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simple-logstash (16) Versions 1.0.2

Installs/Configures simple-logstash. No less. No more.

cookbook 'simple-logstash', '~> 1.0.2', :supermarket
cookbook 'simple-logstash', '~> 1.0.2'
knife supermarket install simple-logstash
knife supermarket download simple-logstash
Quality 33%


This cookbook installs only logstash and provides few typical configurations.
It doesn't install or depends on java, apache, nginx, elasticsearch, kibana, etc...

It also skips lumberjack.


Default recipe only creates user/group and arks logstash.
You are free to do anything with installation.

Also cookbook provides HWRPs for managing services and configs of logstash.
You can define multiple services and configs.



Generic HWRP for managing logstashs' configs. It also creates parent directory for your config.
You better want to use its child classes.


  • create - default, creates new config
  • delete - deletes config


  • user - sets owner of the config file. Defaults to logstash
  • group - sets group of config file. Defaults to logstash
  • prefix_conf - sets prefix configuration dir. Defaults to /etc
  • service - sets logstash service name config belongs to. Defaults to logstash
  • config_dir - sets logstash config dir with pipelines. Defaults to conf.d
  • config_name - sets logstash config name. Defaults to <name>.conf
  • template_source - sets config template to use. Defaults to logstash/<name>.conf.erb
  • template_mode - sets mode on the config file. Defaults to 0640
  • template_variables - set variables for the config template. Defaults to {}


This resource based on logstash_config. It has the same actions and attributes.
But it has some different default values:

  • config_name - Defaults to /etc/<service>/10_input_<name>.conf
  • template_source - Defaults to logstash/input/<name>.conf.erb


This resource based on logstash_config. It has the same actions and attributes.
But it has some different default values:

  • config_name - Defaults to /etc/<service>/20_filter_<name>.conf
  • template_source - Defaults to logstash/filter/<name>.conf.erb


This resource based on logstash_config. It has the same actions and attributes.
But it has some different default values:

  • config_name - Defaults to /etc/<service>/90_output_<name>.conf
  • template_source - Defaults to logstash/output/<name>.conf.erb


Defines logstash service. Currentl supported implementations:

  • base - for internal use
  • systemd
  • runit

Cookbook tries to use systemd, but fallbacks to the runit.


  • [Base Service Implementation](libraries/logstash_service_base.rb)
  • [Systemd Implementation](libraries/logstash_service_systemd.rb)
  • [Runit Implementation](libraries/logstash_service_runit.rb)


  • start - default, enables and starts a service
  • stop - stops and disables a service
  • restart - restarts a service


  • user - sets owner of the config file. Defaults to logstash
  • group - sets group of config file. Defaults to logstash
  • daemon_path - path to binary to execute. Defaults to /opt/logstash/bin/logstash
  • env - optional environment variables to set. Defaults to {}
  • config_path - sets path to a config or directory to use. Defaults to /etc/<name>/conf.d
  • data_path - sets path to a data directory. Defaults to /var/lib/<name>/data
  • logs_path - sets path to a log directory. Defaults to /var/log/<name>
  • pipeline_workers - number of working threads. See logstash documentation. Defaults to 1
  • max_open_files - sets maximum files allowed to open by process. Defaults to 16384
  • custom_args - optional string with additional custom arguments passed to logstash. Defaults to ''
  • systemd_unit_hash - optional string or hash with custom systemd unit. Defaults to this

Attributes to customize logstash flags:

  • config_path_flag - flag for config path. Defaults to --path.config
  • data_path_flag - flag for data path. Defaults to
  • logs_path_flag - flag for logs path. Defaults to --path.logs
  • pipeline_workers_flag - flag for pipeline workers. Defaults to --pipeline.workers


You can visit fixture cookbook [simple-logstash-test](test/fixtures/cookbooks/simple-logstash-test)


Chef Client:

  • chef (>= 12.6) ()


  • debian (>= 8.0)
  • ubuntu (>= 16.0)
  • centos (>= 7.0)


  • ark
  • runit


  • node['logstash']['download_url'] - Defaults to
  • node['logstash']['checksum'] - Defaults to 0c326917ce035543e44042e95042d2e6f80f5b9119f514dbe275b236b964cbe7.
  • node['logstash']['version'] - Defaults to 6.2.3.
  • node['logstash']['user'] - Defaults to logstash.
  • node['logstash']['group'] - Defaults to logstash.
  • node['logstash']['prefix_root'] - Defaults to /opt.


  • simple-logstash::default - Installs/Configures simple-logstash. No less. No more.

License and Maintainer

Maintainer:: Yauhen Artsiukhou (



License:: Apache-2.0

Dependent cookbooks

ark >= 0.0.0
runit >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

Collaborator Number Metric

1.0.2 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

1.0.2 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Foodcritic Metric

1.0.2 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

1.0.2 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

1.0.2 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

1.0.2 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number