cookbook 'nscd', '= 1.0.0'
(25) Versions
Installs and configures nscd
cookbook 'nscd', '= 1.0.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install nscd
knife supermarket download nscd
nscd Cookbook
Installs and configures nscd.
- Debian/Ubuntu
- RHEL/CentOS/Fedora
- SmartOS
- Chef 11+
- none
- nscd package name, defaults tonscd
. Other variants include:unscd
- nscd version, defaults tonil
. If set tonil
, the latest will be installed.
The following attributes affect configuration of /etc/nscd.conf
* default['nscd']['logfile']
. Specifies name of the file to which debug info should be written. Default /var/log/nscd
* default['nscd']['threads']
. This is the number of threads that are started to wait for requests. At least five threads will always be created. Default 4
* default['nscd']['max_threads']
. Specifies the maximum number of threads. Default 32
* default['nscd']['server_user']
. If this option is set, nscd
will run as this user and not as root
. If a separate cache for every user is used (-S
parameter), this option is ignored. Default nscd
* default['nscd']['stat_user']
. Specifies the user who is allowed to request statistics. Default root
* default['nscd']['debug_level']
. Sets the desired debug level. Default 0
* default['nscd']['reload_count']
. Limit on the number of times a cached entry gets reloaded without being used before it gets removed. Default 5
* default['nscd']['paranoia']
. Enabling paranoia mode causes nscd
to restart itself periodically. Default no
* default['nscd']['restart_interval']
. Sets the restart interval to time seconds if periodic restart is enabled by enabling paranoia
mode. Default 3600
* default['nscd']['databases']
. List of databases to configure. Default %[passwd group hosts services netgroup
Each database has attributes, default depends on SERVICE
, see attribute file.
* default['nscd'][SERVICE]['enable_cache']
. Enables or disables the specified SERVICE
* default['nscd'][SERVICE]['positive_time_to_live']
. Sets the TTL (time-to-live) for positive entries (successful queries) in the specified cache for service. Value is in seconds. Larger values increase cache hit rates and reduce mean response times, but increase problems with cache coherence.
* default['nscd'][SERVICE]['negative_time_to_live']
. Sets the TTL (time-to-live) for negative entries (unsuccessful queries) in the specified cache for service. Value is in seconds. Can result in significant performance improvements if there are several files owned by UIDs (user IDs) not in system databases (for example untarring the Linux kernel sources as root); should be kept small to reduce cache coherency problems.
* default['nscd'][SERVICE]['suggested_size']
. This is the internal hash table size, value should remain a prime number for optimum efficiency.
* default['nscd'][SERVICE]['check_files']
. Enables or disables checking the file belonging to the specified service for changes. The files are /etc/passwd
, /etc/group
, /etc/hosts
, /etc/services
and /etc/netgroup
* default['nscd'][SERVICE]['persistent']
. Keep the content of the cache for service over server restarts; useful when paranoia
mode is set.
* default['nscd'][SERVICE]['shared']
. The memory mapping of the nscd
databases for service is shared with the clients so that they can directly search in them instead of having to ask the daemon over the socket each time a lookup is performed.
* default['nscd'][SERVICE]['max_db_size']
. The maximum allowable size, in bytes, of the database files for the service.
* default['nscd'][SERVICE]['auto_propagate']
. When set to no
for passwd
or group
service, then the .byname
requests are not added to passwd.byuid
or group.bygid
cache. This can help with tables containing multiple records for the same ID. This option is valid only for services passwd
and group
Installs nscd, manages the nscd service and makes available commands to clear the nscd databases (passwd and group) so they can be notified in other recipes (such as when managing openldap).
If you're using nscd, add this recipe. If you need to notify the clear commands, e.g.,
cookbook_file '/etc/nsswitch.conf' do source 'nsswitch.conf' notifies :run, 'execute[nscd-clear-passwd]', :immediately notifies :run, 'execute[nscd-clear-group]', :immediately end
License & Authors
Author:: Joshua Timberman ()
Copyright:: 2009-2015, Chef Software, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
nscd Cookbook CHANGELOG
This file is used to list changes made in each version of the nscd cookbook.
v1.0.0 (09-05-2015)
- Minimum supported Chef release is now 11
- Added
to control the version of the nscd package to install - Removed use of Ruby 1.8.7 hash rockets
- Added source_url and issue_url metadata
- Added additional platforms to the Kitchen CI config
- Removed Ruby 1.9.3 from Travis CI and add 2.1 and 2.2
- Removed the version constraint on apt in the Berkshelf file
- Updated developent dependencies and break Gemfile into groups
- Added cookbook version badge to the readme
- Template the nscd config before starting the service so we don't have to start then restart
- Added a chefignore file
- Added Fedora as supported in metadata / Readme
- Update testing and contributing docs to match JIRA-free process
- Update development dependencies to current versions (chefspec, berkshelf, foodcritic, test kitchen, and rubocop)
- Update chefspec / server spec to work with the newer releases
- Add Trusty to the test kitchen config
- Manage /etc/nscd.conf with a template
COOK-3607 - Add support for different
- COOK-1915 - Add SmartOS support
- [COOK-1915] - Support SmartOS for nscd
- [COOK-1993] - use install action for packages
- Current public release
Foodcritic Metric
1.0.0 failed this metric
FC031: Cookbook without metadata file: /tmp/cook/d26c521ddc7535e4351a99f3/nscd/metadata.rb:1
FC045: Consider setting cookbook name in metadata: /tmp/cook/d26c521ddc7535e4351a99f3/nscd/metadata.rb:1
1.0.0 failed this metric
FC045: Consider setting cookbook name in metadata: /tmp/cook/d26c521ddc7535e4351a99f3/nscd/metadata.rb:1