cookbook 'hp-tools', '= 0.3.0'
hp-tools (3) Versions 0.3.0 Follow4
Installs/Configures various HP tools
cookbook 'hp-tools', '= 0.3.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install hp-tools
knife supermarket download hp-tools
This cookbook installs the HP Management tools including the HP System Management Homepage
* SNMP cookbook with a configured trap server to send hardware events to
* The following RPM's need to be available in a public or private repo configured on your nodes:
- cpqacuxe, hp-health, hp-smh-templates, hp-snmp-agents, hpacucli, hpdiags, hponcfg, hpsmh, hpvca
* Tested on RHEL 6 / CentOS 6.2
* Untested, but most likely functional on Fedora, Amazon, and Scientific Linux
Include the default recipe on a node's runlist
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
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