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haproxy (103) Versions 7.1.0

Installs and configures haproxy

cookbook 'haproxy', '= 7.1.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'haproxy', '= 7.1.0'
knife supermarket install haproxy
knife supermarket download haproxy
Quality 100%

haproxy Cookbook

Build Status Cookbook Version

Installs and configures HAProxy.


  • HAProxy stable or LTS
  • Chef 13+


This project is made possible by our backers on OpenCollective



This cookbook officially supports and is tested against the following platforms:

  • debian: 8 & 9
  • ubuntu: 16.04 & 18.04
  • centos: 7
  • amazonlinux: 2
  • opensuseleap: 15

PRs are welcome to add support for additional platforms.


Please check for working examples in [TEST](./test/fixtures/cookbooks/test/)

Common Resource Features

HAProxy has many configurable options available, this cookbook makes the most popular options available as resource properties.

If you wish to use a HAProxy property that is not listed the extra_options hash is available to take in any number of additional values.

For example, the ability to disable listeners is not provided out of the box. Further examples can be found in either test/fixtures/recipes or spec/test/recipes. If you have questions on how this works or would like to add more examples so it is easier to understand, please come talk to us on the Chef Community Slack on the #sous-chefs channel.

haproxy_listen 'disabled' do
  bind ''
  mode 'http'
  extra_options('disabled': '')

The extra_options hash is of String => String or String => Array. When an Array value is provided. The values are looped over mapping the key to each value in the config.

For example:

haproxy_listen 'default' do
    'http-request' => [ 'set-header X-Public-User yes', 'del-header X-Bad-Header' ]


listen default
  http-request set-header X-Public-User yes
  http-request del-header X-Bad-Header


Configuration Validation

The haproxy.cfg file has a few specific rule orderings that will generate validation errors if not loaded properly. If using any combination of the below rules, avoid the errors by loading the rules via extra_options to specify the top down order as noted below in config file.

frontend & listen

  tcp-request connection
  tcp-request session
  tcp-request content
  monitor fail
  block (deprecated)
  reqxxx (any req excluding reqadd, e.g. reqdeny, reqallow)
    'tcp-request' => 'connection set-src src,ipmask(24)',
    'reqdeny' => '^Host:\ .*\.local',
    'reqallow' => '^Host:\ www\.',
    'use_backend' => 'dynamic'


  reqxxx (any req excluding reqadd, e.g. reqdeny, reqallow)
    'http-request' => 'set-path /%[hdr(host)]%[path]',
    'reqdeny' => '^Host:\ .*\.local',
    'reqallow' => '^Host:\ www\.',
    'redirect' => 'dynamic'

License & Authors

Copyright:: Heavy Water Operations, LLC.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

haproxy Cookbook CHANGELOG

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the haproxy cookbook.

[v7.1.0] (2019-04-16)

  • Clean up unused templates and files
  • Fix name conflict with systemd_unit in service resource

[v7.0.0] (2019-04-10)

  • Add health to allowed values for mode on frontend, backend, listen, default
  • Fix cookbook default value in config_global
  • Clean up unit and integration test content regular expressions
  • Adds ius repo for CentOS and Redhat package installations (resolves #348)
  • Add apt-update for debian platforms
  • Move system command to a helper
  • Remove poise_service dependency in favor of systemd_unit
  • Support only systemd init systems

[v6.4.0] (2019-03-20)

  • Move resource documentation to dedicated folder with md per resource
  • Fix source installs on CentOS 6
  • Rename haproxy_cache name property as cache_name

[v6.3.0] (2019-02-18)

  • Add haproxy_cache resource for caching small objects with HAProxy version >=1.8
  • Expand integration test coverage to all stable and LTS HAProxy versions
  • Documentation - clarify extra_options hash string => array option
  • Clarify the supported platforms - add AmazonLinux 2, remove fedora & freebsd

[v6.2.7] (2019-01-10)

  • Test for appropriate spacing from start of line and end of line
  • Allow passing an array to haproxy_listen's http_request param
  • Fix ordering for haproxy_listen: acl directives should be applied before http-request
  • Add hash_type param to haproxy_backend, haproxy_listen, and haproxy_config_defaults resources
  • Add reqirep and reqrep params to haproxy_backend, haproxy_frontend, and haproxy_listen resources
  • Add sensitive param to haproxy_install; set to false to show diff output during Chef run

[v6.2.6] (2018-11-05)

  • Put http_request rules before the use_backend

[v6.2.5] (2018-10-09)

  • Drop Chef-12 support
  • Drop CPU cookbook dependency
  • Fix systemd wrapper, the wrapper is no longer included with haproxy versions greater than 1.8.
  • Add rspec examples for resource usage

[v6.2.4] (2018-09-19)

  • Added server property to listen resource and config template

[v6.2.3] (2018-08-03)

  • Removed a few resource default values so they can be specified in the haproxy.cfg default section and added service reload exmample to the readme for config changes

[v6.2.2] (2018-08-03)

  • Made haproxy_install source_url property dynamic with source_version property and removed the need to specify checksum #307

[v6.2.1] (2018-08-01)

  • Added compiling from source crypt support #305

[v6.2.0] (2018-05-11)

  • Require Chef 12.20 or later
  • Uses the build_essential resource not the default recipe so the cookbook can be skipped entirely if running on Chef 14+

[v6.1.0] (2018-04-12)

Breaking changes

  • Adds haproxy_service resource see test suites for usage
  • Require Chef 12.20 or later


  • Uses the build_essential resource not the default recipe so the cookbook can be skipped entirely if running on Chef 14+
  • Adds support for haproxy 1.8
  • Simplify the kitchen matrix
  • Remove kitchen.dokken.yml suites and inherit from kitchen.yml
  • Use default action in tests (:create)
  • Set the use_systemd property from the init package system
  • Adding in systemd for SUSE Linux
  • Fix source comparison

Testing Changes

  • Test haproxy version 1.8.7 and 1.7.8
  • Test on chef-client version 13.87 and 14
  • Add notes on how we generate the travis.yml list
  • Remove Amazon tests until a new dokken image is produced that is reliable

[v6.0.0] (2018-03-28)

  • Remove compat_resource cookbok dependency and push the required Chef version to 12.20

[v5.0.4] (2018-03-28)

  • Make 1.8.4 the default installed version (#279)
  • Use dokken docker images
  • Update tests for haproxy service
  • tcplog is now a valid input for the haproxy_config_defaults resourcce (#284)
  • bin prefix is now reflexted in the service config. (#288, #289)

[v5.0.3] (2018-02-02)

  • Fix foodcritic warning for not defining name_property

[v5.0.2] (2017-11-29)

  • Fixes typo in listen section, makes previously unprintable expressions, printable in http-request, http-response and default_backend.

[v5.0.1] (2017-08-10)

  • Removed useless blank space in generated config file haproxy.cfg

[v5.0.0] (2017-08-07)

  • updating service to use cookbook template
  • Add option for install only #251
  • log property in global resource can now be of type Array or String. This fixes #252
  • updating to haproxy 1.7.8, updating source_version in test files(kitchen,cookbook, etc)
  • fixing supports line #258
  • updating properties to use new_resource

[v4.6.1] (2017-08-02)

  • Reload instead of restart on config change
  • Specify -sf argument last to support haproxy < 1.6.0

[v4.6.0] (2017-07-13)

  • Re-added conf_template_source
  • Re-added conf_cookbook
  • Support Array value for extra_options entries. (#245, #246)

[v4.5.0] (2017-06-29)

  • Added resolver resource (#240)

[v4.4.0] (2017-06-28)

  • Synced Debian/Ubuntu init script with latest upstream package changes
  • Added option as an Array property for backend resource. This fixes #234

[v4.3.1] (2017-06-13)

  • Adding Oracle Linux 6 support
  • Removing scientific linux support as we don't have a reliable image

[v4.3.0] (2017-05-31)

  • Added Chefspec Matchers for the resources defined in this cookbook.
  • Added mode property to backend and frontend resources.
  • Added maxconn to global resource
  • Remove default_backend as a required property on the frontend resource

[v4.2.0] (2017-05-04)

  • Added in acl resource, usage: test/fixtures/cookbooks/test/recipes/config_acl.rb
  • Added in use_backend resource, usage: test/fixtures/cookbooks/test/recipes/config_acl.rb
  • Cleaned up arrays in templates/default/haproxy.cfg.erb
  • Added acl and use_backend to listen resource.
  • Fixed init script for Amazon Linux.
  • Added Amazon Linux as a supported platform.
  • Pinned build-essential, >= 8.0.1
  • Pinned poise-service, >= 1.5.1

  • BREAKING CHANGES: This version removes stats_socket, stats_uri and stats_timeout properties from the haproxy_global and haproxy_listen resources in favour of using a hash to pass configuration options.

[v4.1.0] (2017-05-01)

  • Adding userlist resource, to see usage: test/fixtures/cookbooks/test/recipes/config_1_userlist.rb
  • Fixing haproxy_retries in haproxy_config_defaults resource
  • Updating source install test to take node attributes as is slow.
  • Added chef-search example in: test/fixtures/cookbooks/test/recipes/config_backend_search.rb
  • Multiple addresses and ports on listener and frontend (#205)

[v4.0.2] (2017-04-21)

  • Fix haproxy service start on Ubuntu 14.04 (#199)
  • Reload HAProxy when changing configuration (#197)

[v4.0.1] (2017-04-20)

  • Updating
  • Adding compat_resource for chef-12 support
  • Improved rendering of the configuration file (#196)

[v4.0.0] (2017-04-18)

  • COMPATIBILIY WARNING!!!! This version removes the existing recipes, attributes, and instance provider in favor of the new haproxy_install and haproxy_ configuration resources. Why not just leave them in place? Well unfortunately they were utterly broken for anything other than the most trivial usage. Rather than continue the user pain we've opted to remove them and point users to a more modern installation method. If you need the legacy installation methods simply pin to the 3.0.4 release.
  • 12.5 or greater rewrite
  • Custom Resource Only, no recipes

[v3.0.4] (2017-03-29)

  • Fix bug introduced in (#174) (#182)

[v3.0.3] (2017-03-28)

  • Multiple addresses and ports on listener and frontend (#174)
  • Customize logging destination (#178)
  • updating to use bats/serverspec (#179)

[v3.0.2] (2017-03-27)

  • Allow server startup from app_lb recipe. (#171)
  • Use Delivery instead of Rake
  • Make this cookbook compatible with Chef-13, note: params option is now parameters (#175)

[v3.0.1] (2017-01-30)

  • Reload haproxy configuration on changes (#152)
  • Merging in generic socket conf (#107)
  • Updating config to use facilities hash dynamically (#102)
  • Adding tproxy and splice per (#98
  • Removing members with nil ips from member array. (#79)

[v3.0.0] (2017-01-24)

  • Configurable debug options
  • CentOS7 compatibility (#123)
  • Adding poise-service for service management
  • Updating source install to use Haproxy 1.7.2
  • Chef >= 12.1 required
  • Use ['haproxy']['source']['target_cpu'] instead of ['haproxy']['source']['target_os'] to detect correct architecture. (#150)

[v2.0.2] (2016-12-30)

  • Cookstyle fixes
  • Travis testing updates
  • Fixed the github URL for the repo in various locations
  • Converted file modes to strings
  • Updated the config resource to lazily evaluate node attribute values to better load the values when overridden in wrapper cookbooks

v2.0.1 (2016-12-08)

  • Fixed dynamic configuration to properly template out frontend and backend sections
  • Update Chef Brigade to Sous Chefs
  • Updated contributing docs to remove the reference to the develop branch

v2.0.0 (2016-11-09)

Breaking Changes

  • The default recipe is now an empty recipe with manual configuration performed in the 'manual' recipe
  • Remove Chef 10 compatibility code
  • Switch from Librarian to Berksfile
  • Updated the source recipe to install 1.6.9 by default

Other changes

  • Migrated this cookbook from Heavy Water to Chef Brigade so we can ensure more frequent releases and maintenance
  • Added a code of conduct for the project. Read it.
  • The haproxy config is now verified before the service restarts / reloads to prevent taking down haproxy with a bad config
  • Several new syslog configuration attributes have been added
  • A new attribute for stats_socket_level has been added
  • A new attribute for retries has been added
  • Added a chefignore file to speed up syncs from the server
  • Added scientific and oracle as supported platforms in the metadata
  • Added source_url, issues_url, and chef_version metadata
  • Removed attributes from the metadata file as these are redundant
  • Enabled why-run support in the default haproxy resource
  • Removed broken tarball validation in the source recipe to prevented installs from completing
  • Fixed source installs not running if an older version was present on the node
  • Broke search logic out into a new_discovery recipe
  • Added new node['haproxy']['pool_members'] and node['haproxy']['pool_members_option'] attributes
  • Resolved all cookstyle and foodcritic warnings
  • Added a new haproxy_config resource
  • Added a Guardfile
  • Update the Kitchen config file to use Bento boxes and new platforms
  • Updates ChefSpec matchers to use the latest format
  • Added testing in Travis CI with a Rakefile that runs cookstyle, foodcritic, and ChefSpec as well as a Kitchen Dokken config that does integration testing of the package install


New Feature

  • Added ChefSpec matchers and test coverage


  • Replaced references to Opscode with Chef



  • CPU Tuning, corrects cpu_affinity resource triggers


  • parameterize options for admin listener
  • renamed templates/rhel to templates/redhat
  • sort pool members by hostname to avoid needless restarts
  • support amazon linux init script
  • support to configure global options




  • COOK-3424 - Haproxy cookbook attempts to alter an immutable attribute

New Feature

  • COOK-3135 - Allow setting of members with default recipe without changing the template



  • COOK-3424 - Haproxy cookbook attempts to alter an immutable attribute

New Feature

  • COOK-3135 - Allow setting of members with default recipe without changing the template


New Feature

  • Allow setting of members with default recipe without changing the template



  • COOK-3660 - Make haproxy socket default user group configurable
  • COOK-3537 - Add OpenSSL and zlib source configurations

New Feature

  • COOK-2384 - Add LWRP for multiple haproxy sites/configs



  • COOK-3237 - Enable cookie-based persistence in a backend
  • COOK-3216 - Add metadata attributes

New Feature



  • [COOK-3046]: haproxy default recipe broken by COOK-2656


  • [COOK-2009]: Add test-kitchen support to haproxy



  • [COOK-2656]: Unify the haproxy.cfg with that from app_lb

New Feature

  • [COOK-1488]: Provide an option to build haproxy from source


  • [COOK-1936] - use frontend / backend logic
  • [COOK-1937] - cleanup for configurations
  • [COOK-1938] - more flexibility for options
  • [COOK-1939] - reloading haproxy is better than restarting
  • [COOK-1940] - haproxy stats listen on by default
  • [COOK-1944] - improve haproxy performance


  • [COOK-1839] - add httpchk configuration to app_lb template


  • [COOK-1275] - haproxy-default.erb should be a cookbook_file
  • [COOK-1594] - Template-Service ordering issue in app_lb recipe


  • [COOK-1310] - redispatch flag has changed


  • [COOK-806] - load balancer should include an SSL option
  • [COOK-805] - Fundamental haproxy load balancer options should be configurable


  • [COOK-620] haproxy::app_lb's template should use the member cloud private IP by default


  • fix regression introduced in v1.0.1


  • account for the case where load balancer is in the pool


  • Use node.chef_environment instead of node['app_environment']

Collaborator Number Metric

7.1.0 passed this metric

Contributing File Metric

7.1.0 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

7.1.0 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

7.1.0 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

7.1.0 passed this metric

Version Tag Metric

7.1.0 passed this metric