cookbook 'logentries_rsyslog_ng', '= 0.0.6'
logentries_rsyslog_ng (7) Versions 0.0.6 Follow1
Installs/Configures logentries_rsyslog_ng
cookbook 'logentries_rsyslog_ng', '= 0.0.6', :supermarket
knife supermarket install logentries_rsyslog_ng
knife supermarket download logentries_rsyslog_ng
- This cookbook is intended to be LWRP for logentries logging service.
- It's not finished yet, so no documentation yet and use on your own risk.
- I'll write docs later, after I finish all supposed LWRP actions and stabilize cookbook a bit.
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
- Fix: update cookbook to follow logentries API changes
- Add: log_owner and log_group attributes. If log file doesn't exist logentries LWRP can use those attribues to create log file with specific owner and group
- Add: test-kitchen basic config/setup for manual testing.
- Add: rsyslog_ruleset attribute to be able to place remote logging to non-default rsyslog rulesets
- Fix: several typos/errors in a code
- Add: creating logfile directories if they are not created.
- Initial version of cookbook.
- Add: log :add action that creates logentries token/entries and rsyslog config files.
Foodcritic Metric
0.0.6 failed this metric
FC021: Resource condition in provider may not behave as expected: /tmp/cook/2067c2912d8b248560c8102d/logentries_rsyslog_ng/providers/logs.rb:45
FC021: Resource condition in provider may not behave as expected: /tmp/cook/2067c2912d8b248560c8102d/logentries_rsyslog_ng/providers/logs.rb:54
0.0.6 failed this metric
FC021: Resource condition in provider may not behave as expected: /tmp/cook/2067c2912d8b248560c8102d/logentries_rsyslog_ng/providers/logs.rb:54