cookbook 'windows_ad', '= 0.5.4'
(20) Versions
Installs/Configures windows active directory
cookbook 'windows_ad', '= 0.5.4', :supermarket
knife supermarket install windows_ad
knife supermarket download windows_ad
windows_ad Cookbook
This cookbook installs Active Directory Domain Services on Windows Server including all necessary roles and features.
- Windows workstations (join and unjoin)
- Windows Server 2008 R2 Family
- Windows Server 2012 Family
- Windows - Official windows cookbook from opscode
The windows_ad::default recipe installs the required roles and features to support a domain controller.
{ "name":"my_node", "run_list": [ "recipe[windows_ad]" ] }
- :create: Adds a computer object to Active Directory
- :delete: Remove a computer object from Active Directory.
- :join: Joins computer to domain.
- :modify: Modifies an existing computer object.
- :move: Rename a computer object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
- :unjoin: Removes computer from domain.
Attribute Parameters
- name: name attribute. Name of the computer object.
- domain_name: FQDN
- domain_pass: domain password
- domain_user: domain user
- ou: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
- options: ability to pass additional options
- cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
- cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
- cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)
- restart: allows preventing reboot after join or unjoin action. Default true to reboot. Required
# Create computer "workstation1" in the Computers OU
windows_ad_computer "workstation1" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "computers"
# Create computer "workstation1" in the Computers OU with description of "Computer"
windows_ad_computer "workstation1" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "computers"
options ({ "desc" => "computer" })
# Create computer "workstation1" in the Computers OU using domain admin account
windows_ad_computer "workstation1" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "computers"
cmd_user "Administrator"
cmd_pass "password"
cmd_domain ""
# Join domain
windows_ad_computer 'Workstation' do
action :join
domain_pass 'Passw0rd'
domain_user 'Administrator'
domain_name ''
# Join domain without restart
windows_ad_computer "" do
action :join
domain_pass 'Passw0rd'
domain_user 'Administrator'
domain_name ''
restart false
# Join domain with OU
windows_ad_computer "" do
action :join
domain_pass 'Passw0rd'
domain_user 'Administrator'
domain_name ''
ou "Servers/Web"
# Unjoin domain
windows_ad_computer "" do
action :unjoin
domain_pass 'Passw0rd'
domain_user 'Administrator'
domain_name ''
# Unjoin domain without restart
windows_ad_computer "" do
action :unjoin
domain_pass 'Passw0rd'
domain_user 'Administrator'
domain_name ''
restart false
- :create: Adds a contact object to Active Directory
- :delete: Remove a contact object from Active Directory.
- :modify: Modifies an existing contact object.
- :move: Rename a contact object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
Attribute Parameters
- name: name attribute. Name of the contact object.
- domain_name: FQDN
- ou: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
- options: ability to pass additional options
- cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
- cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
- cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)
# Create contact "Bob Smith" in the Users OU with firstname "Bob" and lastname "Smith"
windows_ad_contact "Bob Smith" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "users"
options ({ "fn" => "Bob",
"ln" => "Smith"
# Create contact "Bob Smith" in the Users OU with firstname "Bob" and lastname "Smith"
# using domain admin account
windows_ad_contact "Bob Smith" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "users"
options ({ "fn" => "Bob",
"ln" => "Smith"
cmd_user "Administrator"
cmd_pass "password"
cmd_domain ""
- :create: Installs a forest, domain, or domain controller
- :delete: Removes a domain controller from domain
Attribute Parameters
- name: name attribute. Name of the forest/domain to operate against.
- type: type of install. Valid values: forest, domain, read-only.
- safe_mode_pass: safe mode administrative password.
- domain_user: User account to join the domain or to create a domain controller. Required: for
except ontype
on windows 2012 and above. - domain_pass: User password to join the domain or to create a domain controller. Required: for
except ontype
on windows 2012 and above. - local_pass: Local Administrator Password for removing domain controller.
- replica_type: For Windows Server 2008, specifies installing new or additional domain controller. Valid values: domain, replica.
- restart: when creating domain, will prevent Windows from automatically restarting. If not specified, defaults to true (which queues the restart). Valid values: true, false.
- options: additional options as needed by AD DS Deployment for Windows Server 2008 and for Windows Server 2012. Single parameters use nil for key value, see example below.
# Create forest
windows_ad_domain "" do
action :create
type "forest"
safe_mode_pass "Passw0rd"
# Create forest and don't restart Windows
windows_ad_domain "" do
action :create
type "forest"
safe_mode_pass "Passw0rd"
restart false
# Create replica
windows_ad_domain "" do
action :create
type "replica"
safe_mode_pass "Passw0rd"
domain_pass "Passw0rd"
domain_user "Administrator"
# Create forest with DNS, Win2008 R2 Operational Mode Windows Server 2008 R2
windows_ad_domain "" do
action :create
type "forest"
safe_mode_pass "Passw0rd"
options ({ "domainlevel" => "4",
"forestlevel" => "4",
"InstallDNS" => "yes"
# Create forest with DNS, Win2008 Operational Mode Windows Server 2012
windows_ad_domain "" do
action :create
type "forest"
safe_mode_pass "Passw0rd"
options ({ "ForestMode" => "Win2008",
"InstallDNS" => nil
# Remove Domain Controller
windows_ad_domain "" do
action :delete
local_pass "Passw0rd"
- :create: Adds a group object to Active Directory
- :modify: Modifies a group object.
- :move: Rename a group object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
- :delete: Remove a group object from Active Directory.
Attribute Parameters
- name: name attribute. Name of the group object.
- domain_name: FQDN
- ou: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
- options: ability to pass additional options
- cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
- cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
- cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)
# Create group "IT" in the Users OU
windows_ad_group "IT" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "users"
# Create group "IT" in the Users OU with Description "Information Technology Security Group"
windows_ad_group "IT" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "users"
options ({ "desc" => "Information Technology Security Group"
# Create group "IT" in the Users OU using domain admin account
windows_ad_group "IT" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "users"
cmd_user "Administrator"
cmd_pass "password"
cmd_domain ""
- :add: Adds a user to a group.
- :remove: Removes a user from a group.
Attribute Parameters
- user_name: user name attribute. Name of the user object.
- group_name: group name attribute. Name of the group object.
- domain_name: FQDN.
- user_ou: Organization Unit path where user object is located.
- group_ou: Organization Unit path where group object is located.
- cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
- cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
- cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)
# Add user "Joe Smith" in the Users OU to group "Admins" in OU "AD/Groups"
windows_ad_group_member 'Joe Smith' do
action :add
group_name 'Admins'
domain_name ''
user_ou 'users'
group_ou 'AD/Groups'
# Add user "Joe Smith" in the Users OU to group "Admins" in OU "AD/Groups" using domain admin account
windows_ad_group_member 'Joe Smith' do
action :add
group_name 'Admins'
domain_name ''
user_ou 'users'
group_ou 'AD/Groups'
cmd_user "Administrator"
cmd_pass "password"
cmd_domain ""
Note: Chef 12 Custom Resource WIP.
ou provider will call ou_2008
or ou_2012
based on OS version.
Warning: Data bags can be used, however OU names must be unique (restriction of data bags)
- :create: Adds organizational units to Active Directory.
- :modify: Modifies an organizational unit.
- :move: Rename an organizational unit object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
- :delete: Remove an organizational unit object from Active Directory.
Attribute Parameters
- name: name attribute. Name of the Organization Unit object.
- domain_name: FQDN
- ou: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
- options: ability to pass additional options
- cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
- cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
- cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)
# Create Organizational Unit "Departments" in the root
windows_ad_ou "Departments" do
action :create
domain_name ""
# Create Organizational Unit "IT" in the "Department" OUroot
windows_ad_ou "IT" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "Departments"
# Create Organizational Unit "Departments" in the root using domain admin account
windows_ad_ou "Departments" do
action :create
domain_name ""
cmd_user "Administrator"
cmd_pass "password"
cmd_domain ""
- :create: Adds organizational units to Active Directory. WIP:
- :modify: Modifies an organizational unit.
- :move: Rename an organizational unit object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
- :delete: Remove an organizational unit object from Active Directory.
Attribute Parameters
- name: name attribute. Name of the Organization Unit object.
- domain_name: FQDN
- ou: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
- options: ability to pass additional options
- cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
- cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
- cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)
- :create: Adds organizational units to Active Directory. WIP:
- :modify: Modifies an organizational unit.
- :move: Rename an organizational unit object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
- :delete: Remove an organizational unit object from Active Directory.
Attribute Parameters
- name: name attribute. Name of the Organization Unit object.
- domain_name: FQDN
- path: Organization Unit path where object is to be located.
- options: ability to pass additional options
- cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
- cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
- cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)
- :create: Adds a user object to Active Directory.
- :modify: Modifies an user object.
- :move: Rename an user object without moving it in the directory tree, or move an object from its current location in the directory to a new location within a single domain controller.
- :delete: Remove an user object from Active Directory.
Attribute Parameters
- name: name attribute. Name of the user object.
- domain_name: FQDN
- ou: Organization Unit path where object is located.
- options: ability to pass additional options
- reverse: allows the reversing of "First Name Last Name" to "Last Name, First Name"
- cmd_user: user under which the interaction with AD should happen
- cmd_pass: password for user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user requires password)
- cmd_domain: domain of the user specified in cmd_user (only needed if user is a domain account)
# Create user "Joe Smith" in the Users OU
windows_ad_user "Joe Smith" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "users"
options ({ "samid" => "JSmith",
"upn" => "",
"fn" => "Joe",
"ln" => "Smith",
"display" => "Smith, Joe",
"disabled" => "no",
"pwd" => "Passw0rd"
# Create user "Joe Smith" in the Users OU using domain admin account
windows_ad_user "Joe Smith" do
action :create
domain_name ""
ou "users"
options ({ "samid" => "JSmith",
"upn" => "",
"fn" => "Joe",
"ln" => "Smith",
"display" => "Smith, Joe",
"disabled" => "no",
"pwd" => "Passw0rd"
cmd_user "Administrator"
cmd_pass "password"
cmd_domain ""
The libraries provided with the cookbook can be tested using RSpec and the tests in spec/
rspec spec/
The cookbook contains a Vagrantfile that can be used to spin up two VMs: (1) a domain controller; (2) a domain member.
There is also a test cookbook with two recipes that map to the two VMs. This cookbook is called test_windows_ad
and can be found under test/fixtures/test_cookbooks
Each recipe will make use of a few of the providers that the cookbook exposes to converge the VMs into the desired state.
As of now there is no additional testing being done, i.e., if both machines converge successfully, then the current test has passed.
- Vagrant
- A windows vagrant box (that is prepared to regenerate SUID on first boot)
- Vagrant plugins
- vagrant-chef-zero
- vagrant-omnibus
- vagrant-winrm
- Berkshelf
The vagrant box mentioned in the commands bellow is just meant as an example. It was obtained from
The virtualbox vagrant provider is also meant as an example, although changing that will require adaptations to the Vagrantfile as well. That is because the Vagrantfile contains configuration specific for that provider.
Linux & MacOS X
# Install a vagrant box (only need to do that once) vagrant box add kensykora/windows_2012_r2_standard # export variable that will be used in Vagrantfile export VAGRANT_TEST_BOX='kensykora/windows_2012_r2_standard' # Bundle required cookbooks (this step needs to be repeated eveytime the cookbooks or a dependency changes) berks install berks vendor test/fixtures/cookbooks # Spin up domain controller vagrant up test-dc # this will trigger a VM reboot vagrant provision test-dc # this will run chef-client one more time to converge the VM # Spin up domain member vagrant up test-dm
Other vagrant actions
List available VMs
vagrant status
Converge an already up (and possible converged VM)
vagrant provision <vm-name>
Destroy a VM
vagrant destroy <vm-name>
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write you change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
License and Authors
Authors:: Derek Groh (
Richard Guin
Miroslav Kyurchev (
Matt Wrock (
Miguel Ferreira (
CHANGELOG for windows_ad
- Issue 100 - initial support for Windows 2016.
- Quality changes - chefignore, default recipe uses float to compare os_version.
- Issue 87 - revert Robocop edits on providers
- Issue 85 - revert Robocop edits on dsquery
- Quality of life edits
- Join and unjoin actions from domain provider moved to computer provider -
- Correct user action to address dsmod error -
- Fixed bug in join ou that always reported that the resource was updated
- Gitter badger added -
- Proper formattign for pre-win2012 systems - and
- Rubocop and foodcritic -
- Add success return codes for installing DC. -
- Correct versioning for Supermarket, required unsharing, bumping version and then sharing once again.
- Community contributions - Add restart parameter, Testing with vagrant, Added domain prefix and updated ou_dn method, powershell requires quotes around OU
- Community contributions - add_domain_join_ou
- Community contributions - fix-string-comparison, case-insensitive-comparison, and decompose-nested-ou
- Community contributions - chef_spec support.
- Community contributions - enum and numeric values in command options, user existence check, group member provider, allow use of CN=Users in DN.
- Moved :join and :unjoin actions for computer from :domain provider to :computer provider.
- Mark attributes as required for :domain resource
- Fixed regression on install forest with unnecessary credentials
- Attempt to upload to supermarket
- Corrected domain join for Windows Server 2008
- Formatting changes - remove tabs
- Logic change to ensure server 2012 is still works correctly
- Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 for domain provider
- Community contributions - nested ou support
- AD Object Support
- Initial release of active-directory
Collaborator Number Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Contributing File Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Foodcritic Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/computer.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/contact.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/domain.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/group.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/group_member.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/ou.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/ou_2008.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/ou_2012.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/user.rb:1
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: windows_ad/metadata.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 11.1.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
License Metric
0.5.4 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
0.5.4 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.5.4 failed this metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Foodcritic Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/computer.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/contact.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/domain.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/group.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/group_member.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/ou.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/ou_2008.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/ou_2012.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/user.rb:1
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: windows_ad/metadata.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 11.1.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
License Metric
0.5.4 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
0.5.4 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.5.4 failed this metric
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/contact.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/domain.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/group.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/group_member.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/ou.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/ou_2008.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/ou_2012.rb:1
FC059: LWRP provider does not declare use_inline_resources: windows_ad/providers/user.rb:1
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: windows_ad/metadata.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 11.1.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
0.5.4 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
0.5.4 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.5.4 passed this metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
0.5.4 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
0.5.4 failed this metric