cookbook 'run-notifier', '= 0.2.4'
run-notifier (8) Versions 0.2.4 Follow2
Installs/Configures chef-run-notifier
cookbook 'run-notifier', '= 0.2.4', :supermarket
knife supermarket install run-notifier
knife supermarket download run-notifier
chef-run-notifier Cookbook
Run Notifier to send notification to HipChat and / or Slack if chef run successfully or failed.
<td>Wheather to enable slack or not</td>
<td>Webhook URL</td>
<td>Wheather to enable hicphat or not</td>
<td>HipChat API token</td>
<td>Room name</td>
<td>Wheather to notify user or not</td>
Just include chef-run-notifier
in your node's run_list
{ "name":"my_node", "run_list": [ "recipe[run-notifier]" ] }
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write your change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
License and Authors
Author: Faizal Zakaria
Dependent cookbooks
chef_handler >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
Foodcritic Metric
0.2.4 failed this metric
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:19
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:20
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:21
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:22
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:23
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:25
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:26
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:27
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:28
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:29
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:30
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/recipes/default.rb:31
0.2.4 failed this metric
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:20
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:21
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:22
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:23
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:25
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:26
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:27
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:28
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:29
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/attributes/default.rb:30
FC001: Use strings in preference to symbols to access node attributes: /tmp/cook/c05dd50c522b8e91ca963789/run-notifier/recipes/default.rb:31