cookbook 'dhcpd', '= 0.1.0'
dhcpd (3) Versions 0.1.0 Follow3
Installs/Configures dhcpd
cookbook 'dhcpd', '= 0.1.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install dhcpd
knife supermarket download dhcpd
A simple install of dhcpd server on ubuntu
Tested on Ubuntu 10.04
The defaults I use here are based on a guide I am writting so you will likely want to override for your env
default[:dhcpd][:version] = FALSE
default[:dhcpd][:interfaces] = [ 'eth0' ]
default[:dhcpd][:next_server] = ""
default[:dhcpd][:routers] = ""
default[:dhcpd][:netmask] = ""
default[:dhcpd][:subnet] = ''
default[:dhcpd][:range] = [ '', '' ]
default[:dhcpd][:default_leaser_time] = "600"
default[:dhcpd][:max_lease_time] = "7200"
default[:dhcpd][:filename] = "/pxelinux.0"
default[:dhcpd][:nameservers] = [ '' ]
default[:dhcpd][:domain] = [ '' ]
create the following role, or apply the attributes one of your existing roles on the server you want to be your dhcpd server
name "dhcpserver"
description "a simple dhcpd server"
"dhcpd" => {
"interfaces" => [ 'eth1' ],
"tftp_server" => "",
"gateway" => "",
"netmask" => ""
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