cookbook 'simple_users', '= 0.1.3'
simple_users (8) Versions 0.1.3 Follow1
Manages Linux (Ubuntu/CentOS) local users
cookbook 'simple_users', '= 0.1.3', :supermarket
knife supermarket install simple_users
knife supermarket download simple_users
Simple_Users cookbook
Chef cookbook to manage users.
Supported Platforms:
- Ubuntu 16.04 (tested with Kitchen)
- Ubuntu 14.04 was not tested however no ubuntu 16.04-specific commands are used here so it will probably work.
- CentOS 7 (tested with Kitchen)
- Set 'simple_users' as one of your dependencies
- Include simple_users::default in any of your recipes, roles or environments.
Add Users:
Add a block to the default attribute containing each of the following to create a user:
- name - Username.
- fullName - Full name of your new user (may contain spaces).
- passHash - Shadow-file hash of the desired password.
- sshPubKey - ssh public key string to add to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- action - create
- sudo - yes/no. Adding/removing the user from the sudoers file (only supported on Ubuntu for now)
Example of the default attribute file:
default['simple_users']['users'] = [ { 'name' => 'usernam01', 'fullName' => 'User01 Name', 'passHash' => 'A_Long_HASH_String...', 'sshPubKey' => 'ssh-rsa YourSSHPublicKey...', 'myAction' => 'create', 'sudo' => 'yes' }, { 'name' => 'usernam02', 'fullName' => 'User02 Name', 'passHash' => 'A_Long_HASH_String...', 'sshPubKey' => 'ssh-rsa YourSSHPublicKey...', 'myAction' => 'create', 'sudo' => 'no' } ]
Remove Users:
Add all the entries as mentioned above but put "remove" as the value of myAction.
'name' => 'usernam03',
'fullName' => 'User03 Name',
'passHash' => 'A_Long_HASH_String...',
'sshPubKey' => 'ssh-rsa YourSSHPublicKey...',
'myAction' => 'remove'
Removing Users from Sudoers
Put 'no' in the 'sudo' section of your user.
Note that the above must be a part of the same default['simple_users']['users']
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
Collaborator Number Metric
0.1.3 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Foodcritic Metric
0.1.3 passed this metric
License Metric
0.1.3 failed this metric
simple_users does not have a valid open source license.
Acceptable licenses include Apache 2.0, apachev2, MIT, mit, GNU Public License 2.0, gplv2, GNU Public License 3.0, gplv3.
0.1.3 failed this metric
0.1.3 passed this metric
License Metric
0.1.3 failed this metric
simple_users does not have a valid open source license.
Acceptable licenses include Apache 2.0, apachev2, MIT, mit, GNU Public License 2.0, gplv2, GNU Public License 3.0, gplv3.
0.1.3 failed this metric
Acceptable licenses include Apache 2.0, apachev2, MIT, mit, GNU Public License 2.0, gplv2, GNU Public License 3.0, gplv3.