cookbook 'chef_cfn', '= 2.1.0'
chef_cfn (9) Versions 2.1.0 Follow1
Chef integration with AWS cloudformation
cookbook 'chef_cfn', '= 2.1.0', :supermarket
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chef_cfn Cookbook
This cookbook provides tools which aid in the integration of Chef and AWS,
specifically with CloudFormation.
- This cookbook will shortly be undergoing a refactor and cleanup
- chef_handler
- python
- ohai
Feature Flags
The recipes included within default.rb
my be selectively enabled by toggling
the appropriate feature flags.
<td>Install the cloudwatch logs daemon named awslogs</td>
<td>Configure a stripped down cloud-init to speed up cloud instance startup
<td>Install a cloudwatch event handler to report chef runs back to
cloudwatch events.</td>
<td>Deprecated Install a cfn-init chef handler which will report
chef-run success to cloudformatin.
<td>Format and mount volumes based on metadata provided in cloudformation</td>
<td>Install an ohai plugin to fetch instance, stack and metadata from ec2.
<td>Deprecated Install a service which will delete the chef client and
node on shutdown</td>
<td>Install the cfn-init and cfn-signal tools</td>
Ohai Attributes
<td>Informaiton related to the VPC</td>
<td>Hash of the EC2 instance tags</td>
<td>Hash of Cloudformation stack parameters</td>
<td>Hash of arbitrary metadata provided in cloudformation</td>
Installs dependencies and includes additional recipes based on feature flags.
Install and configure the cloudwatch logs service
Configure cloud-init in a more stripped down ec2-specific way. This recipe is mostly of use when packaging AMIs with Packer.
Install the CFN handler to callback to cloudformation on stack updates. Although this is still here, you'd likely be better off simply calling cfn-signal directly from user-data.
(optional) Provides a basic knife.rb
Installs the aws-sdk chef_gem as well as the ohai[cfn] plugin.
When this runs, it will populate the properties, stack, tags and vpc attribute hashes under the node['cfn'] namespace which may then be used to report signals with the signal handler.
In addition, the properties hash will be merged, and potentially overriden, by any hints set in the cfn hint.
Required IAM policies
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1434370036000", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "cloudformation:DescribeStackResource", "ec2:DescribeInstances" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }
Installs a handler to signal cloudformation of the success or failure of the chef run. When used with either Creation or Update profiles in cloudformation, we can ensure that only nodes with valid chef runs are considered healthy.
This may be disabled by setting
Required IAM policies
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1434370036000", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "cloudformation:SignalResource", ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }
Example Cloudformation
{ "AutoScailingGroup": { "CreationPolicy": { "ResourceSignal": { "Count": 1, "Timeout": "PT10M" } }, "UpdatePolicy": { "AutoScalingRollingUpdate": { "WaitOnResourceSignals": "true" } } } }
Mounts cloudformation defined volumes.
Please take note that this recipe assumes that cloudformation was responsible to creating and managing the volumes, not chef. As such, all block devices must exist prior to attempting to mount them.
Example Cloudformation Attributes
{ "AutoScailingGroup": { "Metadata": { "Mounts": { "xvdb3": { "mount_point": "/var/log", "mount_options": "", "filesystem": "" } } } } }
Installs cloudformation cfn-init tools such as :
- cfn-init
- cfn-hup: Periodic polling of cloudformation resource metadata to determine when triggered actions should run.
Installs a service which will delete the node when the instance shuts down.
Provides an interface to trigger cloudformation signals from within recipes. This is designed to be used with cloudformation WaitConditions.
- signal: Default action
Attribute Parameters
- url: Url of the resource or WaitHandler to signal
- unique_id: Unique id of the notification
- data: Defaults to <code>""</code>.
- success: Defaults to <code>true</code>.
- reason: Defaults to <code>"Chef triggered signal from resource"</code>.
- once: Defaults to <code>true</code>.
Ohai Plugins
Fetches instance attributes from Cloudformation:DescribeResource as well as EC2:DescribeInstances.
License and Author
Author:: Jonathan Serafini (
Copyright:: 2015, Jonathan Serafini
License:: Apache 2.0
Dependent cookbooks
chef_handler >= 0.0.0 |
ohai >= 4.0.0 |
python >= 1.4.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
chef_cfn changelog
- Add cloudwatch events report handler
- Add missing ohai feature flag
- Remove additional cfn init modules
- cloud-init bugfixes
- awslogs service bugfix
- Bugfixes
- Refactor code for cookstyle
- Add recipe feature flags to disable some recipes
- Add boolean to disable cloudformation handler
- Add awslogs installation
- Update ohai recipes to rely on the newer ohai v4+ format
- Rubocop auto-correct Style/StringLiterals
- Rubocop auto-correct Style/TrailingBlankLines
- Rubocop auto-correct Style/TrailingWhitespace
- Rubocop auto-correct Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods
- Rubocop auto-correct Style/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault
- Rubocop auto-correct Style/ExtraSpacing
- Rubocop auto-correct Style/SpaceAfterComma
- Rubocop auto-correct Style/SpaceAroundOperators
- Rubocop auto-correct Style/AndOr
- Ongoing work
- Initial release of chef_cfn
Collaborator Number Metric
2.1.0 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Foodcritic Metric
2.1.0 failed this metric
FC038: Invalid resource action: /tmp/ffaf941091205dd26e92f80b/chef_cfn/recipes/mounts.rb:26
Run with Foodcritic Version 8.1.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any
2.1.0 failed this metric
2.1.0 failed this metric
FC038: Invalid resource action: /tmp/ffaf941091205dd26e92f80b/chef_cfn/recipes/mounts.rb:26
Run with Foodcritic Version 8.1.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any