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aix (14) Versions 2.3.2

Custom resources useful for AIX systems

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AIX Cookbook

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This cookbook contains useful resources for using Chef with AIX systems.



  • AIX 6.1
  • AIX 7.1


  • Chef 12.7+


  • none


This cookbook ships multiple resources for writing cookbooks to manage AIX hosts. See the resources below:



Create an alternate disk on a free disk Update an existing alternate disk


  • create - create an alternate rootvg disk
  • cleanup - cleanup an alternate rootvg disk
  • wakeup - wakeup an alternate rootvg disk
  • rename - rename an alternate rootvg disk
  • sleep - put an alternate rootvg in sleep
  • customize - customize an alternate rootvg (update)


  • type (optional) - size (choose the disk on which creating the alternate disk by it's size in MB)
  • type (optional) - name (choose the disk on which creating the alternate disk by it's name)
  • type (optional) - auto (automatically choose the disk on which creating the rootvg)
  • value (optional) - bigger (if type is auto choose a disk bigger than the current rootvg size)
  • value (optional) - equal (if type is auto choose a disk with the exact same size of the rootvg size)
  • value (optional) - size or name (if type is size or name it's the size or the exact name of the disk)
  • altdisk_name (optional) - name of the alternate disk to create
  • change_bootlist (optional) (default false) - change the bootlist to boot to the new alternate disk
  • image_location (optional) - directory containing filesets used for the cust operation
  • new_altdisk_name (optional) - new name use for rename action
  • reset_devices, (optional) kind_of: [true, false], default: false - Performs a device reset on the target. This causes the alternate disk install to not retain any user-defined device configurations.
  • remain_nimclient, (optional) kind_of: [true, false], default: false - /.rhosts and /etc/niminfo files are copied to the file system


aix_altdisk "cloning rootvg by name hdisk3" do
  type :name
  value "hdisk3"

aix_altdisk "cloning rootvg by size 66560" do
  type :size
  value "66560"

aix_altdisk "cloning rootvg by size 66561" do
  type :size
  value "66561"

aix_altdisk "cloning rootvg by auto" do
  type :auto
  value "bigger"
  action :create
  altdisk_name "myvg"

aix_altdisk "cleanup alternate rootvg" do
  action :cleanup
  altdisk_name "rootvg_alt"

aix_altdisk "altdisk_by_auto" do
  type :auto
  value "bigger"
  change_bootlist true
  action :create

aix_altdisk "altdisk_wake_up" do
  action :wakeup

aix_altdisk "altdisk_update" do
  image_location "/mnt/7100-03-05-1524"
  action :customize

aix_altdisk "altdisk_sleep" do
  action :sleep

aix_altdisk "rename altdisk" do
  new_altdisk_name "altdisk_vg"
  action :rename


Manage the inittab entries. Example:


  • runlevel - the runlevel of the inittab entry
  • processaction - the action of the process (e.g. "once", "boot", etc.)
  • command - the command to run
  • follows - add the entry after this one


aix_inittab 'my-awesome-aix-daemon' do
  runlevel '2'
  processaction 'once'
  command '/opt/mycompany/libexec/mydaemon -d > /dev/console 2>&1'
  action :install


Manage the services started by inetd by editing /etc/inetd.conf.


  • servicename - name of the service as it appears in the first field of /etc/inetd.conf
  • type - type of service. Valid values: dgram stream sunrpc_udp sunrpc_tcp
  • protocol - protocol of service. Valid values: tcp udp tcp6 udp6
  • wait - blocking, nonblocking, or SRC. Valid values: wait nowait SRC
  • user - user to the run the service under. Default: root
  • program - program to run (typically specified by full path)
  • args - program, with arguments


aix_subserver 'tftp' do
  protocol 'udp'
  action :disable


Manage the services started by /etc/rc.tcpip.


  • immediate (optional) - whether to start/stop the TCP/IP service immediately by contacting the SRC. It's much better to declaratively specify this separately using the built-in service resource in Chef.


aix_tcpservice 'xntpd' do
  action :enabled


To install packages from the IBM AIX Toolbox for Linux off the IBM FTP site.


  • base_url (optional) - the base URL to use to retrieve the package. If you are behind a firewall or your AIX system doesn't have access to the Internet, you can override this to an HTTP/FTP server where you have stored the RPMs.


aix_toolboxpackage "a2ps" do
  action :install


Change any AIX device attribute.


  • need_reboot (optional) - Add -P to the chdev command if device is busy (this parameter cannot be used with hot_change)
  • hot_change (optional) - Add -U to the chdev command for attribute with True+ (this parameter cannot be used with need_reboot)


aix_chdev 'sys0' do
  attributes(maxuproc: '1026', ncargs: '1024')
  need_reboot false
  action :update

aix_chdev 'fcs0' do
  attributes(num_cmd_elems: '200', max_xfer_size: '0x800000')
  need_reboot true
  action :update

aix_chdev 'ent0' do
  attributes(poll_uplink: 'yes')
  need_reboot true
  action :update

aix_chdev 'hdisk1' do
  attributes(reserve_policy: 'no_reserve')
  hot_change true


Create, remove, modify AIX paging space.


  • name - Name of the paging space
  • size - Size of the paging space in MB
  • auto - Active paging space on reboot (True,False)
  • active - Active/Desactive paging space (True,False)
  • vgname - Volume group name where the paging space should be created


  • change - Modify the paging space
  • remove - Remove the paging space
  • create - Create the paging space


aix_pagingspace "Changing paging space" do
  name 'hd6'
  size 1024
  auto true
  action :change

aix_pagingspace "Disabling paging space" do
  name 'paging00'
  active false
  action :change

aix_pagingspace "Removing paging space" do
  name 'paging00'
  action :remove

aix_pagingspace "Creating paging space" do
  name 'mypgsp'
  size 1024
  auto true
  vgname 'rootvg'
  action :create

aix_pagingspace "Creating paging space 2" do
  name 'mypgsp2'
  size 1024
  auto true
  active true
  vgname 'rootvg'
  action :create


Change any AIX no (network) tunables.


  • set_default (optional) (default true) - All change are persistent to reboot (/etc/tunables/nextboot)
  • bootlist (optional) (default false) - If set to true, the bootlist is not changed


  • update - update a list of tunables
  • reset - reset a list of tunabes
  • reset_all - reset all tunables to default
  • reset_all_with_reboot - reset all tunables to default even if the ones that need a reboot


aix_no "changing no tunables" do
  tunables(udp_recv_perf: '0', udprecvspace: '42083', psetimers: '23')
  action :update

aix_no "reseting no tunables" do
  tunables(udp_recv_perf: '0', udprecvspace: '0')
  set_default false
  action :reset

aix_no "reseting all no tunables" do
  action: reset_all

aix_no "reseting all no tunables reboot needed" do
  action: reset_all_with_reboot


Change any AIX unrestricted tunables(vmo, ioo, schedo).


  • mode (mandatory) (no default) - must be :ioo, :vmo or :schedo
  • permament (optional) (default false) - All changes are persistent
  • nextboot (optional) (default false) - All changes applied on next boot only


  • update - update a list of tunables
  • reset - reset a list of tunabes
  • reset_all - reset all tunables to default


aix_tunables "reset schedo values" do
  mode :schedo
  action :reset_all

aix_tunables "change vpm_throughput_mode" do
  mode :schedo
  tunables(:vpm_throughput_mode => 2)

aix_tunables "change posix AIO servers" do
  mode :ioo
  tunables(posix_aio_minservers: 6, posix_aio_maxservers: 36)

aix_tunables "tune minperm%" do
  mode :vmo
  tunables( :"minperm%" => 6)

aix_tunables "tune tcp buffers" do
  mode :no
  tunables( :udp_recvspace => 655360, :udp_sendspace => 65536 )


Create, remove or update multibos on AIX.


  • update_device (optional) - mount point used for update


  • create - create (and update if needed) a bos instance
  • remove - remove a standby bos
  • update - update all already create bos
  • mount - mount a standby bos
  • umount - umount a standby bos


aix_multibos "create a multibos no bootlist" do
  action :create
  bootlist true

aix_multibos "create and update a multibos" do
  action :create
  update_device "/mnt/7100-03-05-1524"

aix_multibos "remove standby multibos" do
  action :remove

aix_multibos "update a multibos" do
  action :update
  update_device "/mnt/7100-03-05-1524"

aix_multibos "mount a bos" do
  action :mount

aix_multibos "mount a bos" do
  action :umount


Changes the attributes in the security stanza files.


  • file_name (name_attribute) - security file to change
  • attribute - array of attribute to change
  • stanza - stanza to change


aix_chsec '/etc/security/login.cfg' do
  attributes(maxlogins: '16000', maxroles: '7', shells: '/bin/sh,/usr/bin/ksh')
  stanza 'usw'
  action :update


Add, change or remove entries in the /etc/hosts file.


  • name - name of the host to change/add/delete
  • ip_address - ip address
  • new_hostname - new_hostame (use with change action)
  • aliases - aliases


To ensure an entry is added and stays set correctly, use both the :add and :change actions as shown in the 5th example below.

  • add - add an entry in /etc/hosts
  • delete - remove an entry in /etc/hosts
  • delete_all - remove all entries in /etc/hosts
  • change - change an entry in /etc/hosts


aix_etchosts "test" do
  ip_address ""
  action :add

aix_etchosts "test" do
  ip_address ""
  action :change

aix_etchosts "test" do
  new_hostname "test2"
  action :change

aix_etchosts "test" do
  ip_address ""
  aliases ["test2", "test3"]
  action :add

aix_etchosts "test" do
  action :delete

aix_etchosts '' do
  aliases ['test4', 'test5']
  action [:add, :change]

aix_etchosts "" do
  action :delete

aix_etchosts "delete all entries" do
  action :delete_all


Use suma to download fixes on a NIM server. You can download service pack, or technology level. You can also download latest service pack of latest technology level for the HIGHEST release in the client list. It means if you provide AIX 7.1 and 7.2 clients, only last 7.2 TL or SP is downloaded.

In some cases a metadata operation is performed to discover the oslevel build number or the latest service pack level.

The location directory is automatically created if it does not exist.

The NIM lpp_source resource is automatically created if needed. It meets the following requirement. Name contains build number and ends with the type of resource:

  • 7100-04-00-0000-lpp_source
  • 7100-03-01-1341-lpp_source
  • 7100-03-02-1412-lpp_source

You can provide a NIM lpp_source as oslevel property.

Suma resource uses Ohai to discover nim environment. You may want to reload Ohai info after a successful download by adding:

  • the following resource to your recipe:
  ohai 'reload_nim' do
  action :nothing
  plugin 'nim'
  • the following notifies property to your resource:
  notifies :reload, 'ohai[reload_nim]', :immediately
aix_suma "download needed fixes to update client list to 7.1 TL3 SP1" do
  oslevel "7100-03-01-1341"
  location "/export/extra/nim"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :download

aix_suma "... perform suma metadata operation to discover build number" do
  oslevel "7100-03-01"
  location "/export/extra/nim"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :download

aix_suma "download needed fixes to update client list to 7.1 TL4" do
  oslevel "7100-04"
  location "/export/extra/nim"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :download

aix_suma "download needed fixes to update client list to last TL and last SP" do
  oslevel "latest"
  location "/export/extra/nim"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :download

aix_suma "update nim lpp_source with needed fixes" do
  oslevel "7100-03-01-1341-lpp_source"
  location "/export/extra/nim"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :download


  • oslevel - service pack, technology level or 'latest' (with or without build number) (default: Latest)
  • location - directory to store downloaded fixes (default: /usr/sys/inst.images)
  • targets - space or comma separated list of clients to consider for update process (star wildcard accepted)
  • preview_only - preview only, no packages are downloaded


  • download - preview and download fixes


Use nim to setup a NIM server or install packages, update service pack, or technology level. Your NIM lpp_source must match the exact oslevel output.


  • device - NFS mount directory containing bos.sysmgt.nim.master package
  • lpp_source - name of NIM lpp_source resource to install or latest_sp or latest_tl
  • targets - comma or space separated list of clients to update (star wildcard accepted)
  • force - if true, installed interim fixes will be automatically removed (default: false)
  • async - if true, customization is performed asynchronously (default: false) (cannot be used for latest_sp or latest_tl customization)


  • master_setup - setup the NIM server
  • update - install downloaded fixes


To install the following updates:

  • 7100-04-00-0000-lpp_source
  • 7100-03-01-1341-lpp_source
  • 7100-03-02-1412-lpp_source


aix_nim "setup nim server" do
  device "/mnt"
  action :master_setup

aix_nim "asynchronously updating clients" do
  lpp_source "7100-03-01-1341-lpp_source"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  async    true
  action :update

aix_nim "updating clients to latest SP (forced synchronous)" do
  lpp_source "latest_sp"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :update

aix_nim "updating clients to latest TL (forced synchronous)" do
  lpp_source "latest_tl"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :update


Use flrtvc tool to generate flrtvc report, download recommended efix, and install them to patch security and/or hiper vulnerabilities.

A nim lpp_source resource is automatically created for fixes to be installed. It is removed at the end of the installation.

If space is needed, filesystem is automatically extended by increment of 100MB.


  • targets - comma or space separated list of clients to check (star wildcard accepted) (default: master)
  • apar - security or hiper data (default: both)
  • filesets - filter on fileset name
  • csv - custom apar csv file
  • path - directory where the report is saved
  • clean - clean temporary files and remove nim lpp_source resource (default: true)
  • verbose - save and display the report in verbose mode (default: false)
  • check_only - generate report only, no fixes are downloaded nor installed (default: false)
  • download_only - generate report and download fixes, do not install them (default: false)


  • install - install flrtvc tool
  • patch - generate report, download recommended fixes and patch the machine(s)


aix_flrtvc "install flrtvc tool (download unzip if needed)" do
  action :install

aix_flrtvc "download and install recommended efixes locally" do
  action :patch

aix_flrtvc "download and install security vulnerabilities on the remote targets" do
  apar "security"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :patch

aix_flrtvc "download and install hiper issues" do
  apar "hiper"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :patch

aix_flrtvc "download and install efix for printers fileset(s)" do
  filesets "printers"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :patch

aix_flrtvc "use custom csv file" do
  csv "/tmp/apar.csv"
  targets "client1,client2,client3"
  action :patch

aix_flrtvc "generate flrtvc report only" do
  path '/tmp/flrtvc'
  check_only true
  action :patch

aix_flrtvc "download recommended efixes only" do
  path '/tmp/flrtvc'
  download_only true
  action :patch


Use nimviosupdate to update a VIOS or a couple of VIOSes by installing software from the NIM server.
Each action from the action list can be executed independently or together: check, altdisk_copy, update, altdisk_cleanup
* check: verify the redundancy of the 2 VIOSes for the update
* altdisk_copy: will make an alternate rootvg on an available disk
* update: install software on VIOSes from existing NIM lpp source
* altdisk_cleanup: to remove the altinst_rootvg


  • lpp_source - Name of NIM lpp_source resource to install
  • targets - Comma separated list of single or dual VIOSes to manage in a tuple format (required)
  • altdisks - List of hdisks on which the alternate disk copy will be created. A disk is automatically searched when no disk is specified for a VIOS
  • action_list - Comma separated list of actions to perform on VIOSes and or VIOSes tuples (default: "check,altdisk_copy,update")
  • updateios_flags - Flags and update options for the updateios command (values: install, commit, cleanup or remove)
  • accept_licenses - (values: yes or no) (default: yes) To automatically accept license at software installation
  • preview - (values: yes or no) (default: yes) To select the install preview mode.


  • update - check, altdisk copy, update, cleanup depending on the action_list parameter.


aix_nimviosupdate "check the vios redundancy" do
  targets "(vios1,vios2),(vios3,vios4)(vios5)"
  action_list "check"
  action :update

aix_nimviosupdate "build an alternate rootvg" do
  targets "(vios1,vios2),(vios3,vios4),(vios5)"
  altdisks "(hdisk1,hdisk2)(hdisk1,)()"
  action_list "altdisk_copy"
  action :update

aix_nimviosupdate "update VIOSes using lpp_source " do
  lpp_source "lpp_source_name"
  targets "(vios1,vios2),(vios3,vios4),(vios5)"
  action_list "update"
  updateios_flags "install"
  accept_licenses "yes"
  preview "no"
  action :update

aix_nimviosupdate "remove alternate rootvg" do
  targets "(vios1,vios2),(vios3,vios4),(vios5)"
  action_list "altdisk_cleanup"
  action :update

aix_nimviosupdate "check VIOSes tuples, make alternate rootvg, update VIOSes, remove alternate rootvg" do
  lpp_source "lpp_source_name"
  targets "(vios1,vios2),(vios3,vios4),(vios())"
  altdisks "(,)(,),()"
  updateios_flags "install"
  accept_licenses "yes"
  preview "no"
  action_list "check,altdisk_copy,update,altdisk_cleanup"
  action :update


Use niminit to configure the nimclient package. This will look if /etc/niminfo exists and create it if it does not exist. You can the use nimclient provider after niminiting the client.


  • name - hostname of the nimclient
  • master - hostname of the nim master
  • pif_name - interface name
  • connect - nimsh or shell


  • setup - setup the nimclient
  • remove - remove nimclient configuration


aix_niminit node[:hostname] do
  master "nimmaster"
  connect "nimsh"
  pif_name node[:network][:default_interface]
  action :setup

aix_niminit node[:hostname] do
  action :remove

aix_niminit node[:hostname] do
  master "nimmaster"
  connect "nimsh"
  pif_name "en1"
  action :setup


Use nimclient to install packages, update service pack, or technology level. Your NIM server should meet these requirements to work with the nimclient provider:

  • All resources name must end with the type of the resource (check example below):

    • 7100-03-05-1514-lpp_source
    • 7100-03-05-1514-spot
    • myinstallpbundle-installp_bundle
  • All spot and lpp_source must match the exact oslevel output. To find the next available lpp_source or spot the provider is checking for your oslevel and comparing it with the lpp_source name

    • 7100-03-01-1341-lpp_source
    • 7100-03-02-1412-lpp_source
    • 7100-03-03-1415-lpp_source
    • 7100-03-04-1441-lpp_source
    • 7100-03-05-1524-lpp_source
    • 7100-03-01-1341-spot
    • 7100-03-02-1412-spot
    • 7100-03-03-1415-spot
    • 7100-03-04-1441-spot
    • 7100-03-05-1524-spot

Recommendation: create all the lpp_source with the simage attribute to avoid ambiguity.

$ lsnim -l 7100-03-05-1524-lpp_source
   class       = resources
   type        = lpp_source
   arch        = power
   Rstate      = ready for use
   prev_state  = unavailable for use
   location    = /export/nim/lpp_source/7100-03-05-1524
   simages     = yes
   alloc_count = 1
   server      = master

Here are a few examples of recipes using nimclient:

aix_nimclient "updating to latest available sp" do
  installp_flags "aXYg"
  lpp_source "latest_sp"
  fixes "update_all"
  action :cust

aix_nimclient "installing filesets from the latest available tl" do
  installp_flags "aXYg"
  lpp_source "latest_tl"
  filesets ["openssh.base.client","openssh.base.server","openssh.license"]
  action :cust

aix_nimclient "installing filesets from the next sp" do
  installp_flags "aXYg"
  lpp_source "next_sp"
  filesets [""]
  action :cust

aix_nimclient "installing filesets" do
  installp_flags "aXYg"
  lpp_source "latest_sp"
  filesets ["Java6_64.samples"]
  action :cust

aix_nimclient "reset" do
  action :reset

aix_nimclient "deallocate" do
  action :deallocate

aix_nimclient "set date to nimmaster value" do
  action :set_date

aix_nimclient "disable push operations" do
  action :disable_push

aix_nimclient "enable push operations" do
  action :enable_push

aix_nimclient "maintbooting client" do
  spot "7100-03-01-1341-spot"
  action :maint_boot

aix_nimclient "bos_inst client" do
  spot "7100-03-01-1341-spot"
  lpp_source "7100-03-01-1341-lpp_source"
  action :bos_inst

aix_nimclient "allocating resources" do
  installp_bundle "toolbox-installp_bundle"
  lpp_source "7100-03-01-1341-lpp_source"
  spot "7100-03-01-1341-spot"
  action :allocate


  • spot (optional) - name of the spot
  • lpp_source (optional) - name of the lpp_source
  • installp_bundle (optional) - name of the installp_bundle
  • filesets - list of filesets to install
  • fixes - fixe to install
  • installp_flags - flags used for installp


  • allocate - create (and update if needed) a bos instance
  • deallocate - remove a standby bos
  • cust - update all already create bos
  • enable_push - allow push operation from client
  • disable_push - disable push operation from client
  • set_date - set date to that of the nim master
  • enable_crypto - enable secure nimsh
  • disable_crypto - disable secure nimsh
  • reset - reset the client
  • bos_inst - enable bos_install installation (you need to reboot the virtual machine after that)
  • maint_boot - ennable maintenance boot (you need to reboot the virtual machine after that)


Change AIX bootlist.


  • mode (mandatory) (no default) - must be :both, :normal or :service
  • devices (no default) - List boot devices to setup
  • device_options (optional) (default false) - Specify boot options for specific device


  • update - update bootlist
  • invalidate - invalidate the bootlist


aix_bootlist 'invalidate normal mode bootlist' do
  action :invalidate
  mode :normal

aix_bootlist 'set normal and service bootlist on hdisk0' do
  mode :both
  devices ["hdisk0"]

aix_bootlist 'set bootlist for normal mode' do
  mode :normal
  devices ["hdisk0","hdisk1"]
  device_options("hdisk0" => "pathid=0", "hdisk1" => "pathid=0,1")


Install and remove fixes


  • fixes (mandatory) - Array of fixes to install or remove
  • directory (optional) - Directory where stands the fixes to install


  • install - install fixes
  • remove - remove fixes


aix_fixes "removing all fixes" do
  fixes ["all"]
  action :remove

aix_fixes "installing fixes" do
  fixes ["IV75031s5a.150716.71TL03SP05.epkg.Z", "IV77596s5a.150930.71TL03SP05.epkg.Z"]
  directory "/root/chefclient"
  action :install

aix_fixes "removing fix IV75031s5a" do
  fixes ["IV75031s5a", "IV77596s5a"]
  action :remove


Create or modify a LVM volume group


  • name: Name of the volume group
  • physical_volumes: The device or list of devices to use as physical volumes (if they haven't already been initialized as * physical volumes, they will be initialized automatically)
  • use_as_hot_spare: (optional) Sets the sparing characteristics of the physical volume such that it can be used as a hot spare. Legal values are "y" or "n". "y" marks the disk as a hot spare within the volume group it belongs to. "n" removes the disk from the hot spare pool for the volume group.
  • mirror_pool_name: (optional) Assigns or reassigns the disk to the named mirror pool. The mirror pool is created if it does not exist already Mirror pool names can only contain alphanumeric characters, may not be longer than 15 characters, must be unique in the volume group.


  • create - (default) Creates or modify a volume group


# Create volume groupe 'datavg1' with 2 disks
aix_volume_group 'datavg1' do
  physical_volumes          ['hdisk1', 'hdisk2']
  action :create

# Modify existing volume groupe 'datavg1' and add new disk
aix_volume_group 'datavg1' do
  physical_volumes          ['hdisk1', 'hdisk2', 'hdisk3']
  action :create

# Create a volume group called `datavg2` comprising 3 disks and assign them to a mirror pool.
aix_volume_group 'datavg2' do
  physical_volumes ['hdisk4', 'hdisk5', 'hdisk6']
  mirror_pool_name   'copy0pool'
  action :create

# Add a disk as a hot spare to the same `datavg3` volume group
aix_volume_group 'datavg3' do
  physical_volumes ['hdisk7']
  use_as_hot_spare   'y'
  action :add


Create or modify a LVM logical volume


  • name: Name of the logical volume
  • volume_group: Volume group in which to create the new logical volume (not required if the volume is declared inside of an lvm_volume_group block)
  • size: Minimum size of the logical volume in MB. The actual size allocated my be slightly greater.
  • copies: (optional) Number of copies of each logical partition. Legal values are 1, 2, 3


  • create - (default) Creates or modifies an AIX JFS2 logical volume


# create logical volume 'home' of 512MB with 2 copies in volume group 'datavg'
aix_logical_volume 'home' do
  group 'datavg'
  size   512 //  MB
  copies 2
  action :create


Create, modify, mount or defrag a LVM filesystem


  • name: Mount point of the filesystem
  • logical: Specifies an existing logical volume on which to make the filesystem
  • size: Size of the filesystem. It's can be a set of 512k blocks, a size in M or a size in G


  • create: (default) Creates or modifies a filesystem
  • mount: Mount a filesystem
  • umount: Unmount a filesystem
  • defragfs: Defrag a filesystem


# create filesystem of 256Mb in '/lvm/folder1' on logical volume 'part1'
aix_filesystem '/lvm/folder1' do
  logical 'part1'
  size   '256M'
  action :create

# mount '/lvm/folder1' filesystem
aix_filesystem '/lvm/folder1' do
  action :mount

# defrag '/lvm/folder1' filesystem
aix_filesystem '/lvm/folder1' do
  action :defragfs

# umount '/lvm/folder1' filesystem
aix_filesystem '/lvm/folder1' do
  action :umount


Manage wpar

install aix-wpar gem

The cookbook itself will install the aix-wpar gem if the system as internet access.

Else you need to download the gem file here. And install the package on the AIX system:

/opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem install /tmp/aix-wpar-0.1.0.gem


  • name: WPAR name
  • hostname: specify wpar hostname(can be different of wpar name)
  • address: ip address to use if no entry in /etc/hosts or DNS.
  • interface: network interface to use
  • rootvg: to build a rootvg wpar
  • rootvg_disk: hdisk to use for rootvg wpar
  • wparvg: volume group to use for system wpar. Default: rootvg
  • backupimage: backup image to restore when building wpar
  • cpu: resource control CPU. Example: 10%-50%,100%
  • memory: resource control memory.
  • autostart: auto start wpar at boot.
  • live_stream: live stream wpar commands output


  • create - create a wpar
  • delete - delete a wpar
  • start - start a wpar
  • stop- stop a wpar
  • sync- synchronize software between system and wpar
  • reset_all - reset all tunables to default


aix_wpar 'create wpar' do
  action :create
  name 'testwpar'
  hostname 'testwpar'
  cpu '10%-50%,100%'
  live_stream true
  autostart true

aix_wpar 'stop wpar' do
 action :stop
 name 'testwpar'
 live_stream true

aix_wpar 'sync wpar' do
 action :sync
 name 'testwpar'

aix_wpar 'delete wpar' do
 action :delete
 name 'testwpar2'

License and Authors

Copyright 2008-2017, Chef Software, Inc.
Copyright 2015-2016, Alain Dejoux <>
Copyright 2015-2016, Benoit Creau <>
Copyright 2015-2016, Bloomberg Finance L.P.
Copyright 2016, Atos <>
Copyright 2016, International Business Machines Corporation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

aix Cookbook CHANGELOG

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the aix cookbook.

2.3.2 (2018-07-24)

  • Change current_value to current_resource for Chef 14

2.3.1 (2018-05-16)

  • Don't .to_s strings
  • Use the chef shell_out mixin vs. mixlib_shellout
  • Properties that are Strings default to nil so we can remove the nil defaults
  • Remove empty load_current_value method which isn't doing anything
  • Load current resource properly instead of tracking state in properties
  • Remove redundant default_action
  • Use new_resource instead of @new_resource in several resources
  • Fix strings in the examples to properly interpolate
  • Fix error message to actually output the error
  • Update the rubocop rules we disable
  • Resolve FC019 warnings in the examples
  • Disable FC0113 for now since we still support Chef 12
  • Fix loading current_resource in the inittab resource

2.3.0 (2018-05-10)

  • Resolve incompatibilities with Chef 13 & 14
  • Removed Chefspec matchers which are autogenerted by ChefSpec now
  • Added a new nimviosupdate resource
  • Update etchosts resource to update aliases if they are changed
  • Fixes to aix_chsec to use the name property of the resource and to better handle filesystem names

2.2.0 (2017-12-21)

  • Convert nimclient and toolboxpackage to custom resources
  • Add back the subsystem provider which was removed by accident

2.1.0 (2017-12-01)

  • etchost resource converted to custom resource to support Chef 13. Thanks Mike Sgarbossa.
  • documentation cleanup

2.0.1 (2017-11-08)

  • Adds support for Chef 13 in the wpar resource by changing the state property to wpar_state
  • Removing duplicate xpm package for library/helpers.rb, keeping aix6.1 version
  • Removing extra line before rescue, to satisfy tests
  • Fixing foodcritic error FC092 by removing 'actions' line

2.0.0 (2017-11-08)

  • chdev, chsec, no, subserver, tcpservice, and tunables converted to custom resources. This increases the minimum required chef-client version to 12.7. Thanks Mike Sgarbossa
  • Chef 13 compatibility fixes. Thanks Mike Sgarbossa
  • Added new suma, nim and flrtvc resources. Thanks V. Robin
  • Add Availability to download updates for a specific Service Pack without giving a list of NIM client machines. Thanks ponceta-jm
  • inittab converted to a custom resource. Thanks lamont
  • Fixed license string to be a SPDX standard license string
  • Fixes and improved logging in the fixes resource
  • Added a nim_master_setup recipe
  • Added a nim_master_setup_standalone recipe

1.2.1 (2017-03-02)

  • Fix missing attributes for aix_altdisk
  • Update testing to use delivery local
  • Cookstyle fixes

1.2.0 (2016-10-20)

  • Fix failures if the wpars gem is missing and dynamically install it instead
  • add suma resource
  • add nim resource
  • add lvm resource
  • Moved testing / example cookbooks out of the recipes directory and into an examples directory
  • Use the shell_out! helper to provide proper logging of output
  • Testing improvements for foodcritic and Cookstyle
  • Add ChefSpec matchers
  • Clarify that we need Chef 12.1+

1.1.0 (2016-08-30)

  • Added test Kitchen support with kitchen-wpar
  • Added new wpar custom resource and wpar recipe
  • Added new volume_group custom resource
  • Added new pagingspace custom resource
  • Added chef_version to the metadata and clarified that we require Chef 12+
  • Added -U to chdev (hot_change parameter)
  • Fixed chomp on nil error
  • Fixed hash key symbol not found error
  • Fixed errors from parsing inetd.conf
  • Fixing minor bug for follows attribute
  • Fixed bug in niminit remove action
  • Added integration testing with kitchen-wpar
  • Added linting with Cookstyle and resolved warnings

1.0.0 (2016-04-04)

  • Added a new tunable custom resource. See the readme for usage details
  • Added a new bootlist custom resource. See the readme for usage details
  • Added a new altdisk custom resource. See the readme for usage details
  • Added a new subsystem custom resource.
  • Updated Travis CI to test using ChefDK
  • Added a standard rubocop.yml and resolved issues
  • Added the full Apache 2.0 license file
  • Added testing and contributing docs
  • Added a Gemfile with testing dependencies
  • Added a long_description to the metadata
  • Added Chef 11 compatibility check to issues_url and source_url in the metadata


  • Added significantly more resources to the cookbook (@chmod666)


  • Remove deprecated #each from providers; replace with #each_line
  • Upgrade some packages, particularly bash to remediate shellshock
  • Fix missing include in provider


Initial release

Collaborator Number Metric

2.3.2 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 1 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

2.3.2 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Cookstyle Metric

2.3.2 failed this metric

Chef/Correctness/PropertyWithoutType: Resource properties or attributes should always define a type to help users understand the correct allowed values. ( aix/resources/nimviosupdate.rb: 33
Chef/Deprecations/FoodcriticFile: Do not include the `.foodcritic` config file for the deprecated Foodcritic cookbook linter. ( aix/.foodcritic: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/altdisk.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/bootlist.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/chdev.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/chsec.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/etchosts.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/filesystem.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/fixes.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/flrtvc.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/inittab.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/logical_volume.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/multibos.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/nim.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/nimclient.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/niminit.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/nimviosupdate.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/no.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/pagingspace.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/subserver.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/subsystem.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/suma.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/tcpservice.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/toolboxpackage.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/tunables.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/volume_group.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( aix/resources/wpar.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( aix/providers/altdisk.rb: 17
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( aix/providers/bootlist.rb: 17
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( aix/providers/fixes.rb: 17
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( aix/providers/multibos.rb: 17
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( aix/providers/niminit.rb: 17
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( aix/providers/pagingspace.rb: 17
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( aix/providers/subserver.rb: 17
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( aix/providers/subsystem.rb: 20
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( aix/providers/wpar.rb: 19
Chef/Modernize/FoodcriticComments: Remove legacy code comments that disable Foodcritic rules ( aix/providers/altdisk.rb: 17
Chef/Modernize/FoodcriticComments: Remove legacy code comments that disable Foodcritic rules ( aix/providers/bootlist.rb: 17
Chef/Modernize/FoodcriticComments: Remove legacy code comments that disable Foodcritic rules ( aix/providers/fixes.rb: 17
Chef/Modernize/FoodcriticComments: Remove legacy code comments that disable Foodcritic rules ( aix/providers/multibos.rb: 17
Chef/Modernize/FoodcriticComments: Remove legacy code comments that disable Foodcritic rules ( aix/providers/niminit.rb: 17
Chef/Modernize/FoodcriticComments: Remove legacy code comments that disable Foodcritic rules ( aix/providers/pagingspace.rb: 17
Chef/Modernize/FoodcriticComments: Remove legacy code comments that disable Foodcritic rules ( aix/providers/subserver.rb: 17
Chef/Modernize/FoodcriticComments: Remove legacy code comments that disable Foodcritic rules ( aix/providers/subsystem.rb: 20
Chef/Modernize/FoodcriticComments: Remove legacy code comments that disable Foodcritic rules ( aix/providers/wpar.rb: 19
Chef/Modernize/RespondToCompileTime: There is no need to check if the chef_gem resource supports compile_time as Chef Infra Client 12.1 and later support the compile_time property. ( aix/libraries/wpar.rb: 29
Chef/Modernize/ShellOutHelper: Use the built-in `shell_out` helper available in Chef Infra Client 12.11+ instead of calling `'foo').run_command`. ( aix/resources/flrtvc.rb: 368
Chef/Modernize/ShellOutHelper: Use the built-in `shell_out` helper available in Chef Infra Client 12.11+ instead of calling `'foo').run_command`. ( aix/resources/flrtvc.rb: 432
Chef/Modernize/ShellOutHelper: Use the built-in `shell_out` helper available in Chef Infra Client 12.11+ instead of calling `'foo').run_command`. ( aix/resources/flrtvc.rb: 433
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/altdisk.rb: 20
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/bootlist.rb: 20
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/filesystem.rb: 18
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/fixes.rb: 20
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/logical_volume.rb: 18
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/multibos.rb: 20
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/niminit.rb: 20
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/pagingspace.rb: 20
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/subserver.rb: 20
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/subsystem.rb: 23
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/volume_group.rb: 18
Chef/Modernize/WhyRunSupportedTrue: whyrun_supported? no longer needs to be set to true as it is the default in Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/providers/wpar.rb: 22
Chef/RedundantCode/PropertyWithRequiredAndDefault: Resource properties should not be both required and have a default value. This will fail on Chef Infra Client 13+ ( aix/resources/subserver.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/UnnecessaryNameProperty: There is no need to define a property or attribute named :name in a resource as Chef Infra defines this on all resources by default. ( aix/resources/bootlist.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/UnnecessaryNameProperty: There is no need to define a property or attribute named :name in a resource as Chef Infra defines this on all resources by default. ( aix/resources/filesystem.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/UnnecessaryNameProperty: There is no need to define a property or attribute named :name in a resource as Chef Infra defines this on all resources by default. ( aix/resources/fixes.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/UnnecessaryNameProperty: There is no need to define a property or attribute named :name in a resource as Chef Infra defines this on all resources by default. ( aix/resources/logical_volume.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/UnnecessaryNameProperty: There is no need to define a property or attribute named :name in a resource as Chef Infra defines this on all resources by default. ( aix/resources/multibos.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/UnnecessaryNameProperty: There is no need to define a property or attribute named :name in a resource as Chef Infra defines this on all resources by default. ( aix/resources/niminit.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/UnnecessaryNameProperty: There is no need to define a property or attribute named :name in a resource as Chef Infra defines this on all resources by default. ( aix/resources/pagingspace.rb: 25
Chef/RedundantCode/UnnecessaryNameProperty: There is no need to define a property or attribute named :name in a resource as Chef Infra defines this on all resources by default. ( aix/resources/volume_group.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/UnnecessaryNameProperty: There is no need to define a property or attribute named :name in a resource as Chef Infra defines this on all resources by default. ( aix/resources/wpar.rb: 21

Run with Cookstyle Version 7.32.1 with cops Chef/Deprecations,Chef/Correctness,Chef/Sharing,Chef/RedundantCode,Chef/Modernize,Chef/Security,InSpec/Deprecations

No Binaries Metric

2.3.2 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

2.3.2 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

2.3.2 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number