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yumserver (12) Versions 2.0.1

Installs/Configures yumserver & mirrors remote repos.

cookbook 'yumserver', '= 2.0.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'yumserver', '= 2.0.1'
knife supermarket install yumserver
knife supermarket download yumserver
Quality 0%

yumserver Cookbook

Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Requirements
  3. Attributes
  4. Usage
  5. Contributing
  6. License & Authors


This cookbook allows you to mirror remote Yum repos and serve them up via NGINX.


Requires Chef 12.5 or later as this cookbook makes use of Custom Resources.



Key Type Description Default
['yumserver']['basepath'] String Where to store mirroed yum repos. /var/lib/yum-rep


You always need to include the main recipe:

include_recipe 'yumserver::default'

This creates the basepath and installs the following packages:

  • yum-utils
  • createrepo
  • rsync

Additionally the recipe calls yumserver::_nginx which;

  • Sets-up the upstream NGINX repo.
  • Installs nginx.
  • Configures nginx to serve up the basepath.
  • Manages the nginx service.


Each Yum repo you wish to mirror can be defined using the yumserver_mirror custom resource.

Each yumserver_mirror has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description Default
name String or Symbol Resource name. N/A
local_path String The basepath where the repo should be stored. /var/lib/yum-repo
repo_name String Name of the Yum repo. N/A
repo_description String Description of the Yum repo. N/A
repo_baseurl String Base URL of the Yum repo. N/A
use_repo Boolean If the repo should be availble for the yumserver to use. true
repo_workers Integer Number of createrepo workers to start up. server cpu count

To Mirror EPEL for EL7 for example:

yumserver_mirror 'epel7' do
  repo_name 'epel'
  repo_description 'Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7'
  repo_baseurl ''
  action :create


Each Yum repo you wish to mirror that provides an rsync endpoint can be defined using the yumserver_rsync_mirror custom resource.

Each yumserver_rsync_mirror has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description Default
name String or Symbol Resource name. N/A
local_path String The basepath where the repo should be stored. /var/lib/yum-repo
repo_name String Name of the Yum repo. N/A
repo_description String Description of the Yum repo. N/A
repo_url String URL of the Yum repo. N/A
rsync_options String Options to pass to rsync. -aHS --numeric-ids --delete --delete-delay --delay-updates
use_repo Boolean If the repo should be availble for the yumserver to use. true

To Mirror EPEL for EL7 for example:

yumserver_rsync_mirror 'epel7' do
  repo_name 'epel'
  repo_description 'Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7'
  repo_url 'rsync://'
  action :create


If you would like to contribute to this cookbook please follow these steps;

  1. Fork the repository on Github.
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x).
  3. Write your change.
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable).
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass.
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github.

License and Authors

License: BSD 2-clause


Dependent cookbooks

nginx_server >= 1.0.1
zap >= 0.10.0
yum >= 3.5.2

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.



Minor bug fix after a fault was found in production with this cookbook.


  • The path defined by the yumserver_mirror resource was incorrect. This was causing the zap feature to fail on runs after the first. Fixing the defined path in this resource fixed the error with zap.



Major release with additional features/bug fixes that may break backwards compatibility.


  • Now using mixlib-shellout instead of exec resources for yumserver_mirrror resources.
  • The createrepo command ran as part of yumserver_mirror resources are now multi-threaded.
  • Add zap support for /etc/resposync.repos.d.
  • Now uses the nginx_server cookbook to provide the web server.


  • Fixed a typo in the yumserver_mirror resource that prevented the reposync config from beign remove on a :delete action.



Small bugfix update to make the delete action work properly across custom resources.


  • In the mirror resource make sure the reposync file gets deleted by switching the resource type to file instead of template.
  • In both resources make sure the base path is deleted recursively (otherwise it will fail as there are packages in them).

2015-11-25 1.3.0


Large bugix release to ensure mirrored repos are properly updated after the 1st sync.


  • Made reposync in the mirror resource use alternate yum.conf & repo directory to allow them all to be enabled (enabling updates) whithout interfering with the system's yum.
  • Made the metadata on reposync in the mirror resource expire immedietly so package changes are synced more often than every 6 hours.

2015-11-22 - Release 1.2.0


General improvements to mirror resources.


  • Optionally (true by default) create a yum_repository to allow the yumserver to use it's mirrored repos.
  • The yumserver_mirror resource now correctly removes packages no longer in the upstream repo.
  • The yumserver_mirror should complete quicker when no packages are updated.


  • Disable mirrored repos to avoid issues such as mirroring the same repo for two versions of the same distro and causing update issues on the yumserver.

2015-11-12 - Release 1.1.1


Let Yum repo servers use their own rsync mirrors as repos.


  • For each yumserver_rsync_mirror create a yum_repository so the Yum server can use that repo if it needs it.

2015-11-10 - Release 1.1.0


Added the ability to mirror a repo that is available via rsync.


  • Mirror yum repos that provide rsync as an option.


  • Add regression test.

2015-11-10 - Release 1.0.2


Fix NGINX config.


2015-10-11 - Release 1.0.1


Minor doc updates.

2015-10-11 - Release 1.0.0


Initial release. Includes basic functionality.


  • Mirrors Yum repos.
  • Serves Yum repos via NGINX.

Foodcritic Metric

2.0.1 failed this metric

FC016: LWRP does not declare a default action: /tmp/cook/e9335a3996d6316293334f8d/yumserver/resources/mirror.rb:1
FC016: LWRP does not declare a default action: /tmp/cook/e9335a3996d6316293334f8d/yumserver/resources/rsync_mirror.rb:1
FC023: Prefer conditional attributes: /tmp/cook/e9335a3996d6316293334f8d/yumserver/resources/mirror.rb:55
FC023: Prefer conditional attributes: /tmp/cook/e9335a3996d6316293334f8d/yumserver/resources/rsync_mirror.rb:35