Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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golang (50) Versions 1.1.2

Installs go programming language

cookbook 'golang', '= 1.1.2', :supermarket
cookbook 'golang', '= 1.1.2'
knife supermarket install golang
knife supermarket download golang
Quality -%

<a name="title"></a> golang (Chef cookbook for Go)

<a name="description"></a> Description

Chef cookbook for Go programming language.

<a name="requirements"></a> Requirements

<a name="requirements-platform"></a> Platform

  • Ubuntu (10.04/11.04/12.04/13.04)
  • Debian (6.0)

Notes: This cookbook has been tested on the listed platforms. It
may work on other platforms with or without modification. Please
report issues any additional platforms so they can be added.

<a name="requirements-cookbooks"></a> Cookbooks

This cookbook depends on the following external cookbooks:

  • git

<a name="usage"></a> Usage


Just include golang in your node's run_list:

  "run_list": [

<a name="attributes"></a> Attributes


<td>Go version</td>
<td>amd64 or i386</td>

<a name="testing"></a> Testing

This project have foodcritic for syntax checking and
test-kitchen for integration testing. You can run the test suite by
typing: rake kitchen:all (may be slow for the first time).

In order to run these tests, the following
requirements must be

<a name="contributing"></a> Contributing

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write you change
  4. Test it by running rake kitchen:all
  5. Submit a Pull Request

<a name="contributors"></a> Contributors

Dependent cookbooks

git >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

bitcoin Applicable Versions
bosun Applicable Versions
carbon-relay-ng Applicable Versions
consul Applicable Versions
consul-haproxy Applicable Versions
consul-template Applicable Versions
decred Applicable Versions
docker Applicable Versions
doozer Applicable Versions
elk_forwarder Applicable Versions
elkstack Applicable Versions
gliderlabs_registrator Applicable Versions
goiardi Applicable Versions
google_auth_proxy Applicable Versions
hashicorp-vault Applicable Versions
kronia Applicable Versions
letsencrypt-boulder-server Applicable Versions
lxd Applicable Versions
netdevops Applicable Versions
prometheus Applicable Versions
runc Applicable Versions
sbp_packer Applicable Versions
scollector Applicable Versions
signalfx Applicable Versions
simple_consul_alerts Applicable Versions
snap Applicable Versions
statsdaemon Applicable Versions
statsdaemon-bitly Applicable Versions
statsdaemon-vimeo Applicable Versions
vim-go Applicable Versions
vulcand Applicable Versions

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