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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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packagecloud (35) Versions 0.0.19

Installs/Configures repositories.

cookbook 'packagecloud', '= 0.0.19', :supermarket
cookbook 'packagecloud', '= 0.0.19'
knife supermarket install packagecloud
knife supermarket download packagecloud
Quality 0%

packagecloud cookbook

This cookbook provides an LWRP for installing repositories.


Be sure to depend on packagecloud in metadata.rb so that the packagecloud
resource will be loaded.

For public repos:

packagecloud_repo "computology/packagecloud-cookbook-test-public" do
  type "deb"

For private repos, you need to supply a master_token:

packagecloud_repo "computology/packagecloud-cookbook-test-private" do
  type "deb"
  master_token "762748f7ae0bfdb086dd539575bdc8cffdca78c6a9af0db9"

For packagecloud:enterprise users, add base_url to your resource:

packagecloud_repo "computology/packagecloud-cookbook-test-private" do
  base_url ""
  type "deb"
  master_token "762748f7ae0bfdb086dd539575bdc8cffdca78c6a9af0db9"

Valid options for type include deb, rpm, and gem.

Interactions with other cookbooks

On CentOS 5, the official chef yum cookbook overwrites the file
/etc/yum.conf setting some default values. When it does this, the cachedir
value is changed from the CentOS5 default to the default value in the
cookbook. The result of this change is that any packagecloud repository
installed before a repository installed with the yum cookbook will appear as
though it's gpg keys were not imported.

There are a few potential workarounds for this:

  • Pass the "-y" flag to package resource using the options attribute. This should cause yum to import the GPG key automatically if it was not imported already.
  • Move your packagecloud repos so that they are installed last, after any/all repos installed via the yum cookbook.
  • Set the cachedir option in the chef yum cookbook to the system default value of /var/cache/yum using the yum_globalconfig resource.

CentOS 6 and 7 are not affected as the default cachedir value provided by
the yum chef cookbook is set to the system default, unless you use the
yum_globalconfig resource to set a custom cachedir. If you do set a custom
cachedir, you should make sure to setup packagecloud repos after that
resource is set so that the GPG keys end up in the right place.


Computology, LLC.

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

appcanary Applicable Versions
chef-server-ingredient Applicable Versions
consul Applicable Versions
dokku Applicable Versions
gitlab_omnibus Applicable Versions
goiardi Applicable Versions
graphite-api Applicable Versions
kafka-manager Applicable Versions
mysql-mha Applicable Versions
openstack-mistral Applicable Versions
openvpn_duo Applicable Versions
openvpn_okta Applicable Versions
riak Applicable Versions
riak-cs Applicable Versions
runit Applicable Versions
sensu-go Applicable Versions
snap Applicable Versions
snoopy Applicable Versions
stackstorm Applicable Versions
supermarket Applicable Versions
swisnap Applicable Versions
twindb-repo Applicable Versions
tyk Applicable Versions


This is the Changelog for the packagecloud cookbook

v0.0.1 (2014-06-05)

Initial release.

v0.0.1 (2014-06-05)

Initial release!

Foodcritic Metric

0.0.19 failed this metric

FC041: Execute resource used to run curl or wget commands: /tmp/cook/6b04e843fb64ddbaf78efbc6/packagecloud/providers/repo.rb:42