cookbook 'yum-mysql-community', '= 0.1.14'
(46) Versions
Installs/Configures yum-mysql-community
cookbook 'yum-mysql-community', '= 0.1.14', :supermarket
knife supermarket install yum-mysql-community
knife supermarket download yum-mysql-community
yum-mysql-community Cookbook
The yum-mysql-community cookbook takes over management of the default
repositoryids shipped with epel-release. It allows attribute
manipulation of mysql-connectors-community
, mysql56-community
, and
- Chef 11 or higher
- yum cookbook version 3.0.0 or higher
The following attributes are set by default
default['yum']['mysql-connectors-community']['repositoryid'] = 'mysql-connectors-community' default['yum']['mysql-connectors-community']['description'] = 'MySQL Connectors Community' default['yum']['mysql-connectors-community']['baseurl'] = '$releasever/$basearch/' default['yum']['mysql-connectors-community']['gpgkey'] = '' default['yum']['mysql-connectors-community']['failovermethod'] = 'priority' default['yum']['mysql-connectors-community']['gpgcheck'] = true default['yum']['mysql-connectors-community']['enabled'] = true
default['yum']['mysql56-community']['repositoryid'] = 'mysql56-community' default['yum']['mysql56-community']['description'] = 'MySQL 5.6 Community Server' default['yum']['mysql56-community']['baseurl'] = '$releasever/$basearch/' default['yum']['mysql56-community']['gpgkey'] = '' default['yum']['mysql56-community']['failovermethod'] = 'priority' default['yum']['mysql56-community']['gpgcheck'] = true default['yum']['mysql56-community']['enabled'] = true
default['yum']['mysql57-community-dmr']['repositoryid'] = 'mysql57-community-dmr' default['yum']['mysql57-community-dmr']['description'] = 'MySQL 5.7 Community Server Development Milestone Release' default['yum']['mysql57-community-dmr']['baseurl'] = '$releasever/$basearch/' default['yum']['mysql57-community-dmr']['gpgkey'] = '' default['yum']['mysql57-community-dmr']['failovermethod'] = 'priority' default['yum']['mysql57-community-dmr']['gpgcheck'] = true default['yum']['mysql57-community-dmr']['enabled'] = true
- mysql55 - Sets up the mysql56-community repository on supported platforms
yum_repository 'mysql55-community' do mirrorlist '$releasever/$basearch/' description '' enabled true gpgcheck true end
- mysql56 - Sets up the mysql56-community repository on supported platforms
yum_repository 'mysql56-community' do mirrorlist '$releasever/$basearch/' description '' enabled true gpgcheck true end
- connectors - Sets up the mysql-connectors-community repository on supported platforms
Usage Example
To disable the epel repository through a Role or Environment definition
:yum => {
:mysql57-community-dmr => {
:enabled => {
Uncommonly used repositoryids are not managed by default. This is
speeds up integration testing pipelines by avoiding yum-cache builds
that nobody cares about. To enable the epel-testing repository with a
wrapper cookbook, place the following in a recipe:
node.default['yum']['mysql57-community-dmr']['enabled'] = true
node.default['yum']['mysql57-community-dmr']['managed'] = true
include_recipe 'mysql57-community-dmr'
More Examples
Point the mysql56-community repositories at an internally hosted server.
node.default['yum']['mysql56-community']['enabled'] = true
node.default['yum']['mysql56-community']['mirrorlist'] = nil
node.default['yum']['mysql56-community']['baseurl'] = ''
node.default['yum']['mysql56-community']['sslverify'] = false
include_recipe 'mysql56-community'
License & Authors
- Author:: Sean OMeara (
Copyright:: 2011-2015, Chef Software, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
yum-mysql-community Cookbook CHANGELOG
This file is used to list changes made in each version of the yum-mysql-community cookbook.
v0.1.14 (2015-03-12)
- The content of 0.1.13 is questionable: didn't have changelog entry, may have had merged attribute change, but let's be clear and say at least this version 0.1.14 is the right thing.
v0.1.13 (2015-03-12)
- #3 corrected typo in public key attribute
v0.1.12 (2015-01-20)
- Minor style updates
v0.1.11 (2014-07-21)
- Adding RHEL-7 support
v0.1.10 (2014-07-21)
- Adding mysql-5.7 and centos 7 support
v0.1.8 (2014-06-18)
- Updating to support real RHEL
v0.1.6 (2014-06-16)
Fixing typo in mysql55-community attributes
v0.1.4 (2014-06-13)
- updating url to keys in cookbook attributes
v0.1.2 (2014-06-11)
1 - Move files/mysql_pubkey.asc to files/default/mysql_pubkey.asc
v0.1.0 (2014-04-30)
Initial release
v0.3.6 (2014-04-09)
- [COOK-4509] add RHEL7 support to yum-mysql-community cookbook
v0.3.4 (2014-02-19)
COOK-4353 - Fixing typo in readme
v0.3.2 (2014-02-13)
Updating README to explain the 'managed' parameter
v0.3.0 (2014-02-12)
[COOK-4292] - Do not manage secondary repos by default
Adding Amazon Linux support
Fixing up attribute values for EL6
initial release
Foodcritic Metric
0.1.14 passed this metric
0.1.14 passed this metric