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Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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keepalived (40) Versions 5.0.0

Installs and configures keepalived

cookbook 'keepalived', '= 5.0.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'keepalived', '= 5.0.0'
knife supermarket install keepalived
knife supermarket download keepalived
Quality 100%

keepalived Cookbook

Cookbook Version
CI State

Installs keepalived and generates the configuration files, using resource-driven configuration.


This cookbook is maintained by the Sous Chefs. The Sous Chefs are a community of Chef cookbook maintainers working together to maintain important cookbooks. If you’d like to know more please visit or come chat with us on the Chef Community Slack in #sous-chefs.



  • Debian/Ubuntu
  • RHEL/CentOS/Scientific/Amazon/Oracle


  • Chef 13+



This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


Thank you to all our backers!


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keepalived Cookbook CHANGELOG

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the keepalived cookbook.


  • Removed all attributes
  • Removed all recipes
  • Added resource called keepalived_install
  • Changed service behaviour, this must now be declared directly as a resource.
  • All other resources need to notify the service to restart when changes notifies :restart, 'service[keepalived]', :delayed
  • Resolved issue with check names prefixing all check file names {name} section with a port- in them, this was incorrect and has now been removed.


  • Added testing for newer operating systems
    • amazonlinux-2
    • debian 10
    • ubuntu 18.04
  • Removed testing for older operating systems
    • amazonlinux
    • centos 6
    • debian 8
    • ubuntu 14.04
    • ubuntu 16.04
  • Removed unnecessary allowed_actions from the resource
  • Migrated to github actions for CI testing
  • Migrated global_defs from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property path
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property enable_snmp_keepalived, no longer in keepalived man page
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/conf.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, 'global_defs.conf')
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to global_defs.conf.erb
    • Added property extra_options
  • Migrated static_ipaddress from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property path
    • Removed property exists
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/conf.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, 'static_ipaddress.conf')
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to static_ipaddress.conf.erb
  • Migrated static_routes from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/conf.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, 'static_routes.conf')
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to static_routes.conf.erb
  • Migrated vrrp_sync_group from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/conf.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, 'keepalived_vrrp_sync_group__#{name}__.conf')
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to vrrp_sync_group.conf.erb
  • Migrated vrrp_script from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/conf.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, '00_keepalived_vrrp_script__#{name}__.conf')
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to vrrp_script.conf.erb
  • Migrated real_server from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/servers.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, 'keepalived_real_server__#{ipaddress}-#{port}__.conf')
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to real_server.conf.erb
  • Migrated tcp_check from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/checks.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, "keepalived_tcp_check__port-#{name.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, '-')}__.conf"
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to tcp_check.conf.erb
    • Changed property bindto this is now bind_to
  • Migrated http_get from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Removed property nb_get_retry, this is no longer in the manpage so it not supported
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/checks.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, "keepalived_http_get__port-#{name.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, '-')}__.conf"
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to http_get.conf.erb
    • Changed property bindto this is now bind_to
    • Changed property url to no longer be required, it has a default already
  • Migrated ssl_get from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Removed property nb_get_retry, this is no longer in the manpage so it not supported
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/checks.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, "keepalived_ssl_get__port-#{name.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, '-')}__.conf"
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to ssl_get.conf.erb
    • Changed property bindto this is now bind_to
    • Changed property url to no longer be required, it has a default already
  • Migrated smtp_check from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Removed property host
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/checks.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, "keepalived_smtp_check__port-#{name.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, '-')}__.conf"
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to smtp_check.conf.erb
    • Changed property bindto this is now bind_to
  • Migrated misc_check from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/checks.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, "keepalived_misc_check__port-#{name.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, '-')}__.conf"
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to misc_check.conf.erb
  • Migrated virtual_server_group from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/conf.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, "keepalived_virtual_server_group__#{name}__.conf"
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to virtual_server_group.conf.erb
  • Migrated virtual_server from HWRP to a Custom Resource
    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Removed property lb_algo, this property is not documented in the manpage
    • Removed property lb_kind, this property is not documented in the manpage
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/conf.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, "keepalived_virtual_server__#{name.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, '-')}__.conf"
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to virtual_server.conf.erb
  • Migrated vrrp_instance from HWRP to a Custom Resource

    • Removed property config_name, property config_file now will be the full name
    • Removed property content, this is now build up from the supplied properties
    • Removed property exists
    • Removed property path
    • Removed property lvs_sync_daemon_interface, it is not in the manpage
    • Removed property debug, manpage states not implemented yet
    • Added property config_directory, defaulted to: /etc/keepalived/conf.d
    • Added property config_file, defaulted to: ::File.join(config_directory, "keepalived_vrrp_instance__#{name}__.conf"
    • Added property cookbook, defaulted to: keepalived
    • Added property source, defaulted to vrrp_instance.conf.erb
    • Changed property strict_mode to a boolean, this was previously a String
  • Items of note

    • Any calls to resources that look like this: resources(keepalived_http_get: 'health_check_url').path need to be migrated to use the config_file instead, resources(keepalived_http_get: 'health_check_url').config_file

3.1.1 (2018-01-10)

  • Update README for vrrp_instance property name change
  • Allow authentication hash to use strings for keys
  • Update Test Kitchen platforms
  • fix unicast_peer var type in readme
  • Changes needed to converge on CentOS7 and Debian9

3.1.0 (2017-03-20)

  • Replace keepalived_vrrp_instance 'state' property with boolean 'master' property to fix Chef 13 compat
  • Use the standard Apache-2.0 license string in the metadata
  • Switch from Rake to delivery local mode for testing

3.0.2 (2017-02-13)

  • add user option for vrrp_script blocks
  • update test suite

3.0.1 (2016-09-21)

  • fix chef_version in metadata

3.0.0 (2016-09-16)

  • Testing updates
  • Require Chef 12.1

v2.1.1 (2016-07-13)

  • pass through sensitive attribute to underlying file resource

v2.1.0 (2016-06-15)


  • fix chefspec matchers
  • bump order of virtual_router_id in vrrp_instance config


  • extended platform testing

v2.0.0 (2016-04-25)

Breaking Changes

  • attribute-driven configuration is no longer supported
  • remove net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind sysctl management


  • separate recipe concerns from single recipe to install, configure, service
  • overhaul cookbook to use resources instead of attributes
  • add daemon cli args management

v1.3.0 (2015-10-21)

  • Added RHEL based distros as supported platforms
  • Added requirements section to the readme to clarify what distros are supported and the requirement of Chef 11+
  • Updated .gitignore file
  • Added Test Kitchen config
  • Added Chef standard Rubocop config
  • Added Travis CI testing
  • Added Berksfile
  • Updated Gemfile with the latest development dependencies
  • Updated contributing and testing docs
  • Added and maintainers.toml files
  • Added Travis and cookbook version badges to the readme
  • Updated Opscode -> Chef Software
  • Added a Rakefile for simplified testing
  • Added a Chefignore file
  • Resolved Rubocop warnings
  • Added source_url and issues_url to the metadata
  • Added basic convergence Chefspec test

v1.2.0 (2014-02-25)

  • [COOK-4299] Avoid setting attributes without precedence


New Feature

  • COOK-3017 - Add support for vrrp_sync_groups



  • [COOK-2919]: Status option not available


  • [COOK-1965] - fixes template subscribes and readme typos


  • [COOK-1656] - Make keepalived configurable. Add some tests.


  • Initial public release.

Collaborator Number Metric

5.0.0 passed this metric

Contributing File Metric

5.0.0 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

5.0.0 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

5.0.0 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

5.0.0 passed this metric

Version Tag Metric

5.0.0 passed this metric