cookbook 'soa_tools', '= 0.2.0'
soa_tools (5) Versions 0.2.0 Follow0
Installs/Configures SOA related Tools
cookbook 'soa_tools', '= 0.2.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install soa_tools
knife supermarket download soa_tools
SOA Tools Cookbook
This cookbook has recipes to install the following SOA Tools:
- WSO2 Registry (
- WSO2 User Engagement Server (
- WSO2 Business Activity Monitor (
- WSO2 Identity Server (
It has been tested on Ubuntu 12.04, but should work on any platform where Java 1.6 works.
- wso2greg: Installs WSO2 Governance Registry
- wso2bam: Installs WSO2 Business Activity Monitor
- wso2ues: Installs WSO2 User Engagement Server
- wso2is: Installs WSO2 Identity Server
%w[wso2greg wso2bam wso2ues wso2is].each do |component|
* node['soa_tools']["#{component}_install_dir"]: installation directory for component
* node['soa_tools']["#{component}_version"]: Version of component
to install
* node['soa_tools']["#{component}_tarball_url"]: URL to get the component
Running the tests
This is done thanks to berkshelf and strainer:
$ bundle
$ bundle exec berks install
$ bundle exec strainer test
Vagrant usage
For testing the cookbook with Vagrant 1.2+ you just have to execute
It installs the required Vagrant plugins and launchs the machine. After the process you have a carbon instance running in soa-tools.local
host, ip (you may need to provide root privileges to allow vagrant-hostmanager do its duty) with the default component given to the chef-solo provisioner in the Vagrantfile
. Then you can access the access the component's Console from https://soa-tools.local:9443/carbon
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write you change
- Write tests for your change
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request
License and Authors
MIT License
Authors: Federico Gimenez Nieto
Dependent cookbooks
apt >= 0.0.0 |
java >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.