cookbook 'f5', '= 0.4.2'
(30) Versions
Resources for managing an F5 BigIP load balancer
cookbook 'f5', '= 0.4.2', :supermarket
knife supermarket install f5
knife supermarket download f5
A set of resources for managing F5 load balancers. Currently a WIP, but it will create VIPs and pools, and add nodes to pools
- RHEL/Fedora and derivatives
- Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives
- Windows [2012.R2, 2016]
- Chef 12.7+
- none
- Sets the version of the gem that will be installed via the resource -
- Can take one of three values:-
- the default, thef5_pool
resource does not touch the node's enabled status on load balancer, allowing it to be managed manually on the load balancer -
- if a node does not exist or does exist but is enabled, the load balancer will be asked to disable the node -
- if a node does not exist or does exist but is disabled, the load balancer will be asked to enable the node
Your node will also need access to the credentials for the load balancer either in the attributes or a data bag:
If you're using a data bag, call it f5
and the default item is called default
$ knife data bag show f5 default
Unencrypted data bag detected, ignoring any provided secret options.
id: default
password: TopSecret
username: chef-api
Or, if no data bag is found, attributes are used
default[:f5][:credentials][:default] = {
host: "",
username: "chef-api",
password: "TopSecret"
In an application's recipe:
# Creates the pool if missing and adds this node to the pool # (currently using node.ipaddress and node.fqdn for the node) f5_pool 'mypool' do host 'value' port 'value' lb_method 'method' # LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN default end # Creates the VIP if missing f5_vip 'myvip' do address 'vipaddress' # IPv4 or FQDN, see below port 'vipport' protocol 'protocol' # TCP default pool 'mypool' # this is optional; defaults to :manual so won't touch your setting # unless you specify one of the valid options. snat_pool :automap # this is optional; defaults to :manual so won't touch your setting # unless you specify one of the valid options. # :none disables the firewall_policy, # anything else is a named firewall_policy enforced_firewall_policy # this is optional; defaults to :manual so won't touch your setting # unless you specify one of the valid options. # :none disables the firewall_policy, # anything else is a named firewall_policy staged_firewall_policy # this is optional; If this VIP has IRules on the F5, this resource # will remove them and insert exactly what is specified # here. The attribute takes in an array of irules. The order # describes the priority of the irules. # When changing priority of IRules, be aware that the F5 # doesn't provide an API for re-ordering associations therefore # the re-ordered rules must be deleted then re-added in the correct # order. irules %w(test-irule test-irule-2) # this is optional; Sets the http profile of the VIP. The default value is `nil`. # When value is `nil` it will not modify the http profile. Setting # to `:none` will remove the http profile. Otherwise # it sets the http profile. Note, the HTTP Profile must already # exist on the f5. http_profile :none end # Create a F5 monitor template f5_monitor 'test-monitor' do # Required properties template_type 'TTYPE_HTTP' # F5 template type parent_template 'http' interval 5 # frequency to check in seconds timeout 3 # seconds to respond #optional properties (default values are shown) dest_ip '' # tells f5 what address to test. Default indicates to test the node the monitor is applied to dest_port '0' # tells f5 which port to test; Default indicates to test the port the monitor is applied to read_only false # specifies if this template is read only is_directly_usable true # specifies if the template can be directly used end # Create an F5 IRule f5_irule 'test-irule' do # IRule definition definition <<-EOL # For hosts that serve both http but attached to http and https vips, # this lets them know if the request # originally came in on https when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::header insert HTTPS true } EOL end
See the documentation for LocalLB::LBMethod and protocol.
Using DNS for the name
This is an experimental feature. Some of the corner cases might not work :)
If you pass a FQDN to the VIP's address, this resource will attempt to resolve the name through DNS. If a match is found, the first address returned is used for the VIP. If no match is found, the resource will not be processed.
's default action is :create
which manages the pool and its settings, as well as the node and its settings. If the pool has already been created outside of this recipe and the desired behavior is for chef to fail when the pool doesn't exist use the :add
The :add
action will only ensure the node is in the pool and configured correctly, but will not modify the pool. Pool-related attributes are ignored.
Manging node enabled status through node attributes
The f5_pool
resource exposes an enabled_status
property which allows you to explicitly take control of a node's enabled/disabled status within a pool via chef recipes and attributes.
f5_pool 'mypool' do host 'value' port 'value' enabled_status :disabled end
Though more commonly this is delegated to an attribute, which is the default behavior when this property is not specified explicitly:
f5_pool 'mypool' do host 'value' port 'value' end
is equivalent to
f5_pool 'mypool' do host 'value' port 'value' enabled_status node['f5']['enabled_status'] end
and node['f5']['enabled_status']
defaults to :manual
so it won't touch the enabled status of your node in the pool unless you explicitly ask it to.
Managing virtual server client and server ssl profiles
The f5_vip
resource exposes a pair or properties which allow you to add client and server SSL profiles to a virtual server.
f5_vip 'myvip' do address 'vipaddress' port 'vipport' protocol 'protocol' # TCP default pool 'mypool' client_ssl_profile 'client.cert' server_ssl_profile 'server.cert' end
These two properties are optional and only take effect if they are specified.
They will converge to ensure that profile is applied to the given vip, but there is currently no option to remove an SSL profile.
The f5_pool
and f5_vip
resources can be used as-is in a chef-provisioning environment. Options exists for some resources that are especially catered to chef-provisioning.
If the host
attribute on the f5_pool
resource is excluded the resource will not attempt to add a node but instead simply manage the pool itself.
Writing specs for vip and pool resources
This coobkook provides custom chefspec matchers so you can write specs like this:
require 'chefspec' describe 'example::default' do let(:chef_run) { 'ubuntu', version: '16.04').converge(described_recipe) } it 'creates the example_com pool (if needed) and adds this node to it' do expect(chef_run).to create_f5_pool('example_com').with( ip: '', host: '', port: 80, monitor: 'test-monitor' ) end it 'creates the vip' do expect(chef_run).to create_f5_vip('').with( address: '', port: '80', protocol: 'PROTOCOL_TCP', pool: 'reallybasic' ) end end
NOTE: these matches verify only the presence (or absence via expect(chef_run).to_not
) of a resource and the configuration of its properties according to hash passed to the optional with
The matchers cannot be used to validate whether convergence of an f5_pool
or f5_vip
resource took place.
NOTE: Due to this issue you can't test multiple calls to a resource in chefspec if the resource name is the same.
All resources have an optional <RESOURCE_NAME>_name
attribute that you can use to override the chef resource's name. E.g.
f5_pool 'pool_name_create' do
pool_name 'pool_name'
monitor 'tcp'
f5_pool 'pool_name_add_node1' do
pool_name 'pool_name'
host 'node1'
ip ''
port 443
f5_pool 'pool_name_add_node2' do
pool_name 'pool_name'
host 'node2'
ip ''
port 443
In the above example, if pool_name
wasn't specified then the resource name would have to be pool_name
for each call to f5_pool
. This would work as expected in chef but chefspec would only register the
last invocation of f5_pool
. By using the pool_name
resource the chef resource can be uniquely named and therefore tested.
Testing this cookbook
Run bundle exec rake test
to run the chefspec tests.
bundle exec rake guard
starts a guard
listener which watches files and auto-runs rspec to provide faster feedback
bundle exec rake lint
will run rubocop
License and Authors
Author:: Sean Walberg (
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
Bugfix for the last version
Supporting credentials in a databag
Still rough around the edges and nowhere near feature complete, but
this cookbook will create the pool and VIP and add the node as a member
Initial release of f5
Collaborator Number Metric
0.4.2 passed this metric
Contributing File Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Foodcritic Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
FC108: Resource should not define a property named 'name': f5/resources/irule.rb:1
FC108: Resource should not define a property named 'name': f5/resources/monitor.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 14.0.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
No Binaries Metric
0.4.2 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.4.2 passed this metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Foodcritic Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
FC108: Resource should not define a property named 'name': f5/resources/irule.rb:1
FC108: Resource should not define a property named 'name': f5/resources/monitor.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 14.0.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
No Binaries Metric
0.4.2 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.4.2 failed this metric
FC108: Resource should not define a property named 'name': f5/resources/monitor.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 14.0.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
0.4.2 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.4.2 failed this metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number