Installs and configures PowerBroker Identity Services Open Edition
cookbook 'pbis-open', '~> 2.1.0'
Expose PCI information as automatic attributes
cookbook 'pci', '~> 0.3.5'
Configures and installs a self-contained PCRE installation
cookbook 'pcre', '~> 0.1.1'
Installs/Configures pdepend
cookbook 'pdepend', '~> 1.2.1'
pdf2image tools
cookbook 'pdf2image', '~> 1.0.0'
A flexible feature flag implementation
cookbook 'pd-feature', '~> 0.1.2'
Installs/Configures pdftk
cookbook 'pdftk', '~> 0.0.1'
Installs/Configures PowerDNS Recursor and Authoritative server
cookbook 'pdns', '~> 10.0.0'
Installs/Configures pdsh
cookbook 'pdsh', '~> 0.1.1'
Installs/Configures pen
cookbook 'pen', '~> 0.1.2'
Installs/Configures pencil
cookbook 'pencil', '~> 0.1.1'
Configures the pennyworth continuous deployment pipeline system
cookbook 'pennyworth', '~> 0.2.3'
The pentest-env Cookbook
cookbook 'pentestenv', '~> 1.2.0'
Installs/Configures cool stuff for pentesting.
cookbook 'pentester', '~> 1.7.0'
Provides resources to install and configure an Oracle PeopleTools stack
cookbook 'peopletools', '~> 2.5.0'
This cookbook accompanies the `percolate` gem
cookbook 'percolate', '~> 0.9.4'
Installs Percona MySQL client and server
cookbook 'percona', '~> 3.4.8'
Installs Percona apt/yum repostiory, client, and server
cookbook 'percona-install', '~> 0.1.4'
Provides Percona master/slave replication services
cookbook 'percona-multi', '~> 0.1.2'
Installs Percona apt/yum repository and percona-toolkit package.
cookbook 'percona-toolkit', '~> 0.1.0'