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pip_elastalert (3) Versions 1.0.1

Installs/Configures elastalert

cookbook 'pip_elastalert', '= 1.0.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'pip_elastalert', '= 1.0.1'
knife supermarket install pip_elastalert
knife supermarket download pip_elastalert
Quality 67%

Elastalert cookbook

Build Status
Cookbook Version
GitHub license


This chef cookbook is a fork of zbigniewz's elastalert-cookbook with
chandru9279's Pull Request.
It installs and configures Yelp's elastalert from PyPI.

In more details:
- checks out elastalert github repo using given commit hash or tag
- create elastalert user and group
- installs elastalert in python virtual environment
- creates elastalert index in Elasticsearch
- starts elastalert service with supervisor
- manages elastalert rules



  • Debian 8


  • poise-python
  • managed_directory
  • supervisor


  • access to Elasticsearch cluster in version needed by particular version of elastalert (default 2.*)

How to use

Create wrapper around this cookbook and adjust attributes to your needs.


  • node['pip-elastalert']['version'] - elastalert version to install from pip, default nil meaning it will take the latest
  • node['pip-elastalert']['elasticsearch']['hostname'] - hostname of elasticsearch to use, default localhost
  • node['pip-elastalert']['elasticsearch']['port'] - port of elasticsearch to use, default 9200
  • node['pip-elastalert']['elasticsearch']['index'] - name of index to be created by elastalert, default elastalert_status
  • node['pip-elastalert']['elasticsearch']['index_old'] - old / previous elastalert index, default empty
  • node['pip-elastalert']['elasticsearch']['url_prefix'] - prefix for Elasticsearch URl (see Elastalert docs), default empty
  • node['pip-elastalert']['elasticsearch']['create_index_opts'] - additional options for creating elastalert index (see Elastalert docs), default --no-auth --no-ssl
  • node['pip-elastalert']['group'] - name of group for user running elastalert, default elastalert
  • node['pip-elastalert']['user'] - name of user running elastalert, default elastalert
  • node['pip-elastalert']['user_home'] - home directory for user running elastalert, default /home/elastalert
  • node['pip-elastalert']['directory'] - installation directory of elastalert, default /opt/elastalert
  • node['pip-elastalert']['rules_directory'] - directory containing elastalert rules, default /opt/elastalert/rules
  • node['pip-elastalert']['virtualenv']['directory'] - directory for python virtual environment running elastalert, default /opt/elastalert/.env
  • node['pip-elastalert']['log_dir'] - logging directory for elastalert, default /var/log/elastalert
  • node['pip-elastalert']['supervisor']['logfile'] - stdout log file path for supervisor, default /var/log/elastalert/elastalert_supervisord.log
  • node['pip-elastalert']['supervisor']['logfile_maxbytes'] - max size of supervisor stdout log file, default 1MB
  • node['pip-elastalert']['supervisor']['logfile_backups'] - no. of stdout log file backups, default 2
  • node['pip-elastalert']['supervisor']['err_logfile'] - stderr log file path for supervisor, default /var/log/elastalert/elastalert_stderr.log
  • node['pip-elastalert']['supervisor']['err_logfile_maxbytes'] - max size of supervisor stderr log file, default 5MB
  • node['pip-elastalert']['supervisor']['run_command'] - supervisor run command starting elastalert (see Elastalert docs), default /opt/elastalert/.env/bin/elastalert --config /opt/elastalert/config.yml --verbose


recipes/default.rb - does everything.


Tested with cookstyle, foodcritic, chefspec and kitchen tests using docker driver, build automatically
on Travis CI ->


Fork repo and create pull request, all comments and feedback are welcome!

Dependent cookbooks

poise-python >= 0.0.0
managed_directory >= 0.0.0
supervisor >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

Collaborator Number Metric

1.0.1 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Foodcritic Metric

1.0.1 passed this metric

License Metric

1.0.1 passed this metric