cookbook 'resource-tester', '= 0.1.3'
resource-tester (2) Versions 0.1.3 Follow0
Exercises core Chef resource across platforms
cookbook 'resource-tester', '= 0.1.3', :supermarket
knife supermarket install resource-tester
knife supermarket download resource-tester
resource-tester cookbook
Chef 10.16.2 or higher
With the release of 10.16.0, the community quickly found a rather serious bug.
(ticket CHEF-3547). The remote_file resource was not keeping it's
promises. After talking with Josh, I learned that there are plans to
exercise "reference" cookbooks during testing. I needed an excuse to learn minitest-chef, so I decided to
start the ultimate reference cookbook. It would exercise all the core Chef resources to make sure they
kept their basic contracts.
This cookbook is meant to act as a source of examples for writing
tests and cross platform design patterns.
Hopefully it will make it into the testing process.
cd ~/src/resource-tester
bundle exec kitchen test
n/a (yet). Add some!
default.rb is a monolithic recipe for now.
TONS. This is just a start. Right now, only the user, file (+cousins), and cron types are exercised.
It only works on centos.
My time to work on this is close to non-existent, so its continued
developement needs to be a community effort. Send pull requests!
The short list:
1) Add tests for packages and services
2) Refactor to be cross platform across ubuntu
3) Refactor again to work across all "supported" Chef platforms.
4) Devise a strategy for testing "through time". This is needed to
test general idempotence, long running node behavior in the face of package updates and
repo modifications, multi-phase convergence problems (see pki cookbook), etc.
Author:: Sean OMeara (
Dependent cookbooks
minitest-handler >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.