cookbook 'php5-fpm', '= 0.4.3'
(19) Versions
Installs/Configures php5-fpm
cookbook 'php5-fpm', '= 0.4.3', :supermarket
knife supermarket install php5-fpm
knife supermarket download php5-fpm
PHP5-FPM Cookbook
<br />
Adding pools can be done by way of LWRP provider or by modifying JSON directly in the attributes file or overriding the attributes through other methods, environments, roles, etc. Usage of the receipes beyond ::install is optional and not
needed if using the LWRP provider.
When using the JSON option with recipes, if you do not wish to use a configuration value in the JSON attributes, you can simply set it to NOT_SET and it will not be included in the configuration file. Additionally, you can add more
configuration values if they are missing, future proofing the template generation with JSON.
As of version 4.0, you can auto-calculate the procs and workers needed and define the percentage of resources the pool should consume on the server. This allows for quick creation of php-fpm pools and not having
to perform the calculation yourself. Please see the LWRP attributes below and the auto-calculation example, but the simplest explanation is the pm configuration will be determined by the calculation. If the pm
type is set to static then the max_children will only be used. If the type is dynamic, the auto-calculation will populate the additional pm configuration options but not the pm.max_requests, this will need to be set
Supported Chef Versions
Chef 12 and below
Supported Platforms
Debian(6.x+), Ubuntu(10.04+)
CentOS(6.x+), RedHat, Fedora(20+)Tested Against
Debian 6.x and above
Ubuntu 10.04 and above
CenOS 6.x and above
Fedora 20Planned Improvements
0.4.3 - Any additional bugs
Required Cookbooks
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<td>Use cookbook to install repos for earlier OS versions, ubuntu 10.04, centos 6.x, debian 6.x</td>
<td>Run hostupgrade::upgrade. Will only run first-run by default; set ["hostupgrade"]["first_time_only"] to false if required every time.</td>
<td>Install Additional PHP Modules stated in ["php_fpm"]["php_modules"]</td>
<td>List additional PHP Modules you wish to install.</td>
<td><tt>['php5-common','php5-mysql','php5-curl','php5-gd'] *OS Dependent</tt></td>
<td>Configure Users. Must include recipe recipe[php5-fpm::create_user]</td>
<td>Users/Directories to Add</td>
<td><tt>Attributes File</tt></td>
<td>PHP-FPM.conf Configuration Values</td>
<td><tt>Attributes File</tt></td>
<td>pool.conf Configuration Values</td>
<td><tt>Attributes File</tt></td>
<td>PHP-FPM.conf Configuration Values Ubuntu 10.04 Only</td>
<td><tt>Attributes File</tt></td>
<td>pool.conf Configuration Values Ubuntu 10.04 Only</td>
<td><tt>Attributes File</tt></td>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
- create
- modify
- delete <br /> <br />
Attribute Parameters
<td>True/False Default: false</td>
<td>Determine if the pool configuration will be overwritten if it exists.</td>
<td><b>Base Pool</b></td>
<td>Name of the pool; it will also be used to name the pool file.</td>
<td>String Default: www-data</td>
<td>Sets the <i>user</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: www-data</td>
<td>Sets the <i>group</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default:</td>
<td>Sets the <i>listen</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Integer Default: 9000</td>
<td>Sets the <i>listen</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>listen.allowed_clients</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>listen.owner</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i></i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>listen.mode</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Boolean Default: false</td>
<td>If set, this overrides IPv4 assignment for <i>listen</i> attribute in the pool conf file to use sockets</td>
<td>String Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>listen</i> attribute in the pool conf file.(Requires: use_sockets true)</td>
<td>Integer Default: 65536</td>
<td>Sets the <i>listen.backlog</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td><b>PM Config</b></td>
<td>String Default: dynamic</td>
<td>Sets the <i>pm</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Integer Default: 10</td>
<td>Sets the <i>pm.max_children</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Integer Default: 4</td>
<td>Sets the <i>pm.start_servers</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Integer Default: 2</td>
<td>Sets the <i>pm.min_spare_servers</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Integer Default: 6</td>
<td>Sets the <i>pm.max_spare_servers</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: 10s</td>
<td>Sets the <i>pm.process_idle_timeout</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Integer Default: 0</td>
<td>Sets the <i>pm.max_requests</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: /status</td>
<td>Sets the <i>pm.status_path</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: /ping</td>
<td>Sets the <i>ping.path</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: /pong</td>
<td>Sets the <i>ping.response</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: %R - %u %t \"%m %r\" %s</td>
<td>Sets the <i>access.format</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Integer Default: 0</td>
<td>Sets the <i>request_slowlog_timeout</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Integer Default: 0</td>
<td>Sets the <i>request_terminate_timeout</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>access.log</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>slowlog</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: /</td>
<td>Sets the <i>chdir</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>chroot</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String yes/no Default: no</td>
<td>Sets the <i>catch_workers_output</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: .php</td>
<td>Sets the <i>security.limit_extensions</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Integer Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>rlimit_files</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Integer Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>rlimit_core</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td><b>PHP Conf Flags/Values</b></td>
<td>Hash Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>php_flag[]</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Hash Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>php_value[]</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Hash Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>php_admin_flag[]</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>Hash Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>php_admin_value[]</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td><b>Environment Vars</b></td>
<td>Hash Default: nil</td>
<td>Sets the <i>env[]</i> attribute in the pool conf file.</td>
<td>String Default: false</td>
<td>Enables auto-calculation of php-fpm pool resources.</td>
<td>Integer 1 - 100 Default: 100</td>
<td>Defines the percentage share of the server resources the pool can consume.</td>
<td>String Default: false</td>
<td>Round-up is defined by default; set round_down to trye to go the other way.</td>
<br />
<br />
php5_fpm_pool "example" do
pool_user "www-data"
pool_group "www-data"
listen_address ""
listen_port 8000
listen_allowed_clients ""
listen_owner "nobody"
listen_group "nobody"
listen_mode "0666"
php_ini_flags (
{ "display_errors" => "off", "log_errors" => "on"}
php_ini_values (
{ "sendmail_path" => "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f", "memory_limit" => "32M"}
overwrite true
action :create
notifies :restart, "service[#{node["php_fpm"]["package"]}]", :delayed
php5_fpm_pool "example" do
pool_user "fpm_user"
pool_group "fpm_group"
listen_allowed_clients ""
pm_max_children 30
pm_start_servers 10
pm_min_spare_servers 5
pm_max_spare_servers 10
pm_process_idle_timeout "30s"
pm_max_requests 1000
pm_status_path "/mystatus"
ping_path "/myping"
ping_response "/myresponse"
php_ini_flags (
{ "display_errors" => "on", "log_errors" => "off"}
php_ini_values (
{ "sendmail_path" => "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f", "memory_limit" => "16M"}
action :modify
notifies :restart, "service[#{node["php_fpm"]["packag"]}]", :delayed
<br />
<br />
Auto-Calculate Example
php5_fpm_pool "example" do
pool_user "fpm_user"
pool_group "fpm_group"
listen_allowed_clients ""
auto_calculate true
percent_share 80
round_down true
pm_process_idle_timeout "30s"
pm_max_requests 1000
pm_status_path "/mystatus"
ping_path "/myping"
ping_response "/myresponse"
php_ini_flags (
{ "display_errors" => "on", "log_errors" => "off"}
php_ini_values (
{ "sendmail_path" => "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f", "memory_limit" => "16M"}
action :modify
notifies :restart, "service[#{node["php_fpm"]["package"]}]", :delayed
<br />
<br />
Sockets Example
php5_fpm_pool "example3sockets" do
pool_user "fpm_user"
pool_group "fpm_group"
use_sockets true
listen_socket "/var/run/phpfpm_example.sock"
listen_owner "fpm_user"
listen_group "fpm_group"
listen_mode "0660"
overwrite true
action :create
notifies :restart, "service[#{node["php_fpm"]["package"]}]", :delayed
<br />
<br />
<br />
Recipe Usage
php-fpm::install (required)
Install PHP5-FPM. Include php5-fpm::install
in your node's run_list
{ "name":"my_node", "run_list": [ "recipe[php5-fpm::install]" ] }
php5-fpm::create_user (optional)
This will create users and directories for use with pools. Include php5-fpm::create_user
in your node's run_list
{ "name":"my_node", "run_list": [ "recipe[php5-fpm::create_user]" ] }
php5-fpm::configure_pools (optional)
This will create pools based on JSON attributes. Not needed if you are using the LWRP provider. Include php5-fpm::configure_pools
in your node's run_list
{ "name":"my_node", "run_list": [ "recipe[php5-fpm::configure_pools]" ] }
php5-fpm::example_pool (optional)
Example on how to use the LWRP provider. This is not a required recipe but include php5-fpm::example_pool
in your node's run_list
if you wish to try the example:
{ "name":"my_node", "run_list": [ "recipe[php5-fpm::example_pool]" ] }
<br />
<br />
<br />
License and Authors
Authors: Brian Stajkowski
Copyright 2014 Brian Stajkowski
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Dependent cookbooks
hostupgrade >= 0.1.3 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
php5-fpm CHANGELOG
- stajkowski - Fixed rlimit files import to convert to integer, issue #7.
- stajkowski - Fixed metadata to support 11.10 and earlier Chefserver/chef-zero versions. The metada labels boolean types as string but they are in fact boolean attributes as stated in the README.
- stajkowski - Added support for sockets in LWRP Provider. Please set use_sockets true and state the socket and backlog with listen_socket / listen_backlog.
- stajkowski - As of version 4.0, you can auto-calculate the procs and workers needed and define the percentage of resources the pool should consume on the server. This allows for quick creation of php-fpm pools and not having to perform the calculation yourself. Please see the LWRP attributes below and the auto-calculation example but the simplest explantation is the pm configuration will be determined by the calculation. If the pm type is set to static then the max_children will only be used. If the type is dynamic, the auto-calculation will populate the additional pm configuration options but not the pm.max_requests, this will need to be set manually. More information is in the README as well as examples. Reformatted README and added more documentation.
- stajkowski - Adjust changelog order for updates from Chef Supermarket. Moved host update and upgrade actions to hostupgrade cookbook and included recipe, added berksfile location, and updated metadata. Added node["php_fpm"]["run_update"] to state if hostupgrade recipe should run. Added node["php_fpm"]["use_cookbok_repos"] to control if you want the cookbook to install the correct repos for installing php5-fpm on debian, centos, and ubuntu earlier versions. Removed node["php_fpm"]["update_system"] and node["php_fpm"]["upgrade_system"], so by setting php_fpm/run_update and php_fpm/use_cookbook_repos to false, you can control your own operation of installing repos and updating the system if need be. Or, leave them to default if you wish to have php5-fpm cookbook control this operation. **Keep in mind, the hostupgrade cookbook is set by default to run only on the first run and not every time chef-client runs, set node["host_upgrade"]["first_time_only"] to false to run every time. *Attribute node["php_fpm"]["install_php_modules"] is now set to false by default as this is optional. **Recipe configure_fpm.rb has been removed. This is now part of the install recipe; now, as a minimum, you only need to run install recipe.
- stajkowski - Chef 12 Supported Now. Adjusted update, upgrade and install_php_modules for boolean values. Add attributes for Chef Server. Adjusted README to indicate configure_fpm a required recipe. Fixed Serverspec OS detection for v2. Fixed CHEF 12 unsupported methods for calling attributes.
- stajkowski - Added PHP Overrides and Environment variables to LWRP. Revised documentation and updated README.
- rodriguez - Adjust installation script so that it doesn't restart php-fpm everytime chef-client is run.
- stajkowski - Created LWRP for pool create, modify and delete. LWRP example receipe shows the potential usage. The documentation outlines all available attributes. Tested and verified.
- stajkowski - Updated install receipe to fix the update/upgrade operation. Now allows for the option and fully functional. Added and tested against more platforms, check .kitchen.yml. Fixed 14.04 bug for service provider, will include this until the bug is fixed. Added support for Debian 6.x and above and added support for Ubuntu 10.04 and above, this has a seperate JSON configuration due to recent configuration settings not supported in these earlier versions.
- stajkowski - Tested Fedora 20 support. Generated Test Kitchen files and preparing for kitchen scripts.
- stajkowski - Added Redhat and CentOS support. Allow for the option to update package repos on the system.
- stajkowski - Rework attribute structure, prepare for additional platforms.
- stajkowski - Intial Commit/Base Recipes.