cookbook 'openldap-server', '= 0.9.0'
openldap-server (3) Versions 0.9.0 Follow3
Installs/Configures ldap
cookbook 'openldap-server', '= 0.9.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install openldap-server
knife supermarket download openldap-server
openldap-server cookbook
Ubuntu >= 10.04 or Debian >= 7.0.0
Requirement is based on slapd package minimum requirement of 2.4.
OpenLDAP 2.4 included the dynamic config option, which is what this cookbook uses
include_recipe 'openldap-server::default'
- Installs OpenLDAP from the package repo
- Configures a basic ldap database
- Includes People, Groups, and Services OU containers
- Includes the memberOf overlay
- Sets up access controls/no unauthenticated access
- Installs OpenLDAP from the package repo
Setup attributes listed below
You can optionally supply your own ldif instead of using the provided
Main Options
Domain name to use which creates the suffix
node[:ldap][:domain] = ''
Root password for the LDAP database
This can and should be hashed and salted, use slappasswd to generate
node[:ldap][:rootpw] = 'default'
User attribute to use for root user
This ends up as "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"
node[:ldap][:root_user_attr] = "cn=admin"
Where do you want the ldap DB to be stored
node[:ldap][:db_dir] = '/var/lib/ldap'
You can use these options in your own template if you like
To supply your own ldif template/file to use
node[:ldap[:db_ldif] = 'db.ldif.erb'
Default Config Options (/etc/default/slapd)
default[:ldap][:default_config][:slapd_conf] = nil # SLAPD_CONF
default[:ldap][:default_config][:slapd_user] = 'openldap' # SLAPD_USER
default[:ldap][:default_config][:slapd_group] = 'openldap' # SLAPD_GROUP
default[:ldap][:default_config][:slapd_pidfile] = nil # SLAPD_PIDFILE
default[:ldap][:default_config][:slapd_services] = "ldap:/// ldapi:///" # SLAPD_SERVICES
default[:ldap][:default_config][:slapd_nostart] = false # SLAPD_NO_START
default[:ldap][:default_config][:slapd_sentinel_file] = '/etc/ldap/noslapd' # SLAPD_SENTINEL_FILE
default[:ldap][:default_config][:slapd_kerb_file] = '/etc/krb5.keytab' # KRB_KTNAME
default[:ldap][:default_config][:slapd_options] = nil # SLAPD_OPTIONS
openldap-server::install - Installs OpenLDAP
openldap-server::createdb - Creates basic DB
openldap-server::default - includes both install and createdb reciepes
Author:: cpuguy83 (
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