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rails_ubuntu (6) Versions 0.1.2

Provision Ubuntu for Rails and Node deployment using Capistrano.

cookbook 'rails_ubuntu', '= 0.1.2', :supermarket
cookbook 'rails_ubuntu', '= 0.1.2'
knife supermarket install rails_ubuntu
knife supermarket download rails_ubuntu
Quality 50%

rails_ubuntu Chef Cookbook

A Chef cookbook to provision Ubuntu for Rails deployment using
Nginx, Passenger, and Capistrano.

This is also an excellent stack for deploying Node applications.

This cookbook is modeled on the excellent Go Rails deployment guide.
A big shout out to Chris Oliver!

Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 with Postgres and Mysql.

Here are three steps to a running Ubuntu Rails server.

  1. Add the Deploy User
  2. Run Chef to Provision the Server
  3. Run Capistrano to Install Rails

Then you can run cap production deploy any time to effortlessly update
your Rails applications running on all of your test, staging,
and production servers!

See below for more information.

1. Add the Deploy User

These instructions are for setting up the deploy user for a live server.
See the section below for Vagrant setup.

1.1. Deploy User with Passwordless Sudo

Any user name will work, such as the default user name vagrant
for a Vagrant box.

root # adduser vagrant
root # echo "vagrant ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >/etc/sudoers.d/vagrant
root # su vagrant
vagrant $ sudo su # No password prompt.
root #

1.2. Deploy User with Passwordless Ssh

Set up passwordless ssh from your workstation user to the deploy user.

Run ssh-copy-id on the workstation that you will be deploying your
Rails application from.

me@mymac $ brew install ssh-copy-id
me@mymac $ ssh-copy-id vagrant@vagrant-box
vagrant@vagrant-box's password:
Number of key(s) added:        1

Or manually copy your ~/.ssh/ file into place.

vagrant@vagrant-box $ mkdir .ssh
vagrant@vagrant-box $ chmod 700 .ssh
vagrant@vagrant-box $ vi .ssh/authorized_keys

Then test passwordless ssh.

me@mymac $ ssh vagrant@vagrant-box
vagrant@vagrant-box $

2. Run Chef to Provision the Server

Here is an example of using a wrapper cookbook
to configure and call the rails_ubuntu cookbook.

me@mymac $ chef-run -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa vagrant@demo rails_servers::demo_server

If you see the message
dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process,
this is Ubuntu running the post-boot automatic package upgrade.
Wait for a few minutes for this to complete and try running the cookbook again.

Most of the recipes run bash scripts to install and configure
packages from outside of Ubuntu.

In order to make sense of what is happening and to see
errors the bash scripts all log to ~deploy/chef.log.

You can watch the provisioning process run on the target server in real time.

vagrant@vagrant-box ~ $ touch chef.log
vagrant@vagrant-box ~ $ tail -f chef.log

3. Run Capistrano to Install Rails

Set up your Rails application for deployment with Capistrano following
this guide.

Run Capistrano for the first time to set up the standard deployment
directory structure.

my@mymac myapp $ bundle exec cap production deploy

Once your initial deployment is working, you can run cap production deploy
any time to keep all of your servers up to date with application changes.

Recipe Documentation

setup_all - Run all recipes

You can set the skip_recipes attribute to skip unnecessary items
or copy this recipe to a new recipe for customization.

node.default['rails_ubuntu']['skip_recipes'] = 'ripgrep, redis'

apt_upgrade - Upgrade all packages

apt_install - Install build packages

bash_aliases - Add bash aliases to the root and deploy users

For those of us with muscle memory. You can set bash_aliases with your own bash shortcuts. See the setup_test recipe for an example.

Attributes: bash_aliases, deploy_user, deploy_group

# Default aliases:

alias l='ls -l'
alias la='ls -la'
alias lc='ls -C'
alias lt='ls -lrt'

ripgrep - Install Ripgrep

Useful for figuring out how things are configured
in the application code and in the bundled gems.


ruby - Build Ruby with Rbenv

Attributes: ruby_version, deploy_user, deploy_group

node - Install Node and Yarn

Attributes: node_version

redis - Install Redis service

Install Redis for Action Cable websocket support.

nginx_passenger - Install Nginx and Passenger

Attributes: server_name, app_name, deploy_user

database - Install Postgres or Mysql and create database

Attributes: db_type (postgres | mysql), db_user, db_password, db_name

If db_type is not set, skip database setup.

Set db_user, db_password and db_name to create
the empty production database owned by db_user.

Feel free to configure the appropriate level of database
security and access. By default, the database servers
are only accessible from localhost.

postgres - Install Postgres and create database

Postgres setup can be called directly or from the database recipe.

You can gain access to the postgres Postgres database role from
the postgres unix user.

sudo su postgres -c psql

mysql - Install Mysql and create database

Mysql setup can be called directly or from the database recipe.

You can gain access to the root Mysql database user from
the root unix user.

sudo su -c mysql

setup_test - Wrapper example

An example of how to wrap and call the rails_ubuntu recipes
from another cookbook.

It also sets up for Chef Cookbook Kitchen testing located at

Attribute Defaults

See rails_ubuntu/attributes/defaults.rb

default['rails_ubuntu']['server_name']    = node['fqdn']
default['rails_ubuntu']['app_name']       = 'myapp'
# deploy_to = deploy_to || "/home/#{deploy_user}/#{app_name}"

default['rails_ubuntu']['ruby_version']   = '2.6.5'
default['rails_ubuntu']['node_version']   = '12'

default['rails_ubuntu']['deploy_user']    = 'vagrant'
default['rails_ubuntu']['deploy_group']   = 'vagrant'
# bash_aliases = bash_aliases || [l, la, lc, lt]

# Leave db_type blank to skip local database installation.
# db_type = (postgres | mysql)
# Set db_user, db_password and db_name to create
# the empty production database owned by db_user.

# skip_recipes = 'bash_aliases, redis'

Wrapper Cookbooks

Instead of modifying the rails_ubuntu cookbook, you can set up
a wrapper cookbook with recipes for the different kinds of servers
that you want to provision.

Navigate to your cookbooks directory and generate a new cookbook.

$ chef generate cookbook rails_servers
$ cd rails_servers

Add a line to the end of Policyfile.rb to specify the location of
the rails_ubuntu cookbook from the Chef Cookbook Supermarket or
from github.

cookbook 'rails_ubuntu', '~> 0.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'rails_ubuntu', github: 'jgorman/rails_ubuntu'

Add a line to the end of metadata.rb to tell Chef to load
the rails_ubuntu cookbook.

depends 'rails_ubuntu'

Then make a new recipe that configures your new server type.

$ cd recipes
$ cat >demo_server.rb
node.default['rails_ubuntu']['app_name']      = 'activity-timer'

node.default['rails_ubuntu']['db_type']       = 'postgres'
node.default['rails_ubuntu']['db_user']       = 'rails'
node.default['rails_ubuntu']['db_password']   = 'rails123'
node.default['rails_ubuntu']['db_name']       = 'activity_timer_prod'

include_recipe 'rails_ubuntu::setup_all'

You can include the rails_ubuntu::setup_all master recipe or only
include the individual recipes that make sense for you.

You can copy recipes from rails_ubuntu into your cookbook so that you
can customize them to better meet your needs.

Chef-run Setup

The easiest way to test your wrapper configuration is to use
chef-run to provision throwaway Vagrant servers.

You can spin up a fresh new Vagrant box, provision it,
and deploy your Rails application within minutes. Once that
works for your application you can deploy to a live Ubuntu server.

Download and install Chef Workstation

Configure your default cookbook locations.

$ vi ~/.chef/config.rb
cookbook_path ["/Users/u/rails/github/chef/cookbooks"]

Configure the Chef debug log location. The stack-trace.log file
will be created in the same directory when there is a ruby
compile error.

$ vi ~/.chef-workstation/config.toml

For recipe debugging, puts "Helpful debugging messages!"
will show up in chef-run.log. You can tail -f chef-run.log
to watch the deployment progress in real time.

Vagrant Setup

Use the standard Chef Bento Ubuntu Vagrant boxes.

You will want to install Vagrant, Virtualbox and the
Virtualbox Extension Pack.

Here is the Homebrew command for OS X.

brew cask install vagrant virtualbox virtualbox-extension-pack

You can also download the
installers for your OS directly from Vagrant and Virtualbox.

We can configure the Vagrant guests to use port forwarding like this
or we can use the private network option as shown in the Vagrantfiles below. :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: 8022 :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080

Make a directory, copy one of the Vagrantfiles below into it, bring up
the vm, and get the dhcp assigned ip address.

me@mymac $ mkdir bento18
me@mymac $ cd bento18
me@mymac $ cat >Vagrantfile
me@mymac $ vagrant up
me@mymac $ vagrant ssh -c ifconfig | grep 'inet '
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet  netmask
me@mymac $ ssh vagrant@
vagrant@'s password: vagrant
vagrant@bento18 ~ $

You can run the standard Ubuntu Virtualbox Vagrant servers with these
Vagrantfile configurations.

Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 Vagrantfile

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|       = "bento/ubuntu-16.04"
  config.vm.hostname  = 'bento16'
  config.vm.provider    :virtualbox

  # Vagrant private network dhcp issue.
  config.trigger.before [ :up, :reload, :provision ] do |trigger|
    trigger.ruby do |env,machine|
      `VBoxManage dhcpserver remove --netname HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0 2>/dev/null`
  end :private_network, type: :dhcp

Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 Vagrantfile

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|       = "bento/ubuntu-18.04"
  config.vm.hostname  = 'bento18'
  config.vm.provider    :virtualbox

  # Vagrant private network dhcp issue.
  config.trigger.before [ :up, :reload, :provision ] do |trigger|
    trigger.ruby do |env,machine|
      `VBoxManage dhcpserver remove --netname HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0 2>/dev/null`
  end :private_network, type: :dhcp


Make sure that the Rails runs from the command line and examine
production.log to see what is going wrong.

$ cd /home/vagrant/activity-timer/current
$ bundle exec bin/rails server -e production
$ vi log/production.log

Restart Nginx and navigate to your application to wake nginx/passenger
up to test it.

systemctl restart nginx

For a local vagrant server that would be something like

Once it is woken up, you can examine the passenger status.

# passenger-status
----------- Application groups -----------
/home/vagrant/activity-timer/current (production):
  App root: /home/vagrant/activity-timer/current
  Requests in queue: 0
  * PID: 14759   Sessions: 1       Processed: 6       Uptime: 26m 43s
    CPU: 0%      Memory  : 105M    Last used: 15m 34s ago

You can also restart the application after making changes.

# passenger-config restart-app /home/vagrant/activity-timer/current
Restarting /home/vagrant/activity-timer/current (production)

When in doubt, restart nginx again. This the most reliable way to reset
everything for a fresh start.

Dependent cookbooks

line >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

sdlc_structure Applicable Versions
sdlc_structure 0.48.1
sdlc_structure 0.49.1
sdlc_structure 0.50.1
sdlc_structure 0.51.1
sdlc_structure 0.52.1
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rails_ubuntu CHANGELOG


Initial release.

  • change 0
  • change 1

Collaborator Number Metric

0.1.2 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

0.1.2 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Foodcritic Metric

0.1.2 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

0.1.2 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

0.1.2 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

0.1.2 passed this metric