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pyenv (30) Versions 2.1.0

Manages pyenv and its installed Python versions.

cookbook 'pyenv', '= 2.1.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'pyenv', '= 2.1.0'
knife supermarket install pyenv
knife supermarket download pyenv
Quality 67%

pyenv Chef Cookbook

Build Status
Chef Version


Manages pyenv and its installed Pythons.

Several custom resources are defined to facilitate this.

WARNING As of v1.0.0, this cookbook no longer provide any recipes. Custom resources are provided instead.



This cookbook requires Chef 13.5+.


  • Debian derivatives
  • Fedora
  • RHEL derivatives (RHEL, CentOS, Amazon Linux, Oracle, Scientific Linux)
  • openSUSE and openSUSE leap


Please read

Examples installtions are provided in test/fixtures/cookbooks/test/recipes

A pyenv_system_install or pyenv_user_install is required to be set so that pyenv knows which version you want to use, and is installed on the system.


Used to install a Python package into the selected pyenv environment.
pyenv_pip 'requests' do
virtualenv # Optional: if passed, pip inside provided virtualenv would be used (by default system's pip)
version # Optional: if passed, the version the python package to install
user # Optional: if passed, the user to install the python module for
options # Optional: if passed, pip would install/uninstall packages with given options
requirement # Optional: if true passed, install/uninstall requirements file passed with name property
editable # Optional: if true passed, install package in editable mode


pyenv_global '3.6.1' do
  user # Optional: if passed sets the users global version. Do not set, to set the systems global version

If a user is passed in to this resource it sets the global version for the user, under the users root_path (usually ~/.pyenv/version), otherwise it sets the system global version.


Installs a pyenv plugin.
pyenv_plugin 'virtualenv' do
git_url # Git URL of the plugin
git_ref # Git reference of the plugin
environment # Optional: pass environment variables to git resource
user # Optional: if passed installs to the users pyenv. Do not set, to set installs to the system pyenv.


pyenv_rehash 'rehash' do
  user # Optional: if passed rehashes the user pyenv otherwise rehashes the system pyenv


pyenv_python '3.6.1' do
  user         # Optional: if passed, the user pyenv to install to
  environment  # Optional: pass environment variable to git resource
  pyenv_action # Optional: the action to perform, install, remove etc
  verbose      # Optional: print verbose output during python installation

Shorter example pyenv_python '3.6.1'.


Runs a pyenv aware script.
pyenv_script 'foo' do
code # Script code to run
pyenv_version # pyenv version to run the script against
environment # Optional: Environment to setup to run the script
user # Optional: User to run as
group # Optional: Group to run as
path # Optional: Path to search for commands
returns # Optional: Expected return code

System install

Installs pyenv to the system location, by default /usr/local/pyenv
pyenv_system_install 'foo' do
git_url # URL of the plugin repo you want to checkout
git_ref # Optional: Git reference to checkout
environment # Optional: pass environment variable during pyenv installation
update_pyenv # Optional: Keeps the git repo up to date

User install

Installs pyenv to the user path, making pyenv available to that user only.
pyenv_user_install 'vagrant' do
git_url # Optional: Git URL to checkout pyenv from.
git_ref # Optional: Git reference to checkout e.g. 'master'
environment # Optional: pass environment variable during pyenv installation
user # Which user to install pyenv to (also specified in the resources name above)

System-Wide Mac Installation Note

This cookbook takes advantage of managing profile fragments in an
/etc/profile.d directory, common on most Unix-flavored platforms.
Unfortunately, Mac OS X does not support this idiom out of the box,
so you may need to modify your user profile.


Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested.

License and Author

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

chef-pyenv Changelog


  • add support for virtualenv installation and uninstallation.
  • add support for passing environment variable during pyenv, python and plugin installation.
  • delete "reinstall" property from pip resource and replace it with general "options" property
  • make pyenv_script fail on any subcommand failure Thanks to @ssps!


  • Dropping support for Chef 12


  • Refactor and update the legacy code base. Recipes are no longer provided, and custom resources are used to manage pyenv installations instead.
  • update system_install to be a resource
  • update user_install to be a resource
  • update script resource
  • update python resource
  • update global resource
  • update rehash resource
  • create plugin resource
  • create pip resource
  • update integration tests
  • add linting to CI
  • delete all recipes
  • delete matchers
  • delete chef_pyenv_recipe_helpers library
  • delete chef_pyenv_mixin library
  • add support for Fedora, RedHat distros and OpenSUSE


  • Add oracle linux support
  • Update syntax for chef-client v13
  • Update gems and dependencies
  • Add integration tests on travis


  • Updated deprecated methods used in attributes.rb


  • Update default pyenv version to v0.4.0-20140516
  • Add support for CentOS 6.5
  • Install make, build-essential, libssl-dev, zlib1g-dev, wget, curl, and llvm on Debian machines


Collaborator Number Metric

2.1.0 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

2.1.0 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

2.1.0 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

2.1.0 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

2.1.0 passed this metric

Version Tag Metric

2.1.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number