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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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nexus (34) Versions 0.12.7

Installs and configures Sonatype Nexus

cookbook 'nexus', '= 0.12.7', :supermarket
cookbook 'nexus', '= 0.12.7'
knife supermarket install nexus
knife supermarket download nexus
Quality -%


Installs and configures Sonatype Nexus and Nginx. Nginx is installed from source with the http_ssl_module.
Nginx is configured to run as a proxy for Nexus using HTTPS/SSL.



  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS

The following cookbooks are dependencies:

  • java
  • ark
  • nginx



Installs a Nexus plugin by creating a symlink of a named plugin from the Nexus' optional-plugins directory into the
Nexus' plugin-repositroy directory.


Action Description Default
install Installs the plugin Yes


Attribute Description Type Default
name Name of the plugin to install String name


Resource provider for creating and deleting Neuxs repositories.


Action Description Default
create Creates a new repository Yes
delete Deletes a repository
update Updates a repository


Attribute Description Type Default
name Name of the repository to create/delete String name
type The type of repository - either "hosted" or "proxy". String
url The url used for a proxy repository. String
publisher Whether this repository is a publisher of artifacts. TrueClass, FalseClass
subscriber Whether this repository is a subscriber to artifacts. TrueClass, FalseClass


Resource provider for modifying the global Nexus settings.


Action Description Default
update Updates a global Nexus setting to a new value. Yes


Attribute Description Type Default
path The element of the settings that is going to be changed. String name
value The new value to update the path to. String, TrueClass, FalseClass


Resource provider for creating, deleting, and modifying Nexus user accounts.


Action Description Default
create Creates a new Nexus user. Yes
delete Deletes a Nexus user.
update Updates a Nexus user with updated information
change_password Changes a Nexus user's password


Attribute Description Type Default
username The element of the settings that is going to be changed. String name
first_name The first name of the user. String
last_name The last name of the user. String
email The email address of the user. String
enabled Whether or not this user is enabled or disabled. TrueClass, FalseClass
password The current (or new) password of the user. String
old_password The old password of the user, used in change_password. String
roles A list of roles (permissions) to apply to the user. Array


Resource provider for installing a license file into Nexus. This LWRP uses an encrypted data bag namespaced
under nexus license.

knife data bag create nexus license -c  --secret-file

Your data bag should look like the following:

  "id": "license"
  "file": ""

It is very important that you base64 encode your Nexus license before storage inside the data bag.

openssl base64 -in /path/to/your/license.lic


Action Description Default
install Installs a license file into the server. Yes


Attribute Description Type Default
name Some useful information about the license. Similar to ruby_block. String name


Resource provider for manipulating the Nexus' settings for Smart Proxy.


Action Description Default
enable Enables the Smart Proxy functionality. Yes
disable Disables the Smart Proxy functionality.
add_trusted_key Adds a trusted key to the server.
delete_trusted_key Removes a trusted key from the server.


Attribute Description Type Default
name Some useful information about the proxy. Similar to ruby_block. String name
id Used for delete_trusted_key. The id of the key to delete. String
host The host to use for Smart Proxy. Used for enable. String
port The port to use for Smart Proxy. Used for enable. Fixnum
certificate The certificate of another Nexus to add. Used for add_trusted_key. String
description The description of the other Nexus. Used for add_trusted_key. String


The following attributes are set under the nexus namespace:

  • version - sets the version to install
  • user - sets the user to install nexus under
  • group - sets the group to install nexus under
  • url - sets the URL where the nexus package is located
  • port - the port to run nexus on
  • host - the hostname to use for nexus
  • path - the user home directory
  • name - the name of the Nexus
  • home - the installation directory for nexus. Uses name.
  • conf_dir - the above home/conf
  • bin_dir - the above home/bin
  • work_dir - the above path/sonatype-work/nexus
  • plugins - an Array of Nexus plugins that will be installed by the default recipe.
  • create_repositories - an Array of repositories that will be created by the default recipe.

The following attributes are set under nexus::nginx namespace:

  • listen_port - the port to listen on for nginx
  • server_name - the name of the nginx server
  • options - used to generate options in the nginx conf file

The following attributes are set under the nexus::cli namespace:

  • url - The url that the nexus_cli gem will connect to. The default recipe uses this to configure itself, so localhost.
  • repository - The repository that nexus_cli gem will use for push / pull operations. A requirement of nexus_cli, not used by this cookbook.
  • packages - required packages to install for using the chef_gem "nexus_cli"

The following attributes are set under the nexus::repository namespace:

  • create_hosted - An Array of repository names that will be used to create Hosted Repositories.
  • create_proxy - A Hash of repository names to urls that will be used to create Proxy Repositories.
  • publishers - An Array of repository names that will be set to publish artifacts (Smart Proxy).
  • subscribers - An Array of repository names that will be set to subscribe to artifacts (Smart Proxy).

The following attributes are set under the nexus::smart_proxy namespace:

  • enable - true if we want to enable Smart Proxy, false if not.
  • host - The host to use for Smart Proxy configuration.
  • port - The port to use for Smart Proxy configuration.


The files directory contains a self-signed certificate and key that are installed to nginx::dir/shared/certificates/nexus-proxy.crt
and nginx::dir/shared/certificates/nexus-proxy.key.

By default, the cookbook will look for a ssl_certificate encrypted data bag:

knife data bag create nexus ssl_certificate -c  --secret-file=

Your data bag should look like the following:

  "id": "ssl_certificate",
  "fully-qualified-domain-name": {
    "crt": "base64-encoded-ssl-certificate",
    "key": "base64-encoded-private-key"

The cookbook will look for an entry for your node[:fqdn] in the data bag, and if found, will get the certificate and key,
base64 decode them, and write them using the file resource. If there is no entry in the data bag, the default action will
use the cookbook_file resource to copy the self-signed certificate and key and install them.

Nexus Usage

Many of the LWRPs utilize the Nexus CLI gem to interact with the Nexus server. In order to use them, you must first
create an encrypted data bag that contains the credentials
for your Nexus server.

knife data bag create nexus credentials -c  --secret-file=

Your data bag should look like the following:

  "id": "credentials",
  "default_admin": {
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "admin123"
  "updated_admin": {
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "customize_me"

Out-of-the-box, Nexus comes configured with a specific administrative username/password combo. The default recipe
change the password for that account to the password configured in the updated_admin element.

Smart Proxy Usage

When Smart Proxy is enabled (nexus::pro recipe), repositories need to be set to become publishers or subscribers. In
addition, we need to store the certificates of other Nexus servers on the server that Smart Proxy is being enabled on.

knife data bag create nexus certificates -c  --secret-file=

Your data bag will store a certificate and description based on the IP address of other Nexus servers and should look like the following:

  "id": "certificates",
  "": {
    "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
    "description": " Trusted Key"
  "": {
    "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
    "description": " Trusted Key"

Override the nexus::repository attributes to set these appropriately for your Nexus.


Simply add the "nexus::default" recipe to the node where you want Sonatype Nexus installed.

To install Nexus Pro and perform some extra steps, use the "nexus::pro" recipe. Most likely, all you'll need is
to override the following attributes like so:

:nexus => {
  :version => '2.1.2',
  :checksum => 'new checksum',
  :url => 'some/url/to/nexus-professional-2.1.2-bundle.tar.gz',

License and Author

Author:: Kyle Allan (
Based on work by Joseph Holsten (, Charles Scott (,
Greg Schueler (, and Seth Chisamore (

Copyright 2012, Riot Games

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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