cookbook 'js', '= 0.0.6'
js (2) Versions 0.0.6 Follow2
light weight resource for installing java script applications/libraries
cookbook 'js', '= 0.0.6', :supermarket
knife supermarket install js
knife supermarket download js
light weight resource for installing java script applications/libraries
- tar
- wget
js_application 'my JavaScript application' do
tarball ''
install_base '/home/user/my-application/root/'
dirs [ { :source => 'www_files' } ]
action :install
Resource parameters
- tarball - http url to tarball where distribution files where are placed
cookbook - contrariwise one may store distribution files as cookbook's files in files/default/js-app directory.
so 'cookbook' is the name of the cookbook, see 'Installing from cookbook files' section.user - the owner for files to be installed, default value is nil
group - the group for files to be installed, default value is nil
install_base - installation root, default value is nil, so you need to define it or rely upon $PERL_MB_OPT
environment var, see "Installing with default install_base"document_root - will be added to install_base, default value is 'htdocs',
so everything is installed into 'install_base/document_root/'dirs - list of directories to be installed, see "Installing directories" section
files - list of files to be installed, see "Installing files" section
templates - list of templates to be installed, see "Installing templates" section
variables - hash of variables to get used in templates files and :destination template strings,
see "Installing templates" and "Destination template strings" sectionscleanup - whether to delete "install_base/document_root" directory before installing, default value is 'false'
Examples of usage
Installing with default install_base
one my choose not to define install_base explicitly and setup environment via perl local::lib tool:
eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib=/home/user/my-application/root/)
this will result in installing into '/home/user/my-application/root/'
Installing from tarball
tarball ''
my-application.tar.gz should contain 'my-application' directory - standard way of packaging
Installing from cookbook files
cookbook 'my-application'
cookbook 'my-application' should contain files/default/js-app/ directory with files to install and is treated as chef remote_directory
Installing from local source
local_source_dir '/home/user/src/my-application/'
local_source_dir should be directory with files to install, this way of installing is used in cucumber tests
Installing files
files [
{ :source => 'web_files/index.html', },
{ :source => 'web_files/css/main.css', :destination => 'css/' }
{ :source => 'web_files/img/picture.gif', :destination => 'images/my_picture.gif' }
this will install files:
- 'web_files/index.html' as 'install_base/document_root/index.html'
- 'web_files/css/main.css' as 'install_base/document_root/css/main.css'
- 'web_files/img/picture.gif' as 'install_base/document_root/images/my_picture.gif'
Installing directories
dirs [
{ :source => 'web_files', },
{ :source => 'css', :destination => 'css2/' }
this will install directories content:
- 'web_files/' into 'install_base/document_root/'
- 'css/' into 'install_base/document_root/css2/'
Installing templates
in the way of installing templates are the files. The only difference variables gets interpolated into templates content:
templates [
{ :source => 'templates/index.erb', :destination => 'index.html' }
variables => {
:foo => 'foo-value'
this will install template 'templates/index.erb' as 'install_base/document_root/index.html' and given that
template contains "<%= @params[:foo] %>" :foo variable gets interpolated with 'foo-value'
Destination template strings
:destination keys in dir/files/templates lists could contain arbitrary numbers of %template% strings:
dirs [
{ :source => 'css', :destination => 'css/%prefix%' }
variables => {
:prefix => 'beta'
this will install directories content 'css/' into 'install_base/document_root/css/beta/'
the only exception is %version% template string which result in a little bit different substitution:
dirs [
{ :source => 'css', :destination => '%version%/css' }
variables => {
:version => '0.0.1'
this will install directories content 'css/' into 'install_base/document_root/version-0.0.1/css/', also
version_dir variable will be passed into any templates
Changing document_root
by default document_root is 'htdocs', you can change it with:
document_root 'public'
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.