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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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smartmontools (8) Versions 1.0.2

Installs and configures smartmontools

cookbook 'smartmontools', '= 1.0.2', :supermarket
cookbook 'smartmontools', '= 1.0.2'
knife supermarket install smartmontools
knife supermarket download smartmontools
Quality 100%


Installs and configures smartmontools.

This cookbook will install the smartmontools package and enable the service. It will also configure default email reports.



  • Ubuntu 10.04 / 12.04
  • RHEL family (Redhat Enterprise, CentOS, etc)
  • Debian 6.0+


  • node['smartmontools']['smartd_opts'] - sets the value for the smartd_opts in /etc/default/smartmontools. Default is "", which leaves the option commented.
  • node['smartmontools']['start_smartd'] - whether to start smartd service in /etc/default/smartmontools. Default is "yes".
  • node['smartmontools']['devices'] - Array of devices to monitor with the options used in smartd.conf. May also be a hash to provide different options for each device. Default is []. See Usage.
  • node['smartmontools']['device_opts'] - If set, these options will be used by default in /etc/smartd.conf for each of the devices above. Default is "-H -l error -l selftest".
  • node['smartmontools']['run_d'] - Array of scripts to drop off in /etc/smartmontools/run.d. Default is ["10mail"].



Note: The default /etc/smartd.conf configuration file from the package itself does not recommend using DEVICESCAN, despite it being enabled by default. The template will only use DEVICESCAN if node['smartmontools']['devices'] is not set.

The template for this file will iterate over the node['smartmontools']['devices'] attribute and write the configuration out. If no specific options are set for a device, it will get the options from node['smartmontools']['device_opts']. See Usage below.


Starts smartd by default using node['smartmontools']['start_smartd']. The enable_smart option is not recommended by smartmontools per the comment and is not managed via the template. Modify your local copy of the template if you wish to change this.

Cookbook Files


Each filename in the array node['smartmontools']['run_d'] will be dropped off via a cookbook file. By default the only one is 10mail, which exists, and came from the package. These files should be in files/default.


By default, the recipe is not set up to monitor any particular devices in smartd.conf, and will use DEVICESCAN. Set the attribute node['smartmontools']['devices'] to monitor a specific list of disk devices. If you don't require device specific options, this should be an array. A default set of options will be used for all disks from the node['smartmontools']['device_opts'] attribute.

For example:

name "base"
  "smartmontools" => {
    "devices" => ['sda','sdb','sr0'],
    "device_opts" => "-H -l error -l selftest -m"

If you need different configuration options for each device, specify the devices as Hash with the device name as key and the options as value. If the value for a device is nil, the default options from the node['smartmontools']['device_opts'] attribute are used. For example:

name "base"
  "smartmontools" => {
    "devices" => {
      "hda" => "-a -o on -S on -s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03)",
      "hdb" => nil,
      "hdc" => nil
    "device_opts" => "-H -l error -l selftest -m"

For different kinds of hard drive configurations in your data center, use default_attributes in separate roles. For example if web servers have only a single internal disk, but database servers have two disks:

name "webserver"
    "smartmontools" => {
      "devices" => ['sda']

name "database_server
    "smartmontools" => {
      "devices" => ['sda', "sdb"]

Future Plans

I might use ohai's detected block devices and whether they are running. This can be a good way to determine candidates for monitoring with smartmontools. To find this information, you can use shef on your system.

% sudo shef
chef > node['block_device'].each {|k,v| puts "/dev/#{k}" if v['state']}

License and Author

Copyright 2011, Joshua Timberman (

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

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Foodcritic Metric

1.0.2 passed this metric