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prometheus_exporters (25) Versions 0.12.1

Installs / configures Prometheus exporters

cookbook 'prometheus_exporters', '= 0.12.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'prometheus_exporters', '= 0.12.1'
knife supermarket install prometheus_exporters
knife supermarket download prometheus_exporters
Quality 100%


Cookbook to install and configure various Prometheus exporters on systems to be monitored by Prometheus.

Currently supported exporters are node, postgres, redis, mysqld, haproxy, process, apache, blackbox, snmp, and wmi. More may be added in the future. Please contact the author if you have specific requests.

All of the exporters are available as chef custom resources that can be instantiated from other cookbooks.


  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Debian 8
  • Debian 9
  • CentOS 6
  • CentOS 7

And probably other RHEL or Debian based distributions.

  • Windows Server 2012 & 2016 (wmi_exporter recipe only)

Tests are made using last available Chef 14 along with latest Chef 13.

Resource List



This exporter requires a config file. Read more here. For basic usage the default blackbox.yml should be sufficient.

  • web_listen_address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default: ":9115")
  • log_level Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error]
  • config_file default: /opt/blackbox_exporter-#{node['prometheus_exporters']['blackbox']['version']}.linux-amd64/blackbox.yml
  • timeout_offset default: 0.5 Offset to subtract from timeout in seconds.
blackbox_exporter 'main'


  • web_listen_address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default: ":9100")
  • web_telemetry_path Path under which to expose metrics. (default: "/metrics")
  • log_level Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
  • log_format Where to send log files. (default: "logger:stdout")
  • collectors_enabled An array of explicitly enabled collectors.
  • collectors_disabled An array of explicitly disabled collectors.
  • collector_megacli_command Command to run megacli. (default: "megacli")
  • collector_ntp_server NTP server to use for ntp collector. (default: "")
  • collector_ntp_protocol_version NTP protocol version. (default: "4")
  • collector_ntp_server_is_local Certify that collector.ntp.server address is the same local host as this collector.
  • collector_ntp_ip_ttl IP TTL to use while sending NTP query. (default: "1")
  • collector_ntp_max_distance Max accumulated distance to the root. (default: "3.46608s")
  • collector_ntp_local_offset_tolerance Offset between local clock and local ntpd time to tolerate. (default: "1ms")
  • path_procfs procfs mountpoint. (default: "/proc")
  • path_sysfs sysfs mountpoint. (default: "/sys")
  • collector_textfile_directory Directory to read text files with metrics from. (default: "")
  • collector_netdev_ignored_devices Regexp of net devices to ignore for netdev collector. (default: "")
  • collector_diskstats_ignored_devices Regexp of devices to ignore for diskstats. (default: "ram|loop|fd|(h|s|v|xvd[a-z]|nvme\d+n\d+p)\d+$")
  • collector_filesystem_ignored_fs_types Regexp of filesystem types to ignore for filesystem collector. (default: "sys|proc|autofs$")
  • collector_filesystem_ignored_mount_points Regexp of mount points to ignore for filesystem collector. (default: "/(sys|proc|dev)($|/)")
  • custom_options Use for your configuration if defined proterties are not satisfying your needs.
listen_ip = ''

node_exporter 'main' do
  web_listen_address "#{listen_ip}:9100"
  action [:enable, :start]

or just set

  • node['prometheus_exporters']['listen_interface']
  • node['prometheus_exporters']['node']['collectors']
  • node['prometheus_exporters']['node']['textfile_directory']
  • node['prometheus_exporters']['node']['ignored_net_devs']

and add recipe['prometheus_exporters::node] to your run_list.


The mysqld_exporter resource supports running multiple copies of the MySQL exporter on the same system.

  • instance_name name of MySQL exporter instance. (name attribute)
  • data_source_name MySQL connection string
  • config_my_cnf Path to .my.cnf file to read MySQL credentials from. (default: ~/.my.cnf)
  • log_format If set use a syslog logger or JSON logging. Example: logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7 or logger:stdout?json=true. Defaults to stderr.
  • log_level Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal].
  • web_listen_address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default "")
  • web_telemetry_path Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
  • user System user to run exporter as. (default "mysql")
  • collector_flags Specify which collector flags you wish to use.


-collect.global_status \
-collect.engine_innodb_status \
-collect.global_variables \
-collect.info_schema.clientstats \
-collect.info_schema.innodb_metrics \
-collect.info_schema.processlist \
-collect.info_schema.tables.databases \
-collect.info_schema.tablestats \
-collect.slave_status \
-collect.binlog_size \
-collect.perf_schema.tableiowaits \
-collect.perf_schema.indexiowaits \

mysqld_exporter 'main' do
  data_source_name '/'
  config_my_cnf '~/.my/cnf'
  user 'mysql'


The postgres_exporter resource supports running multiple copies of PostgreSQL exporter the same system. This is useful if you have multiple copies of PostgreSQL running on the same system
(eg. different versions) or you are connecting to multiple remote PostgreSQL servers across the network.

  • instance_name name of PostgreSQL exporter instance. (name attribute)
  • data_source_name PostgreSQL connection string. E.g. postgresql://login:password@hostname:port/dbname
  • extend_query_path Path to custom queries to run
  • log_format If set use a syslog logger or JSON logging. Example: logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7 or logger:stdout?json=true. Defaults to stderr.
  • log_level Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal].
  • web_listen_address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default "")
  • web_telemetry_path Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
  • user System user to run exporter as. (default "postgres")
postgres_exporter '9.5_main' do
  data_source_name 'postgresql://localhost:5432/example'
  user 'postgres'


Monitor resource usage of processes or process groups. Read more here.

  • web_listen_address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. Default: ":9256"
  • web_telemetry_path Path for the metrics endpoint. Default: '/metrics'
  • config_file Optional config file for configuring which processes to monitor. The example below monitors all processes on the system. Alternately specific process names and groups may be specified using the proc_names and name_mapping properties
  • proc_names Comma separated list of process names to monitor
  • name_mapping Comma-separated list of alternating name,regexp values. It allows assigning a name to a process based on a combination of the process name and command line
  • path_procfs procfs mountpoint. Default: "/proc"
  • children If set, any process that otherwise isn't part of its own group becomes part of the first group found (if any) when walking the process tree upwards. In other words, resource usage of subprocesses is added to their parent's usage unless the subprocess identifies as a different group name. Default: true
  • recheck On each scrape the process names are re-evaluated. This is disabled by default as an optimization, but since processes can choose to change their names, this may result in a process falling into the wrong group if we happen to see it for the first time before it's assumed its proper name. Default: false
  • debug Print debug information to the log. default: false
  • custom_options Use for your configuration if defined properties are not satisfying your needs.
process_exporter 'main' do
  config_file "/opt/process-exporter-#{node['prometheus_exporters']['process']['version']}.linux-amd64/all.yml"

  action %i[install enable]

file "/opt/process-exporter-#{node['prometheus_exporters']['process']['version']}.linux-amd64/all.yml" do
  content <<HERE
    - name: "{{.Comm}}"
      - '.+'
  notifies :start, 'process_exporter[main]'


  • web_listen_address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default: "")
  • web_telemetry_path Path under which to expose metrics. (default: "/metrics")
  • log_format In what format should logs be shown. (default: "txt")
  • debug Enable or disable debug output. (default: false)
  • check_keys Comma separated list of keys to export value and length/size, eg: db3=user_count will export key user_count from db 3. db defaults to 0 if omitted. (default: "")
  • redis_addr Address of one or more redis nodes, comma separated. (default: "redis://localhost:6379")
  • redis_password Password to use when authenticating to Redis. (default: "")
  • redis_alias Alias for redis node addr, comma separated. (default: "")
  • redis_file Path to file containing one or more redis nodes, separated by newline. This option is mutually exclusive with redis.addr. Each line can optionally be comma-separated with the fields.
  • namespace Namespace for the metrics. (defaults "redis")
  • user User under whom to start redis exporter. (default: "root")
redis_exporter 'main' do
  redis_addr 'redis://,redis://'
  redis_password 'password_one,password_two'
  redis_alias 'example_production,example_staging'


This exporter needs a custom generated config file. Read more here and here. For test purposes and the most basic usage you can grab a default snmp.yml which is located here: /opt/snmp_exporter-PASTE_CURRENT_VERSION.linux-amd64/snmp.yml

  • web_listen_address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default: ":9116")
  • log_level Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
  • log_format Where to send log files. (default: "logger:stdout")
  • config_file default: '/etc/snmp_exporter/snmp.yaml'
  • custom_options Any other raw options for your configuration if defined proterties are not satisfying your needs.
snmp_exporter 'main' do
  config_file "/opt/snmp_exporter-#{node['prometheus_exporters']['snmp']['version']}.linux-amd64/snmp.yml"


Expects the Chocolatey package manager to already be installed. This is up to individuals to provide by including the Chocolatey cookbook in their own wrapper cookbooks.

  • version, String, default: '0.2.7'
  • enabled_collectors, String, default: 'cpu,cs,logical_disk,net,os,service,system'
  • listen_address, String, default: ''
  • listen_port, String, default: '9182'
  • metrics_path, Strin, default: '/metrics'

Use the given defaults or set the attributes...

  • node['prometheus_exporters']['wmi']['version']['listen_interface']
  • node['prometheus_exporters']['wmi']['listen_address']
  • node['prometheus_exporters']['wmi']['listen_port']
  • node['prometheus_exporters']['wmi']['metrics_path']

and add recipe['prometheus_exporters::wmi] to your run_list.


Monitor HAProxy metrics and stats. Read more here.

  • web_listen_address Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default: "")
  • web_telemetry_path Path under which to expose metrics. (default: "/metrics")
  • log_level Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]. (default: "info")
  • log_format Where to send log files. (default: "logger:stdout")
  • haproxy_scrape_uri URI on which to scrape HAProxy.
  • haproxy_ssl_verify Flag that enables SSL certificate verification for the scrape URI.
  • haproxy_server_metric_fields Comma-separated list of exported server metrics.
  • haproxy_timeout Timeout for trying to get stats from HAProxy.
  • haproxy_pid_file Path to HAProxy pid file.
  • user User under whom to start redis exporter. (default: "root")
haproxy_exporter 'main' do
  haproxy_scrape_uri ';csv'

haproxy_exporter 'main' do
  haproxy_scrape_uri 'unix:/run/haproxy/admin.sock'
  user 'haproxy'

Use the given defaults or set the attributes...

  • node['prometheus_exporters']['listen_interface']
  • node['prometheus_exporters']['haproxy']['port']
  • node['prometheus_exporters']['haproxy']['scrape_uri']
  • node['prometheus_exporters']['haproxy']['ssl_verify']
  • node['prometheus_exporters']['haproxy']['user']

and add recipe['prometheus_exporters::haproxy] to your run_list.


  • insecure Ignore server certificate if using https. (default false)
  • scrape_uri URI to apache stub status page. (default "http://localhost/server-status/?auto")
  • telemetry_address Address on which to expose metrics. (default ":9117")
  • telemetry_endpoint Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
  • user User under whom to start apache exporter. (default: "root")
apache_exporter 'main' do
  scrape_uri "http://localhost:8090/server-status/?auto"
  telemetry_address ":9118"
  telemetry_endpoint "/_metrics"


Each exporter will set an attribute when it's enabled, in the form of node['prometheus_exporters'][exporter_name]['enabled']. This makes it possible to search for
exporters within your environment using knife search or from within other cookbooks using a query such as:

knife search node 'prometheus_exporters_node_enabled:true'

This query will return all nodes with configured node exporters which can be used for automatically configuring Prometheus servers.

Known Issues

  • The snmp_exporter requires a configuration file that is usually created by a config generator. Currently this functionality must be provided by a wrapper cookbook.

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.



  • [Fatih Sarhan] - add Apache exporter to resource list in README


  • [Fatih Sarhan] - resource list for README
  • [Fatih Sarhan] - Apache exporter resource


  • [Charles Rowe] - fix publication to supermarket.


  • [Charles Rowe] - Add haproxy_exporter


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - fix mysqld_exporter cmd for older systemd versions.
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - add chefspec tests for cookbook[testrig]


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - exporters update:
    • mysqld_exporter: 0.11.0
    • node_exporter: 0.17.0
    • postgres_exporter: 0.4.7
    • redis_exporter: 0.22.1
    • snmp_exporter: 0.13.0
    • wmi_exporter: 0.5.0


  • [Viktor Radnai] - Add process_exporter


  • [Edwin Mourant] - Smaill fix to initscript template


  • [Viktor Radnai] - blackbox_exporter readme.


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] CHANGELOG update
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] RuboCop offences fix
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] Add 'enabled' attribute for wmi_exporter


  • [Yousef Alam] - Add blackbox_exporter
  • [Viktor Radnai] - Small fix to postgres_exporter binary's symlink


  • [Kieren Scott] - Add mysqld_exporter
  • [Matt Mencel] - Add wmi_exporter
  • [Viktor Radnai] - Add 'enabled' attribute for using with Chef search
  • [Viktor Radnai] - Fix: Remove unnecessary install step from redis exporter start action
  • [Viktor Radnai] - Fix: quote environment variable values in init script


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - fixed #7
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - fixed exporter services naming; it's possible to install more than one copy of an exporter with a different service name
  • [Denis C.] - node_exporter port attribute for recipe[prometheus_exporters::node]


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Chef 14 support was tested
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Ubuntu 18.04 support was tested
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Some Ubuntu 14 test were dropped because Chef 14 breakes the support of service creation on Ubuntu 14
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - node_exporter version upgrade: 0.16.0
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - postgres_exporter version upgrade: 0.4.6
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - redis_exporter version upgrade: 0.18.0
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - snmp_exporter version upgrade: 0.10.0
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - New docker-based Kitchen & Travis CI configurations
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Conventional test configuration for Test Kitchen was updated


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - postgres_exporter update: 0.4.2
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - redis_exporter update: 0.15.0


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Travis CI integration for automated tests.


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - node_exporter version upgrade: 0.15.2
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Forcing more RuboCop style fixes


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Bugfix redis_exporter systemd unit creation: untar should be done before systemd unit creation
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - postgres_exporter version upgrade: 0.3.0
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - redis_exporter version upgrade: 0.13
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - snmp_exporter version upgrade: 0.8.0
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - snmp_exporter's options now have two dashes instead of one
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Test cookbooks should be placed into test/cookbooks instead of test/integration/cookbooks
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Default InSpec test file was renamed to deafult_spec.rb
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Test Kitchen configuration: centos-6/7, ubuntu-14/16, chef-12/13
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - README: node_exporter, redis_exporter, snmp_exporter sections were updated


  • [Viktor Radnai] - Bugfix for starting redis process as the specified user


  • [Viktor Radnai] - Split log directories to fix logfile permission issue when exporters aren't running as root
  • [Viktor Radnai] - Bugfixes for postgres_exporter
  • [Viktor Radnai] - Improvements for tests
  • [Viktor Radnai] - Added checksum for SNMP exporter


  • [Viktor Radnai] - Added tests
  • [Viktor Radnai] - Improved service configuration for all exporters
  • [Viktor Radnai] - Fixed errors reported by cookstyle
  • [Viktor Radnai] - Merged changes from Matt Mencel's repo (
  • [Matt Mencel] - CentOS Support: updated only_if and not_if in node_exporter service
  • [Matt Mencel] - Chef Warnings: Fixed Chef warnings in upstart template


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - node_exporter version bump: 0.15.0
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - BREAKING: the new cmd syntax brings the need for a new resource properties.


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - enable weave network interface monitoring by default to alert on its stauts.
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - it now depends on systemd cookbook in general


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - new systemd cookbook with new lwrp syntax
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - new redis_exporter resource to install redis_exporter.
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - set correct mode for postgres_exporter executable
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - surround attributes for postgresql exporter in quotes.


  • [Matt Mencel] - CentOS Support: updated only_if and not_if in node_exporter service
  • [Matt Mencel] - Chef Warnings: Fixed Chef warnings in upstart template


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - PostgreSQL Exporter resource.
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - more options for upstart service template: env & setuid.
  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - default ignored mount points for Node Exporter.


  • [Kirill Kuznetsov] - Initial release with node_exporter support.

Collaborator Number Metric

0.12.1 passed this metric

Contributing File Metric

0.12.1 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

0.12.1 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

0.12.1 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

0.12.1 passed this metric

Version Tag Metric

0.12.1 passed this metric