Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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js (2) Versions 0.0.6

light weight resource for installing java script applications/libraries

cookbook 'js', '= 0.0.6', :supermarket
cookbook 'js', '= 0.0.6'
knife supermarket install js
knife supermarket download js
Quality -%


light weight resource for installing java script applications/libraries


  • tar
  • wget



js_application 'my JavaScript application' do
    tarball ''
    install_base '/home/user/my-application/root/'
    dirs [ { :source => 'www_files'  } ]
    action :install

Resource parameters

  • tarball - http url to tarball where distribution files where are placed
  • cookbook - contrariwise one may store distribution files as cookbook's files in files/default/js-app directory.
    so 'cookbook' is the name of the cookbook, see 'Installing from cookbook files' section.

  • user - the owner for files to be installed, default value is nil

  • group - the group for files to be installed, default value is nil

  • install_base - installation root, default value is nil, so you need to define it or rely upon $PERL_MB_OPT
    environment var, see "Installing with default install_base"

  • document_root - will be added to install_base, default value is 'htdocs',
    so everything is installed into 'install_base/document_root/'

  • dirs - list of directories to be installed, see "Installing directories" section

  • files - list of files to be installed, see "Installing files" section

  • templates - list of templates to be installed, see "Installing templates" section

  • variables - hash of variables to get used in templates files and :destination template strings,
    see "Installing templates" and "Destination template strings" sections

  • cleanup - whether to delete "install_base/document_root" directory before installing, default value is 'false'

Examples of usage

Installing with default install_base

one my choose not to define install_base explicitly and setup environment via perl local::lib tool:

eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib=/home/user/my-application/root/)

this will result in installing into '/home/user/my-application/root/'

Installing from tarball

tarball ''    

my-application.tar.gz should contain 'my-application' directory - standard way of packaging

Installing from cookbook files

cookbook 'my-application'

cookbook 'my-application' should contain files/default/js-app/ directory with files to install and is treated as chef remote_directory

Installing from local source

local_source_dir '/home/user/src/my-application/'

local_source_dir should be directory with files to install, this way of installing is used in cucumber tests

Installing files

files [
    { :source => 'web_files/index.html', },
    { :source => 'web_files/css/main.css', :destination => 'css/' }
    { :source => 'web_files/img/picture.gif', :destination => 'images/my_picture.gif' }

this will install files:

  • 'web_files/index.html' as 'install_base/document_root/index.html'
  • 'web_files/css/main.css' as 'install_base/document_root/css/main.css'
  • 'web_files/img/picture.gif' as 'install_base/document_root/images/my_picture.gif'

Installing directories

dirs [
    { :source => 'web_files', },
    { :source => 'css', :destination => 'css2/' }

this will install directories content:

  • 'web_files/' into 'install_base/document_root/'
  • 'css/' into 'install_base/document_root/css2/'

Installing templates

in the way of installing templates are the files. The only difference variables gets interpolated into templates content:

templates [
    { :source => 'templates/index.erb', :destination => 'index.html' }
variables => {
    :foo => 'foo-value'

this will install template 'templates/index.erb' as 'install_base/document_root/index.html' and given that
template contains "<%= @params[:foo] %>" :foo variable gets interpolated with 'foo-value'

Destination template strings

:destination keys in dir/files/templates lists could contain arbitrary numbers of %template% strings:

dirs [
    { :source => 'css', :destination => 'css/%prefix%' }

variables => {
    :prefix => 'beta'

this will install directories content 'css/' into 'install_base/document_root/css/beta/'

the only exception is %version% template string which result in a little bit different substitution:

dirs [
    { :source => 'css', :destination => '%version%/css' }

variables => {
    :version => '0.0.1'

this will install directories content 'css/' into 'install_base/document_root/version-0.0.1/css/', also
version_dir variable will be passed into any templates

Changing document_root

by default document_root is 'htdocs', you can change it with:

document_root 'public'

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

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