cookbook 'quagga', '~> 0.4.2'
quagga (14) Versions 0.4.2 Follow3
Generic Quagga cookbook
cookbook 'quagga', '~> 0.4.2', :supermarket
knife supermarket install quagga
knife supermarket download quagga
This is a fork of The functionality here is much different, and this cookbook is not backwards comptaible.
This cookbook provides an interface via attributes to serveral Quagga daemons. It's written with
the intention of deploying Quagga on Cumulus switches, and managing
router configuration as code.
This cookbook currently supports the following daemons:
- Zebra
Tested on:
* Cumulus Linux 1.5.3
* Cumulus Linux 2.5.11
* Cumulus Linux 3.2.68
* Ubuntu 14.04
NOTE! Where you see "String or Array" for type, a String may be used only for single values. Use
an Array of Strings for multiple values.
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
node['quagga']['router_id'] |
Router-id to use for all protocols. This is superseded by protocol-specific router-ids, if they are defined. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['enable_reload'] |
Must be true in to enable reloading the quagga service (only applies to certain versions). | Boolean | true |
node['quagga']['max_instances'] |
Sets /etc/defaults/quagga "MAX_INSTANCES" value. | Integer | 5 |
node['quagga']['integrated_vtysh_config'] |
Must be set to true in order to reload quagga (vs restart) on config changes. Details here and here. | Boolean | false |
node['quagga']['multiple_instance'] |
Must be set to true in order to support multiple routing-instances or vrfs. Supported in Cumulus Linux 2.5.3SE and adopted in Cumulus Linux 3.0. | Boolean | false |
node['quagga']['interfaces'][$IF_NAME] |
The interface you wish to assign properties to (e.g. eth0 ). |
Hash or Array (deprecated) | nil |
BGP General
General BGP settings, not specific to any neighbor or peer.
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
node['quagga']['bgp'] |
A hash containing the BGP processes and their configuration. Keys are the local ASNs/processes (Integer), values are the data for that process (Hash). | Hash | {} |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['router_id'] |
Sets the router-id for this BGP process. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['redistribute'] |
Route types to redistribute into BGP (eg: ["connected","ospf"] . |
String or Array | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['hold_time'] |
BGP hold time (must also set keepalive_interval ). |
Integer | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['keepalive_interval'] |
BGP keepalive interval (must also set hold_time ). |
Integer | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['max_paths'] |
Maximum number of ECMP paths. | Integer | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['multipath_relax'] |
Allow for ECMP of different ASNs. | Boolean | false |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['compare_routerid'] |
Enable comparison of the router-id during best path selection. | Boolean | false |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'] |
A hash containing neighbors and their configuration. Keys are the neighbor IPs or group names (String), values are the data for that neighbor or group (Hash). | Hash | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'] |
A hash containing address families and their configuration. Keys are the family-type names (String), values are the data for that family (Hash). | Hash | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['redistribute'] |
Route types to redistribute into BGP (eg: ["connected","ripng","ospf6"] . |
String or Array | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['max_paths'] |
Maximum number of ECMP paths in the address family. | Integer | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['aggregate_address'] |
Hash of address ranges to aggregate, with optional values. (eg: { '100::/64': true, '200::/64': 'summary-only' } ) |
Hash | nil |
BGP Neighbor
Note! As indicated below, some neighbor options are also valid under address-family (eg: for address-family 'ipv6').
Note #2! If you set attributes under the 'ipv4 unicast' address family, you must use override attributes.
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['description'] |
String describing this neighbor or group. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['peer_group'] |
Set to true if this is a peer-group. Set to string if peer-group member. |
Boolean or String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['peer_type'] |
The neighbor peer type to use with interface or peer-group. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['remote_as'] |
The remote-as for this neighbor. | Integer or String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['local_as'] |
The local-as for this neighbor. | Integer or String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['capability'] |
capability flags for peer. |
Array or String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['ebgp_multihop'] |
Allow eBGP-multihop up to N hops | Integer | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['connect_timer'] |
Time in seconds between connection attempts. | Integer | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['default_originate'] |
Set to true to advertise a default route to this neighbor. |
Boolean | false |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['default_originate_map'] |
The name of the route-map to use with default-originate. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['next_hop_self'] |
Set to true to advertise ourselfs as nexthop, Set to "all" for iBGP. |
Boolean or string. | false |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['peer_group_range'] |
The IP range(s) to permit for this group (BGP Dynamic Neighbors). | String or Array | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['soft_reconfig_in'] |
Enable soft-reconfiguration-inbound (to enable dispaly of received routes). | Boolean | false |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['prefix_list_in'] |
Name of the prefix-list to use for filtering incoming routes. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['prefix_list_out'] |
Name of the prefix-list to use for filtering outgoing routes. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['route_map_in'] |
Name of the route-map to use for filtering incoming routes. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['route_map_out'] |
Name of the route-map to use for filtering outgoing routes. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['route_map_export'] |
Name of the route-map to use for filtering exported routes (route-server). | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['route_map_import'] |
Name of the route-map to use for filtering imported routes (route-server). | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR] |
Enable neighbor for this address-family (use an empty hash if no options are needed). | Hash | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['soft_reconfig_in'] |
Enable soft-reconfiguration-inbound (to enable dispaly of received routes). | Boolean | false |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['next_hop_self'] |
Set to true to advertise ourselfs as nexthop, Set to "all" for iBGP. |
Boolean or string. | false |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['capability'] |
capability flags for peer. |
Array or String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['default_originate'] |
Set to true to advertise a default route to this neighbor. |
Boolean | false |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['default_originate_map'] |
The name of the route-map to use with default-originate. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['prefix_list_in'] |
Name of the prefix-list to use for filtering incoming routes. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['prefix_list_out'] |
Name of the prefix-list to use for filtering outgoing routes. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['route_map_in'] |
Name of the route-map to use for filtering incoming routes. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['route_map_out'] |
Name of the route-map to use for filtering outgoing routes. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['route_map_export'] |
Name of the route-map to use for filtering exported routes (route-server). | String | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['address_family'][$FAMILY]['neighbors'][$NEIGHBOR]['route_map_import'] |
Name of the route-map to use for filtering imported routes (route-server). | String | nil |
NOTE - when using
withipv4 unicast
as $FAMILY you must to use node.normal or higher (node.default will be overwritten)
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
node['quagga']['ospf']['router_id'] |
Sets the router-id for OSPF. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['ospf']['reference_bandwidth'] |
Sets the reference bandwidth for OSPF. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['ospf']['redistribute'] |
Route types to redistribute into OSPF (eg: ["connected","bgp"] . |
String or Array | [] |
node['quagga']['ospf']['passive_default'] |
Set passive-interface default (Active interfaces must be defined). needs tests | Boolean | true |
node['quagga']['ospf']['passive_ints'] |
Names of passive interfaces. | String or Array | nil |
node['quagga']['ospf']['areas'] |
A Hash containing areas and their configurations. Keys are the area IDs (eg:, values are the data for that area. | Hash | {} |
node['quagga']['ospf']['areas'][$AREA]['networks'] |
Networks to include in the area. | String or Array | nil |
node['quagga']['ospf']['areas'][$AREA]['stub_area'] |
Make specific area a stub area | Boolean | nil |
node['quagga']['ospf']['networks'] |
needs description & tests. | String or Array | [] |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
node['quagga']['ospf6']['router_id'] |
Sets the router-id for OSPF. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['ospf6']['reference_bandwidth'] |
Sets the reference bandwidth for OSPF. | String | nil |
node['quagga']['ospf6']['redistribute'] |
Route types to redistribute into OSPF (eg: ["connected","bgp"] . |
String or Array | [] |
node['quagga']['ospf6']['areas'] |
A Hash containing areas and their configurations. Keys are the area IDs (eg:, values are the data for that area. | Hash | {} |
node['quagga']['ospf6']['areas'][$AREA]['interfaces'] |
Interfaces to include in the area. | String or Array | nil |
node['quagga']['ospf6']['areas'][$AREA]['stub_area'] |
Make specific area a stub area | Boolean | nil |
node['quagga']['ospf6']['networks'] |
needs description & tests. | String or Array | [] |
Prefix Lists
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
node['quagga']['prefix_lists'] |
A hash containing all of the prefix-lists to configure in quagga. Keys are the prefix-list names, values are hashes filled with the entries. | Hash | {} |
node['quagga']['prefix_lists'][$LIST] |
A hash containing all of the entries in a particular $LIST. Keys are sequence numbers, values are hashes filled with the details of the entry. | Hash | {} |
node['quagga']['prefix_lists'][$LIST][$SEQ]['prefix'] |
The prefix affected by this rule (must be x.x.x.x/x or x::x/x or any_v6 for any ipv6 prefix). If left out, rule will match any ipv4 prefix |
String | any |
node['quagga']['prefix_lists'][$LIST][$SEQ]['ge'] |
The minimum prefix length to accept (eg: 24 or 128 ) |
Integer | nil |
node['quagga']['prefix_lists'][$LIST][$SEQ]['le'] |
The maximum prefix length to accept (eg: 24 or 128 ) |
Integer | nil |
node['quagga']['prefix_lists'][$LIST][$SEQ]['action'] |
The action to take (either 'permit' or 'deny'). | String | nil |
Route Maps
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
node['quagga']['route_maps'] |
A hash containing all of the route-maps to configure in quagga. Keys are the route-map names, values are hashes filled with the entries. | Hash | {} |
node['quagga']['route_maps'][$MAP] |
A hash containing all of the entries in a particular $MAP. Keys are sequence numbers, values are hashes filled with the details of the entry. | Hash | {} |
node['quagga']['route_maps'][$MAP][$SEQ]['action'] |
The action to take (either 'permit' or 'deny'). | String | nil |
node['quagga']['route_maps'][$MAP][$SEQ]['set'] |
A hash containing all the actions to set when mapping the route (must be a identified below). If left out the rule will not do anything | Hash | {} |
node['quagga']['route_maps'][$MAP][$SEQ]['set']['aggregator'] |
The aggregator AS as well as the aggregator IP address | Hash | {} |
node['quagga']['route_maps'][$MAP][$SEQ]['set']['aggregator'] |
Hash containing the aggregator AS and IP address | Hash | {} |
node['quagga']['route_maps'][$MAP][$SEQ]['set']['aggregator']['as'] |
The aggregator AS | Integer | nil |
node['quagga']['route_maps'][$MAP][$SEQ]['set']['aggregator']['ip'] |
The aggregator IP address | String | nil |
node['quagga']['route_maps'][$MAP][$SEQ]['set']['local_preference'] |
The local prefernce to set on the route | Integer | nil |
Static Routes
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
node['quagga']['static_routes'] |
A hash containing static routes to configure. This will work for ipv4 and ipv6 static routes. Keys are the prefixes, values are the next-hop addresses. | Hash | nil |
node['quagga']['static_routes'][$ROUTE] |
The next-hop address for given $ROUTE | String | any |
Multiple Routing Instances (VRFs)
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
node['quagga']['multiple_instance'] |
Must be set to true in order to support multiple routing-instances or vrfs. Supported in Cumulus Linux 2.5.3SE and adopted in Cumulus Linux 3.0. | Boolean | false |
node['quagga']['interfaces'][$IF_NAME] |
The interface you wish to assign to a routing table followed by a specific table (e.g. swp1 table 100 ). |
Hash or Array | nil |
node['quagga']['bgp'][$LOCAL_ASN]['neighbors'] |
A hash containing neighbors and their configuration. Local ASN need to have the table specified. Keys are the neighbor IPs or group names followed by (String) values for that neighbor or group (Hash). | Hash | nil |
node['quagga']['static_routes'][$ROUTE] |
A hash, with a specified table, containing static routes to configure. Keys are the prefixes, values are the next-hop addresses. | Hash | nil |
Simply set the desired attributes (see Attributes section above) then call the proper recipe (quagga::bgpd, quagga::ospfd). There is also a provider for zebra, but no recipe as of yet.
BGP Example
The following example will create BGP process 64512 with dynamic neighbors. Devices in the range ('hosts' peer-group) will be able to peer with this process. Two regular neighbor & are configured here also, one of which is in the peer-group. Neighbors in the group and the normal neighbor will receive a default route when peered with this instance.
node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64512']['log_neighbor_changes'] = true node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64512']['neighbors']['hosts']['remote_as'] = 64512 node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64512']['neighbors']['hosts']['default_originate'] = true node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64512']['neighbors']['hosts']['peer_group'] = true node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64512']['neighbors']['hosts']['peer_group_range'] = '' node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64512']['neighbors']['']['remote_as'] = 64512 node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64512']['neighbors']['']['default_originate'] = true node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64512']['neighbors']['']['peer_group'] = 'hosts' include_recipe 'quagga::bgpd'
Unnumbered BGPv6 Example
The following example will create BGP process 64511 with unnumbered neighbors. We are also required to set the address family when working with these interfaces.
node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64511']['neighbors']['swp1']['peer_type'] = 'interface' node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64511']['neighbors']['swp1']['remote_as'] = 64512 node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64511']['neighbors']['swp1']['soft_reconfig_in'] = true node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64511']['neighbors']['swp1']['ipv6'] = true node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64511']['address_family']['ipv6'] = {} include_recipe 'quagga::bgpd'
OSPF Example
The following example will create an OSPF area 0, with quagga reload enabled and an OSPF-specific router-id. All interfaces with addresses in will actively participate in OSPF, except for the ones explicitly listed as :passive_ints
node.set['quagga']['integrated_vtysh_config'] = true node.set['quagga']['ospf']['router'-id] = node.set['quagga']['ospf']['passive_default'] = false node.set['quagga']['ospf']['areas'][]['networks'] = '' node.set['quagga']['ospf']['passive_ints'] = ['lo', 'br-access'] include_recipe 'quagga::ospfd'
Static Route Example
The following example will create a static route to using the next hop of
node.set['quagga']['static_routes'][''] = '' include_recipe 'quagga::zebra'
Multiple Routing-Instaces (VRFs) Example
The following example will create a routing table with a static route, a bgp neighbor and a specific interface all on table 100.
node.set['quagga']['multiple_instance'] = true node.set['quagga']['interfaces']['swp1 table 100'] = {} node.set['quagga']['bgp']['64512 table 100']['neighbors']['']['remote_as'] = 64512 node.set['quagga']['static_routes'][''] = ' table 100'
Any form of contribution is welcome! Feature requests, bug reports, pull requests, whatever!
If you add features, make sure there are tests for them, and if you change any code, make sure
the existing tests all pass before creating a pull request.
Tests are run on a Cumulus VX VM using serverspec.
Testing requirements:
* Vagrant
* VirtualBox
To run the tests (after installing prerequisites):
* bundle install
* rake rubocop
* bundle exec rake integration:vagrant
* foodcritic .
Author and License
Maintainer, Authors and Contributors
Role | Individual |
Author (pre-0.2) | Ooyala Inc. |
Maintainer (0.2+) | Ian Clark |
Contributor | James Farr Gomez |
Copyright 2014, Ooyala Inc.
Copyright 2015-2017, Contributers
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
0.4.2 (2017-08-04)
- Removed
ipv6 = true
support for BGP neighbors and changed how address-family is handled. See README for details.
0.3.14 (unreleased)
- Added support for: (@robbat2)
- capability
- ebgp-multihop
- local-as
- neighbor N route-map RM export
- neighbor N route-map RM import
- address-family F neighbor N route-map RM ...
- address-family F neighbor N prefix-list PL ...
- Easier to use neighbor properties within a specific address-family (@robbat2)
- Improved test coverage for existing code.
- (POTENTIALLY BREAKING CHANGE) peer-group membership needs to be re-applied to peer inside each address-family, otherwise any peer-group properties in that address-family scope are not used (@robbat2).
0.3.13 (2017-06-20)
- Added in support for aggregate-address (@robbat2)
- Added in support for neighbor description, next-hop-self, peer-group member (@robbat2)
0.3.10 (2017-05-26)
- Added in support for ospf and ospf6 stub areas (@nertwork)
- Added in support for ospf and ospf6 reference bandwidth (@nertwork)
0.3.9 (2017-05-15)
- Used default attribute scope for daemons (@robbat2)
0.3.8 (2017-05-09)
- Added in support for bgp compare router-id (@nertwork)
0.3.7 (2017-04-28)
- Added in support for bgp multipath-relax (@nertwork)
0.3.6 (2017-04-25)
- Added in support for multi-path bgp for different address-family routes (@nertwork)
0.3.5 (2017-04-13)
- Added in support for ipv6 bgp and static routes (@nertwork)
0.3.4 (2017-02-01)
No changes made just version bump
0.3.3 (2017-02-01)
- Added in support for ospf3 or ospfv6 (@nertwork)
0.3.2 (2016-07-11)
- Added in support BGP connect_timer (@fzylogic)
0.3.1 (2016-05-18)
- Fixing route_map bug (@nertwork)
0.3.0 (2016-05-18)
Added in support for Travis CI Testing (@nertwork)
Added in support for route-mapping (@nertwork)
Added in support for CodeClimate (@nertwork)
- Some code cleanup (@nertwork)
0.2.10 (2016-04-20)
No changes made, just a version bump
0.2.9 (2016-04-15)
- fix issues with override attributes and the LWRPs (removed new_resource attribute passing)
0.2.8 (2016-02-22)
- add global BGP timer attributes (@floored1585)
0.2.7 (2016-02-18)
- add BGP maximum-paths support (@floored1585)
0.2.6 (2016-02-17)
- fix multiple lint issues / improve code consistency (@floored1585)
0.2.4 (2015-11-04)
- add Ubuntu 14.04 platform testing (@floored1585)
- remove duplicate service in recipies/default.rb (@floored1585)
0.2.3 (2015-11-02)
- add multiple instance support for BGP (@nertwork)
- add static route tests (@nertwork)
- add route redistribution support for OSPF (@floored1585)
- add prefix list support (@floored1585)
- fix style issues (@floored1585)
Collaborator Number Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Contributing File Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Foodcritic Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: quagga/metadata.rb:1
FC067: Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata: quagga/metadata.rb:1
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata: quagga/metadata.rb:1
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/bgp.rb:59
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/ospf.rb:59
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/ospf6.rb:57
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/zebra.rb:56
Run with Foodcritic Version 16.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
No Binaries Metric
0.4.2 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.4.2 failed this metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Foodcritic Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: quagga/metadata.rb:1
FC067: Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata: quagga/metadata.rb:1
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata: quagga/metadata.rb:1
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/bgp.rb:59
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/ospf.rb:59
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/ospf6.rb:57
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/zebra.rb:56
Run with Foodcritic Version 16.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
No Binaries Metric
0.4.2 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.4.2 failed this metric
FC067: Ensure at least one platform supported in metadata: quagga/metadata.rb:1
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata: quagga/metadata.rb:1
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/bgp.rb:59
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/ospf.rb:59
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/ospf6.rb:57
FC085: Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource: quagga/providers/zebra.rb:56
Run with Foodcritic Version 16.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
0.4.2 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.4.2 failed this metric
0.4.2 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number