cookbook 'serverdensity', '= 3.1.0'
(25) Versions
Installs/Configures the v2 Server Density monitoring agent
cookbook 'serverdensity', '= 3.1.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install serverdensity
knife supermarket download serverdensity
This cookbook installs the v2 Server Density agent on your Linux systems. This also includes support for the following plugins:
- sd-agent-apache
- sd-agent-btrfs
- sd-agent-consul
- sd-agent-couchbase
- sd-agent-couchdb
- sd-agent-directory
- sd-agent-docker
- sd-agent-elastic
- sd-agent-haproxy
- sd-agent-hdfs
- sd-agent-kafka-consumer
- sd-agent-memcache
- sd-agent-mongo
- sd-agent-mysql
- sd-agent-nginx
- sd-agent-ntp
- sd-agent-phpfpm
- sd-agent-postfix
- sd-agent-postgres
- sd-agent-rabbitmq
- sd-agent-redis
- sd-agent-riak
- sd-agent-supervisord
- sd-agent-varnish
- sd-agent-zookeeper
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- CentOS
- Amazon
- Oracle
- Scientific
Support for Ubuntu Precise is now deprecated and agent updates are no longer provided after 2.1.6. This cookbook will install agent 2.1.6 for any server detected as Ubuntu Precise
Check attributes/default.rb
for the full list
Just include serverdensity
in your node's run_list
to have the agent installed without any configuration:
{ "name":"my_node", "run_list": [ "recipe[serverdensity]" ] }
To install and configure the agent include serverdensity
in your node's run_list
and configure the token
and sd_account
Including your API token will allow the cookbook to query the API and generate a new agent key for you, or if the device already exists, return the correct agent key.
You can either specify your account and token in attributes/default.rb
or you can specify attributes in your run_list
"serverdensity": {"token": "b97da80a41c4f61bff05975ee51eb1aa","sd_account":"example"},
"run_list": [ "recipe[serverdensity]" ]
You can also include any of the attributes from attributes/default.rb
in your run list to install and configure plugins. Plugin installation is decided by the presence of the first attribute in the list for the specific plugin:
"serverdensity": {"token": "b97da80a41c4f61bff05975ee51eb1aa","sd_account":"example","apache_status_url":"http://localhost/server-status?auto"},
"run_list": [
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write your change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
License and Authors
- Server Density home page
- akatz/chef-serverdensity
- Jonty/chef-serverdensity
- serverdensity/chef-serverdensity
- Original Author: Avrohom Katz
- Modified by: Jonty Wareing
- Modified by: Server Density
- Rewritten by: Mal Graty
- Other Contributors:
- Joe Marty
- Rewritten by: Server Density
Dependent cookbooks
apt >= 0.0.0 |
yum >= 0.0.0 |
dpkg_autostart >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
ChangeLog for chef-serverdensity
3.1.0 (22-11-2017)
- Added support for new deb repositories
- Added support for el6 python27 dependency
- Ensured Amazon linux only install el6 packages
3.0.7 (10-01-2017)
- Added support for Couchbase plugin
3.0.6 (08-12-2016)
- Added support for HDFS and Zookeeper plugins
3.0.5 (04-10-2016)
- Added
option for Elasticsearch plugin
3.0.4 (29-09-2016)
- Added Elasticsearch support
3.0.3 (22-09-2016)
- Fix to prevent empty array from installing the sd-agent-directory plugin
3.0.2 (19-09-2016)
- Added HAProxy support
- Improved handling of attributes which use arrays.
3.0.1 (01-09-2016)
- Improved recipe to ensure that the sd-agent service is only restarted after a configuration change.
- Small template tweaks
- Better comments in attributes to describe when to use arrays
- Small fixes to the recipe to point to correct packages and yaml files
- Removal/update of deprecated features
- Foodcritic fixes
3.0.0 (14-04-2016)
- Rewrote entire recipe to install the Server Density v2 agent. v1 agent support has been removed.
2.1.4 (26-03-2015)
- Use 1.7.3 rest-client (fix for "Unable to acquire a ServerDensity agent_key")
2.1.3 (12-03-2015)
- Add matchers library for ChefSpec
2.1.2 (12-03-2015)
- Allow the device attribute to override a built-in device provider (AWS)
- Move chef_gem to converge time for Chef 12.1.0
2.1.1 (10-03-2015)
- Update to use rest-client gem (rest_client depreciated)
2.1.0 (10-10-2014)
- Added support for managing plugins
- Move agent config to
an updated template - Improved support for AWS EC2 linking with Server Density cloud support
- Added :remove and :purge options for removing the agent
- Support for AWS OpsWorks
- Improved docs
- Various performance improvements
- Various bug fixes
2.0.0 (20-03-2014)
- Revamped entire recipe. See for full changelog. Note supports non-LWRP based usage, but does introduce breaking changes hence the version bump.
1.0.1 (17-09-2013)
- Fixed bug in switching between API versions which may have caused the agent to not be installed and strange output in logs.
1.0.0 (26-07-2013)
- Initial release with v1 and v2 API support.
Collaborator Number Metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 1 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Contributing File Metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Foodcritic Metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
License Metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
serverdensity does not have a valid open source license.
Acceptable licenses include Apache-2.0, apachev2, Apache 2.0, MIT, mit, GPL-2.0, gplv2, GNU Public License 2.0, GPL-3.0, gplv3, GNU Public License 3.0.
No Binaries Metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Foodcritic Metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
License Metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
serverdensity does not have a valid open source license.
Acceptable licenses include Apache-2.0, apachev2, Apache 2.0, MIT, mit, GPL-2.0, gplv2, GNU Public License 2.0, GPL-3.0, gplv3, GNU Public License 3.0.
No Binaries Metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
serverdensity does not have a valid open source license.
Acceptable licenses include Apache-2.0, apachev2, Apache 2.0, MIT, mit, GPL-2.0, gplv2, GNU Public License 2.0, GPL-3.0, gplv3, GNU Public License 3.0.
No Binaries Metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
3.1.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
3.1.0 passed this metric
3.1.0 passed this metric