows service helper method
- Prevent using -L option if no location of log file is provided.
- update start_date format attribute
9.0.4 (2018-01-23)
- Fixes to allow the windows_task resource to work on chef 13.7 while still working on < 13.7
9.0.3 (2018-01-22)
- Do not require start, report, or exception handlers to manage
. Only write them out if we actually have them - remove the rendering of the begin rescue block when no handlers are defined.
- Fix wrong daemon options at systemd config
- Fix the SUSE init template to use the correct run_path node attribute
- in the task resource escape the chef-client path with single quotes since you sometimes end up with double-quote escaped attributes
- Improve log messages in the path helper
- Remove code used to support Chef < 12.8, which already wasn't supported by this cookbook
- Remove test kitchen configs for platforms Chef no longer officially supports
- Make sure task doesn't fail on chef-client >= 13.7
9.0.2 (2017-11-14)
- Resolve foodcritic warning in notification of ruby_block
- Fix start_date functionality
9.0.1 (2017-11-14)
- Require cron cookbook 4.2 which works on SLES 11
- Use a single log resource to warn in FreeBSD instead of two
- Add respond_to to the chef_version in metadata for older clients
- Add a regex to validate start_time passed into the task resource
- Add ability to specify the start_date in task resource
9.0.0 (2017-10-23)
Breaking changes
We have removed the previously deprecated support for running chef-client as a Windows service and running under the runit init system on Linux. Windows hosts should run chef-client as a scheduled task which resolves many issues with long running chef-client processes as a service. For Linux users we highly recommend using the native init systems within your distribution as they provide a higher level of platform support, reliability, and logging integration. For both of these changes we will not be including an automatic migration solution as doing so can prove to be problematic for many users. We recommend stopping the existing chef client and then manually running chef client to create the new service or scheduled task. That may be accomplished using knife ssh, push-jobs, or other tooling within your environment.
Other Changes
- Add ability to set daemonized SSL trust store
- Add attributes for setting chkconfig start and stop time values in sys-v scripts
- Setup log rotate on any Linux release not just Amazon, RHEL, Debian and Fedora platform families
- In the cron recipe make sure we cleanup the sys-v script and and stop the service on any Linux platform not just Amazon, RHEL, Debian and Fedora platform families
- Add ability to set daemonized SSL trust store.
- Fix exception when log_level is already a symbol when building the client.rb file
- Initialize handler attributes to empty arrays
- Add Clear Linux support
- Fix loading of the solaris service config
- Provide better error messages if the wrong frequency is provided to the scheduled task resource or recipe
- Use full file modes in all recipes
- Add ability to set frequency modifier on the chef-client Windows task as a string instead of just an integer
- Add Travis CI testing of both Chef 12 and 13
- Add Windows 2016 and SLES 11 testing to local Test Kitchen
8.1.8 (2017-08-06)
- Add testing for Amazon Linux and Debian 9 in Travis and switch all testing to the dokken images
- Consolidate duplicate attributes to simplify the attributes file
- Remove leftover template file for Arch Linux
- Don't use deprecated Ruby exists? method
- Move testing to a test recipe that looks more like how a user would write a wrapper cookbook
- Move the resource cloning spec recipe into the test recipe so we don't ship it to clients
- Remove the metadata for the deprecated windows service
- Simplify the platform logic in the init service recipe and expand the specs for this logic
- Use resource_name not provides in the scheduled task resource
- Remove docs for the pre-Chef 12.4 syslog functionality
- Point users to chef_client_updater not omnibus_updater in the docs
8.1.7 (2017-07-13)
- Add find_chef_client use to the task recipe so that chef_binary_path is defined.
- Update documentation to reflect the rubygems_url usage.
8.1.6 (2017-06-27)
- Use node['chef_client']['log_file'] in all recipes and templates
- Add new attribute for timing out systemd timer to kill off hung chef-client runs
8.1.5 (2017-06-27)
Multiple improvements to systemd unit behavior of chef-client
- stop the timer if timer is disabled
- de-dupe env-file path referencing
- ensure env file exists before service that references it
- restart timer if timer changed
8.1.4 (2017-06-21)
- Fix removing the chef-client schedule task
8.1.3 (2017-06-21)
- Lazily eval the frequency so an update to interval attribute is respected when setting up a windows scheduled task
8.1.2 (2017-05-30)
- convert timer unit to hash syntax for readability,
- use systemd_unit for chef-client.service
8.1.1 (2017-05-10)
- Default the systemd restart behavior to always
8.1.0 (2017-05-09)
- Allow controlling systemd restart setting through an attribute
- Do not enable the service if systemd timer is used
- Add an example of setting up logging to the Event Viewer on Windows
- Resolve Chef 13 failures when setting up Scheduled Tasks on Windows
8.0.2 (2017-05-02)
- Remove the suggests 'runit' from the metadata
- Require a more modern windows and cron cookbook
- Make sure SLES 11 gets the right init system
8.0.1 (2017-04-13)
- Make chef_client_scheduled_task idempotent
- Fix case statements to work on Chef 13 with Amazon Linux
- Switch to a SPDX standard license string to resolve foodcritic warning
8.0.0 (2017-04-04)
- Allow to use systemd timer instead of chef-client daemon mode
- Remove compat_resource dependency and require Chef 12.11+
- Switch from which to shell-out and remove Chef 10 compatibility code
7.2.1 (2017-03-29)
- Testing updates for Chef 13
- Test with local delivery and not Rake
- Disable chef-client service if it exists in the windows schedule task recipe
- Update cron recipe to use shard_seed when available, and when not.
7.2.0 (2017-02-24)
- Add a chef_client_scheduled_task custom resource. This is is used by the 'task' recipe, but can also be used directly in a wrapper cookbook. Why would I want to use this? Well when used in a wrapper cookbook you can directly pass the username/password to the resource, thus avoiding node attributes. This means you can store your credentials in any secure method you want.
7.1.0 (2017-01-16)
- Fix some poor wording in the readme due to split lines
- Remove a debug message in the windows task recipe
- Add deprecation warning when using the Runit init system
7.0.3 (2016-12-06)
- Fix invalid shell syntax in /etc/init.d script
7.0.2 (2016-12-02)
- Document / test setting a custom ohai plugin path
- Make log_perm permissions attribute value a string
- Avoid warnings during ChefSpec runs
7.0.1 (2016-12-02)
- Fixed cron attributes documentation
- Fix file modes to be strings
- Added SLES support to the readme
- Use regex instead of position for service status
7.0.0 (2016-10-25)
Breaking Changes
- Remove support for OpenBSD
- Remove support for Arch Linux
Other Changes
- Document 'weekday' in readme
- Adding exception to 5.11 SMF manifest for SmartOS. SmartOS does not have a config milestone
- Add chef-client init back for SLES 12
6.0.0 (2016-09-26)
Breaking Changes
- Support for Chef 11 has been removed. Chef 12.1 or later is now required
- Running chef-client as a service on Windows has been deprecated. The default.rb recipe will now include the task recipe on Windows hosts. The windows_service recipe will be removed in the next major version of this cookbook.
Other Changes
- Switch from serverspec to Inspec
- Add BSDs to bsd_init to fix cron service
- Simplified attributes for Chef 12 - Chef 12 lets us simplify attributes since we don't have to check to see if we can fork and we can assume we know the init type via Ohai
- Fix validation recipe to not explode under chef-solo.
- Change path for rc.d chef-client script in FreeBSD
- Remove wrong rc.d script created by an older version of cookbook
- Remove duplication from rc.d script template for FreeBSD
- Fix escaping in the Windows task recipe
- Allow STDOUT as a valid log location
v5.0.0 (2016-07-29)
- This will be the last version of this cookbook that supports Chef 11. If you are still using Chef 11 you will need to pin to < 6.0
- Support for Bluepill and Daemontools init systems has been removed
- chef_version metadata has been added
- client.d config files are now only explicitly added on Chef < 12.8 to prevent double loading configs
- Rubocop has been replaced by cookstyle for simpler ruby linting
- A new Rakefile that handles missing gems better has been included
- Support for daemon options when running as a Windows scheduled task has been added
v4.6.0 (2016-06-01)
- Add systemd support to Suse platforms and make systemd the default there as systemd is the init system on all supported suse platforms
- Added a serverspec test for systemd service setup
v4.5.4 (2016-05-31)
- Updated the systemd unit file to restart on failure and added exit status 3 as a valid successful exit status
- Added the ability to specify retries, retry_delay, timeout in the chef gem install hash
v4.5.3 (2016-05-27)
- Fixed idempotency of the windows task recipe
v4.5.2 (2016-05-20)
- Revert switching to ruby based which as this broke compatibility with older Chef clients
- Resolved deprecation warnings with chef_gem installs
v4.5.1 (2016-05-19)
- Switch from command line which to pure Ruby which in the helper for finding chef-client
- Removed the last bit of Chef 10 compatibility code
- Updated file modes in resources so we properly set the leading 0s
- Switched Travis CI testing to kitchen-dokken and expanded the platforms / suites that are tested
- Added additional service Chefspecs
v4.5.0 (2016-04-26)
- Updated the client.rb to use ChefConfig::Config.from_file to load config files on Chef 12.4.0. This resolves NameError messages when running Ohai on its own.
v4.4.0 (2016-04-20)
- Update the required version of logrorate to >= 1.9.0 and cron to 1.7.0 so we bring in the last few years of bug fixes and feature enhancements
- Removed support for Ubuntu 8.04 - 9.04
- Removed references to the Chef 10 server from the readme
- Updated all references to the community site in the readme to be Supermarket instead
- Documented the scheduled task recipe in the readme
- Added a Test Kitchen suite for the scheduled task recipe on Windows 2008 R2 and 2012 R2
- Add IBM zlinux to the metadata
- Update testing dependencies to the latest
- Remove a duplicate list of
in the readme - Remove extra spacing and a comment typo in client.rb
v4.3.3 (2016-02-15)
- [#349] Fix Ohai syntax for > 8.6.0 to remove deprecation warning
- [#316] Make chef-client log permissions configurable
- [#327/#364] Fix chef windows task quoting
- [#341] Update template to use correct milestone for Solaris 11
- [#338] Allow starting chef-client in FreeBSD jails
- Added amazon as a supported platform in the metadata.rb file
- Updated the minimum required windows cookbook to the latest version to resolve issues with scheduled tasks
- Replaced Digital Ocean testing with Kitchen-Docker running in Travis CI
- Expanded platform testing in Test Kitchen and fixed failing ServerSpecs
v4.3.2 (2015-11-05)
- [#347] windows_service updates client.service.rb with log_location path. This accompanies a change the chef-client that will now honor that configuration for windows_service logging. See
- [#326] prevent duplicate proxy config properties in client.rb
- [#345] improved wording around deprecated settings in the readme
- Added a chefignore file to limit files being uploaded to the chef server
- Updated contributing and testing docs
- Adding and maintainers.toml files
- Added a Rakefile for simplified testing
- Updated development and testing dependencies to the latest
- Added cookbook version badge and travis status badge to the readme
v4.3.1 (2015-07-12)
- [#320] don't crash if handler class isn't available
- [#318] default value for password for windows task should be nil
- [#317] properly quote log_location to avoid regex corner case issue
- [#314] fully replace root_group with node['root_group']
- [#310] revert #267; prohibit clients from dictating their environments
- [#307] fix delete_validation recipe under chef-zero
- [#235] workaround chef/chef#3432
v4.3.0 (2015-04-14)
- [#303] cron ignores daemon_options
- [#297] support prerotate options in logrotate
- [#296] Support adding audit_mode as configuration in client.rb
- [#295] Add support for specifying gem source for config
- [#294] Cleanup opscode-named plist and service on OS X
- [#291] Pass $OPTIONS to systemd service
- [#289] Use systemd on Debian 8 (jessie)
- [#286] Remove legacy logic for handling Chef Server
- [#283] Update plist filename for new company
- [#278] Fix path on SmartOS
- [#277] Update contributing documentation
- [#275] Correct logrotate postrotate command for upstart init_style
- [#273] Fix punctuation, capitalization and wording in readme
- [#272] Fix readme quoting
- [#271] Add internal heading links to documentation
- [#270] Fix Travis CI build
- [#262] Allow client.rb to contain environment
- [#257] Change log directory mode 0755
- [#254] Remove rbconfig
- [#156] Allow cron to have a weekday parameter
v4.2.4 (2015-02-18)
- Ripping out chef_gem compile_time stuff
v4.2.3 (2015-02-18)
- Fixing chef_gem with Chef::Resource::ChefGem.method_defined?(:compile_time)
v4.2.2 (2015-02-18)
- Fixing chef_gem for Chef below 12.1.0
v4.2.1 (2015-02-17)
- Being explicit about usage of the chef_gem's compile_time property.
- Eliminating future deprecation warnings in Chef 12.1.0.
v4.2.0 (2015-02-08)
- [#252] Fix ordering problem with logrotate command attribute
- [#250] Verify API certificates by default in config
- [#238] Remove proxy ENV variables from config
- [#234] Move windows service log directory to correct location
v4.1.1 (2015-01-30)
- Repair syntax error introduced in config recipe
v4.1.0 (2015-01-30)
- [#247] Switch Arch Linux to use systemd
- [#243] Improve logrotation configurability
- [#241] Configure logrotate to use systemd when appropriate
- [#239] Allow setting splay in upstart configuration
- [#233] Unbreak unit and integration test harnesses
- [#231] Allow setting NO_PROXY/no_proxy in client.rb
- [#219] Configure log location via client.rb only
v4.0.0 (2014-12-10)
- [#221] Retire the winsw service wrapper in Windows
- [#227] Add sourcing /etc/default/locale to upstart script
- [#224] Fix FreeBSD service startup
- [#223] Add FreeBSD test harness
- [#217] Fix and modernize systemd configuration
v3.9.0 (2014-10-15)
- [#208] Add AIX support
v3.8.2 (2014-09-30)
- [#206] Fixes amazon linux issues introduced in #190
v3.8.1 (2014-09-30)
- [#202] Avoid resource cloning
- [#190] Use systemd by default on EL7
v3.8.0 (2014-09-05)
- [#182] Complete refactor of testing. Now uses chefspec and serverspec
- [#134] Update of README to reflect there not being an init recipe
- [#133] Allow windows_task[chef-client] attributes to be overridden
- [#143] Added rc.d script for FreeBSD
- [#155] Allow option to not reload current run Chef config
- [#162] Update cron.rb to work properly for SUSE
- [#169] Sort config hash
- [#184] Changelog fixes
v3.7.0 (2014-08-13)
- remove dependency on ruby-wmi which breaks chef 11.14.2
v3.6.0 (2014-06-07)
- [COOK-3465] Switch Fedora to using systemd
v3.5.0 (2014-05-07)
- [COOK-4594] - 'Found chef-client in' log resource
- Add Windows support to README
v3.4.0 (2014-04-09)
- [COOK-4521] - support Ohai 7 syntax for disabling plugins
- [COOK-4505] - kill -9 chef-client when stopping via SMF
v3.3.8 (2014-03-18)
- [COOK-4430] can't rotate chef-client's logs
v3.3.6 (2014-03-18)
- [COOK-4432] Use SSL verification by default when talking to HEC
v3.3.4 (2014-03-12)
- [COOK-4101] - Support ENV['https_proxy']
v3.3.3 (2014-02-27)
[COOK-4338] - chef-client Upstart job starts too early
v3.3.2 (2014-02-25)
Fixing merge conflict in launchd_service
v3.3.0 (2014-02-25)
- COOK-4286 - Cleanup the Kitchen
- COOK-4242 - Add Fedora 19 support to chef-client::cron
- COOK-4151 - Runit should set locale
- COOK-4127 - add mailto support for cron runs
- COOK-4038 - Don't define CHEF_SERVER_USER constant if already defined
New Feature
- COOK-4169 - Add the possibility to specify "options" for the required-gems installation procedure in the chef-client cookbook
- COOK-4159 - turn down "Found chef-client in #{client_bin}" messages to :debug level
- COOK-3896 - launchd_service recipe should use Gem::Requirement instead of Chef::VersionConstraint
v3.2.2 (2014-01-26)
[COOK-4092] Add KeepAlive so that launchd will "daemonize" chef-client
- COOK-3885 - launchd_service template missing client_bin
- COOK-3874 - COOK-3492 patch breaks server_test.rb
- COOK-3848 - allow disable splay
- Fixing up style to pass most rubocops
- Updating test-kitchen harness
- COOK-4113 - chef-client::smf_service breaks permissions on /lib/svc/method
COOK-3638 - Use standard posix shell
instead of/bin/bash
- COOK-3637 - Fix typo in README
COOK-3501 - Notify reload
template is changed - COOK-3492 - Test upstart on CentOS
New Feature
- COOK-3500 - Rotate logs on supported platforms if 'log_file' is set
- COOK-1863 - Install chef-client as a Windows Service
- COOK-3373 - Provide full syslog custom config example in README
- COOK-3301 - Fix MiniTest Cron Recipe
- COOK-3300 - Allow environment variables (not require)
COOK-3276 - Use
instead ofnode.set
- COOK-3227 - Fix misnamed attribute
COOK-3104 - Update
to properly set environment_variables
- [COOK-3159]: don't skip directory creation on Windows
- [COOK-3157]: correct root group detection for Windows
- [COOK-1002]: chef-client service is not started for
= init - [COOK-1191]: chef-client cookbook doesn't log to /var/log/chef/client.log when using
runit - [COOK-2319]: The service recipe has too many lines of code
- [COOK-2344]: chef-client config should preserve log settings
- [COOK-2651]: The cron task fails to disable and stop service if the init_style is set to upstart
- [COOK-2709]: chef-client needs explicit dependancy on cron >= 1.2.0
- [COOK-2856]: Use attribute/data driven configuration for /etc/chef/client.rb
- [COOK-2857]: Update chef-client to use runit v1.0+
- [COOK-2858]: support "inclusion" of other Chef Config files in client.rb
- [COOK-3110]: kitchen.yml missing chef-client::config in cook-2317 runlist
- [COOK-3112]:
test cook-1951 fails as provided
- [COOK-2607]: detect if node is a chef-server and set user/group file ownership correctly
- [COOK-3104]: kitchen.yml file for chef-client doesn't properly set
- [COOK-2637]: Silence expected errors from which based chef-server checks
- [COOK-2825]: SMF for chef-client should use :kill to stop service
- [COOK-2687]: chef-client::service doesn't work on SLES 11
- [COOK-2689]: chef-client service recipe on windows fails to start
- [COOK-2700]: chef-client cookbook should have more splay
- [COOK-2952]: chef-client cookbook has foodcritic failures
- [COOK-2823]: Chef-client SMF manifest should set locale to UTF-8
- [COOK-2393] - chef-client::delete_validation checks for chef-server in the path, on chef 11, needs to check for chef-server-ctl
- [COOK-2410] - chef-client::service doesn't always start the chef-client daemon
- [COOK-2413] - Deprecation warning when using Chef::Mixin::Language in chef-client cookbook under chef 11.x
- [COOK-2446] - Typo: the chef-client executable has a hyphen
- [COOK-2492] - Ruby System("") call that includes an '&' on Ubuntu has odd behavior.
- [COOK-2536] - On Freebsd - chef-client group values in helper library should be set to "wheel" vs [ "wheel" ]
- [COOK-2317] - Provide the ability to add disabled ohai plugins in a managed chef config
- [COOK-2255] - Chef-Client Cookbook init.d script under ubuntu
- [COOK-2316] - Permissions for SMF init type break Solaris 10
- [COOK-2192] - Add option to use cron_d resource for cron management
- [COOK-2261] - pin runit dependency
- [COOK-1978] - make cron output location configurable
- [COOK-2169] - use helper library to make path permissions consistent
- [COOK-2170] - test filename cleanup (dev repository only)
- [COOK-2108] - corrected Chef and Ohai version requirements in README
- [COOK-2071] - chef-client breaks on value_for_platform_family b/c of unneeded version
- [COOK-2072] - chef-client on mac should not attempt to create directory nil
- [COOK-2086] - Allow the passing of an enviornment variables to node['chef-client']['bin']
- [COOK-2092] - chef-client run fails because quotes in log_path cause File resource to fail
- [COOK-1755] - Don't delete the validation key on systems that have a 'chef-server' binary in the default $PATH
- [COOK-1898] - Support Handlers and Cache Options with Attributes
- [COOK-1923] - support chef-client::cron on Solaris/SmartOS
- [COOK-1924] - use splay for size of random offset in chef-client::cron
- [COOK-1927] - unknown node[:fqdn] prevents bootstrap if chef-client::cron is in runlist
- [COOK-1951] - Add an attribute for additional daemon options to pass to the chef-client service
- [COOK-2004] - in attributes, "init" style claims to handle fedora, but service.rb missing a clause
- [COOK-2017] - Support alternate chef-client locations in Mac OS X Launchd service plist
- [COOK-2052] - Log files are set to insecure default
- Remove a stray comma that caused syntax error on some versions of Ruby.
This version uses platform_family attribute, making the cookbook incompatible with older versions of Chef/Ohai, hence the major version bump.
- [COOK-635] - Allow configuration of path to chef-client binary in init script
- [COOK-985] - set correct permissions on run and log directory for chef-servers using this cookbook
- [COOK-1379] - Register chef-client as a launchd service on Mac OS X (Server)
- [COOK-1574] - config recipe doesn't work on Windows
- [COOK-1586] - add SmartOS support
- [COOK-1633] - chef-client doesn't recognise Oracle Linux, a Redhat family member
- [COOK-1634] - chef-client init is missing for Scientific Linux
- [COOK-1664] - corrected permissions in cron recipe (related to COOK-985)
- [COOK-1729] - support windows task
- [COOK-1788] -
upstart only works on Ubuntu - [COOK-1861] - Minor styling fix for consistency in chef-client
- [COOK-1862] - add
attribute to metadata.rb
This version of the cookbook also adds minitest and test-kitchen support.
- [COOK-599] - chef-client::config recipe breaks folder permissions of chef-server::rubygems-install recipe on same node
- [COOK-1111] - doesn't work out of the box with knife bootstrap windows
- [COOK-1161] - allow setting log file and environment in client.rb
- [COOK-1203] - allow PATH setting for cron
- [COOK-1254] - service silently fails on ubuntu 12.04 with ruby 1.9.3
- [COOK-1309] - cron recipe expects SANE_PATHS constant
- [COOK-1345] - preformat log location before sending to template
- [COOK-1377] - allow client.rb to require gems
- [COOK-1419] - add init script for SUSE
- [COOK-1463] - Add verbose_logging knob for config recipe, client.rb template
- [COOK-1506] - set an attribute for server_url
- [COOK-1566] - remove random splay for unique sleep number
- [COOK-599] - don't break folder permissions if chef-server recipe is present
- [COOK-1039] - support mac_os_x_server
- [COOK-909] - trigger upstart on correct event
- [COOK-795] - add windows support with winsw
- [COOK-798] - added recipe to run chef-client as a cron job
- [COOK-986] - don't delete the validation.pem if chef-server recipe is detected
- [COOK-670] - Added Solaris service-installation support for chef-client cookbook.
- [COOK-781] - chef-client service recipe fails with chef 0.9.x
- [CHEF-2491] init scripts should implement reload
- [COOK-204] chef::client pid template doesn't match package expectations
- [COOK-491] service config/defaults should not be pulled from Chef gem
- [COOK-525] Tell bluepill to daemonize chef-client command
- [COOK-554] Typo in backup_path
- [COOK-609] chef-client cookbook fails if init_type is set to upstart and chef is installed from deb
- [COOK-635] Allow configuration of path to chef-client binary in init script
Collaborator Number Metric
12.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 1 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Contributing File Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
Foodcritic Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
Version Tag Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
12.2.0 failed this metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
Foodcritic Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
Version Tag Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
Version Tag Metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
12.2.0 passed this metric
12.2.0 passed this metric