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vault-certificate (19) Versions 2.0.4

Installs/Configures certificates, private keys, CA root bundles from Hashicorp Vault.

cookbook 'vault-certificate', '= 2.0.4', :supermarket
cookbook 'vault-certificate', '= 2.0.4'
knife supermarket install vault-certificate
knife supermarket download vault-certificate
Quality -%

Vault Certificate cookbook [license](LICENSE)

Build Status

Chef library cookbook to manage SSL certificates fetched from HashiCorp Vault.


A working Vault server to talk to.


Tested on:

  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • Fedora


  • Chef 14.10+



This resource is able to fetch ssl certificates, their corresponding chain and private key from HashiCorp Vault.

Using the default settings, the following usage:

vault_certificate ''

Fetches the certificate from Vault by performing a write on pki/issue/my-role

You must configure the how to talk to Vault using the settings from the vault-ruby gem.
Example for Vault agent configured with a listener at without tls:

Vault.address = 'http:/'
Vautl.ssl_verify = false

.certificate, .key, .chain helper method usage

Some helper methods are exposed for retrieving key/certificate paths in other recipes:

  • .certificate - The final path of the certificate file. For example using the defaults and on CentOS: /etc/pki/tls/certs/
  • .key - The final path of the key file. For example using the defaults and on CentOS: /etc/pki/tls/private/
  • .chain - The final path of the chain file. For example using the defaults and on CentOS: /etc/pki/tls/certs/
certificate = vault_certificate '' do
  combine_certificate_and_chain true # Because we will be using the certificate on Nginx.

nginx_site 'proxy' do
  template 'proxy.erb'
    'certificate' => certificate
  action :enable

Then in proxy.erb:

server {
  listen                443 ssl http2;
  listen                [::]:443 ssl http2;
  server_name ;

  ssl_certificate       <%= @certificate.certificate %>;
  ssl_certificate_key   <%= @certificate.key %>;

See the list of properties bellow.

General properties

  • common_name - CN of the certificate. Default value: the name of the resource block.
  • vault_path - the path used to get the certificate from Vault.
  • options - the options to pass Vault when asking for a certificate. If set to an empty Hash a vault read will be performed. Otherwise a vault write. Default: { common_name: "#{common_name}" }.
  • output_certificates - if set false the certificate/chain content will not be logged in the Chef run. The files will be generated with sensitive set to true. Default: true.
  • always_ask_vault - if set to true vault_certificate will always ask Vault for a certificate. Otherwise it will check whether the certificate and key exist in the file system and if the certificate is still valid. Only when the certificate is invalid (probably because it has expired) will vault_certificate ask Vault for a certificate. Default: false.

Certificate bundles properties

  • combine_certificate_and_chain - whether to combine the certificate and the CA trust chain in a single file in that order. Useful to use in Nginx. Default: false.
  • combine_all - whether to combine the certificate, the CA trust chain, and the private key in a single file in that order. Useful to use in HAProxy. Default: false.

Stores (PKCS12 and Java) properties

  • store_path - the top-level directory where stores will be created.
  • store_password - the password used to protected the store.
  • key_encryption_password - the password used to encrypt the key inside the store. If not set, set to nil or set to empty string the key will not be encrypted.
  • key_encryption_cipher - the cipher used to encrypt the key.
  • keystore_password - the password for the keystore. By default the same as store_password. Having a separate property for the keystore password allows having different passwords for the keystore and the truststore when using the action create_key_and_trust_stores.
  • keystore_filename - the filename the keystore will have on the filesystem. Default "#{common_name}.keystore.jks".
  • truststore_password - the password for the truststore. By default the same as store_password. H**aving a separate property for the truststore password allows having different passwords for the keystore and the truststore when using the action create_key_and_trust_stores.
  • truststore_filename - the filename the truststore will have on the filesystem. Default "#{common_name}.truststore.jks".
  • pkcs12store_filename - the filename the pkcs12 store will have on the filesystem. By default "#{common_name}.pkcs12".

Filesystem properties

  • ssl_path - directory where the certificates, chains, and keys will be stored. The final path might be different depending on create_subfolders. The default is SO dependent, see [attributes](attributes/defaults.rb) for the final value.
  • create_subfolders - whether to create certs and private sub-folders inside ssl_path. The default is SO dependent, see [attributes](attributes/defaults.rb) for the final value.
  • certificate_filename - filename of the certificate. Default: "#{common_name}.pem".
  • chain_filename - filename of the CA chain bundle. Default: "#{common_name}-bundle.crt".
  • key_filename - filename of the private key. Default: "#{common_name}.key".
  • owner - owner of the subfolders, the certificate, the chain and the private key. Default: root.
  • group - group of the subfolders, the certificate, the chain and the private key. Default: root.


In order to promote code reuse most of the properties can be defined via an attribute. This allows, for example, to define
the Vault address and token just once without the need to explicitly define it for every invocation of vault_certificate:

node.normal['vault_certificate']['always_ask_vault'] = false

vault_certificate ''
vault_certificate ''

See the [attributes file](attributes/defaults.rb) for a full list of supported attributes.


  • create - the default action. Creates the certificate, private key and chain.
  • create_pkcs12_store - creates a PKCS12 store on store_path and store_password.
  • create_keystore - creates a Java keystore using keytool (you must have it installed if you have java installed it will be installed).
  • create_truststore - creates a Java truststore using keytool (you must have it installed if you have java installed it will be installed).
  • create_key_and_trust_stores - creates a Java keystore and a truststore in one go. It is more efficient since it just makes a request to Vault.


vault_certificate is open source and available under the [Apache v2 license](LICENSE).

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