cookbook 'vim', '= 2.1.12'
(33) Versions
Installs vim and optional extra packages.
cookbook 'vim', '= 2.1.12', :supermarket
knife supermarket install vim
knife supermarket download vim
vim Cookbook
Installs or compiles/installs vim.
- Ubuntu/Debian (source installs on Ubuntu 16.04 fail due to a vim bug)
- RHEL/CentOS/Scientific/Amazon/Oracle
- Fedora
- openSUSE / SUSE Linux Enterprises
- Chef 12.1+
- none
Default recipe attributes
- An array of extra packages related to vim to install (like plugins). Empty array by default.node['vim']['install_method']
- Sets the install method, choose from the various install recipes. This attribute is set to 'package' by default.
Source recipe attributes
- The version of vim to compile, 7.4 by default. -
- The source file checksum. -
- These are the non rhl specific devel dependencies for compiling vim. -
- These are the rhl and centos specific dependencies needed for compiling vim. -
- This is the path the vim bin will be placed, it's/usr/local
- If you prefer to compile vim differently than the default you can override this configuration.
Add recipe[vim]
to your run list or include the default recipe with include_recipe 'vim'
in a recipe that is in your run list.
This uses the value of the attribute node['vim']['install_method']
which by default is package.
If you would like to install additional vim plugin packages, include their package names in the node['vim']['extra_packages']
attribute. Verify that your operating sytem has the package available.
If you would rather compile vim from source, as the case may be for centos nodes, then override the node['vim']['install_method']
with a value of 'source'
License & Authors
Author: Cookbook Engineering Team (
Copyright: 2008-2016, Chef Software, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
vim Cookbook CHANGELOG
This file is used to list changes made in each version of the vim cookbook.
2.1.12 - 2023-04-01
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
2.1.11 - 2023-03-20
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
2.1.10 - 2023-03-15
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
2.1.9 - 2023-03-01
2.1.8 - 2023-02-23
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
2.1.7 - 2023-02-15
2.1.6 - 2023-02-14
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
2.1.5 - 2022-12-15
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
2.1.4 - 2022-02-07
- Remove delivery and move to calling RSpec directly via a reusable workflow
- Update tested platforms
- Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
2.1.3 - 2021-08-30
- Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
2.1.2 - 2021-06-01
- Standardise files with files in sous-chefs/repo-management
2.1.1 - 2021-05-28
- Fix builds
2.1.0 (2020-01-10)
- Remove chef 11 compat in metadata - @tas50
- Add support for SLES / opensuse for source installs - @tas50
- Resolve Cookstyle 5.8 warnings - @tas50
- Require Chef 12.15+ - @tas50
- Remove RHEL 5 support for source installs - @tas50
- Add Amazon Linux support for source installs - @tas50
- Update to vim 8.2 for source installs - @tas50
- Fix source installs on RHEL 8 - @tas50
2.0.2 (2016-08-30)
- Add IBM zLinux to metadata
- Use kitchen-dokken in Travis CI and test on more Platforms
- Update specs with new platforms
- Remove Chef 11 compatibility
- Add chef_version to metadata
v2.0.1 (2016-02-22)
- add missing bzip2 package to fix source recipe.
v2.0.0 (2015-10-01)
- Use multi-package installs introduced in Chef 12.1 to simplify code and speed up installs
- Add Fedora source install support
- Fix CentOS source install support and ensure vim compiles correctly on CentOS 5/6/7
- Fix the tarball checksum to be the actual SHA256 checksum
- Enable lua, perl, tcl support in the source install and add the necessary development packages for that support
- Use the correct ctags package on Debian/Ubuntu systems to prevent errors or warnings
- Improve how the code compilation runs in source installs so that a failed run doesn't prevent subsequent Chef runs or introduce a state where vim is never compiled
- Add basic Serverspec test for source installs to ensure that vim runs
- Fixed the error message is a bad install_method attribute is given to describe the actual problema and vim cookbook
v1.1.4 (2015-09-21)
- Converted value_for_platform to value_for_platform_family in order to support all RHEL and Debian derivitives
- Added a Kitchen CI config for integration testing
- Updated Travis to test on the latest ruby versions and to perform Chefspec tests
- Updated Berkfile to 3.X format
- Added Chefspec tests to get coverage to 100%
- Added an expanded .gitignore and a chefignore file to limit the files uploaded to the chef-server
- Added a Rakefile for simplified testing
- Resolved rubocop warnings
- Added Oracle Linux and Amazon Linux to the metadata file
- Updated development dependencies
- Updated Kitchen config to work with the latest in Chef DK
v1.1.2 (2013-12-30)
- Fixed Ubuntu package installer bug. Adding specs.
- COOK-2465 - Add a compile and settings optional recipe.
Collaborator Number Metric
2.1.12 passed this metric
Contributing File Metric
2.1.12 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Cookstyle Metric
2.1.12 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
2.1.12 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
2.1.12 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
2.1.12 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
2.1.12 passed this metric
2.1.12 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Cookstyle Metric
2.1.12 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
2.1.12 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
2.1.12 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
2.1.12 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
2.1.12 passed this metric
2.1.12 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
2.1.12 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
2.1.12 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
2.1.12 failed this metric
2.1.12 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number