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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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linux-gamer (4) Versions 0.0.8

Installs/Configures open source games on GNU/Linux.

cookbook 'linux-gamer', '= 0.0.8', :supermarket
cookbook 'linux-gamer', '= 0.0.8'
knife supermarket install linux-gamer
knife supermarket download linux-gamer
Quality -%

Travis-ci status: Build Status


Primary objective of this cookbook: Install/configure open source games on the GNU/Linux platform.

Will probably focus on Debian/Ubuntu support since Linux Mint+Cinnamon is my gaming platform of choice.

Supported Platforms

Debian, & Ubuntu.


A GNU/Linux client.


Install arcade games (clients).

Add the following to your run list to install arcade games (clients).

Install arcade games (servers).

Add the following to your run list to install arcade games (servers).

Install board games (clients).

Add the following to your run list to install board games (clients).

Install board games (servers).

Add the following to your run list to install board games (servers).

Install card games (clients).

Add the following to your run list to install card games (clients).

Install card games (servers).

Add the following to your run list to install card games (servers).

Install various game emulators.

Add the following to your run list to install various game emulators

Install puzzle games (clients).

Add the following to your run list to install puzzle games (clients).

Install role playing games (RPG). (clients)

Add the following to your run list to install role playing games (RPG). (clients)

Install role playing games (RPG). (servers)

Add the following to your run list to install role playing games (RPG). (servers)

Install simulation games (clients).

Add the following to your run list to install simulation games (clients).

Install WINE (Wine Is Not an Emulator).

Add the following to your run list to install role playing games (RPG). (clients)


Note: By default, this cookbook doesn't install/configure anything.
Set to 'yes' to install all games supported by this cookbook.
default['linux-gamer']['install_all'] = "no"

Set to yes to install latest wine via apt-get
default['linux-gamer']['install_wine'] = "no"

This is set to latest version of wine
default['linux-gamer']['latest_stable_wine'] = "1.4"

Set to yes to install latest wine from source to /opt
default['linux-gamer']['install_wine_from_source'] = "no"

Install Open Arena client
default['linux-gamer']['install_open_arena_client'] = "no"

Install Open Arena server
default['linux-gamer']['install_open_arena_server'] = "no"

Install PVPGN client ( e.g. Player vs. Player Gaming Network )
default['linux-gamer']['install_pvpgn_client'] = "no"

Install PVPGN server ( e.g. Player vs. Player Gaming Network )
default['linux-gamer']['install_open_arena_server'] = "no"

Dependent cookbooks

apt >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

No quality metric results found