Adoptable Cookbooks List

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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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opencart (3) Versions 0.1.0

Installs/Configures opencart

cookbook 'opencart', '= 0.1.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'opencart', '= 0.1.0'
knife supermarket install opencart
knife supermarket download opencart
Quality 50%

Opencart Cookbook

Installs/Configures opencart



  • Centos
  • Redhat
  • Fedora
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu


  • tar
  • git
  • mysql
  • composer
  • php
  • apache2


<td>The URL of OpenCart repository to be installed</td>
<td>The version number to be installed</td>
<td>This is the path used after domain:port in URL. Ex.: http://local:port${url_path}</td>
<td>The directory of OpenCart installation</td>
<td>The port number for HTTP connections</td>
<td>Admin email</td>
<td>The name of the RDBMS Server</td>
<td>The hostname of the RDBMS Server</td>
<td>The port number of the RDBMS Server</td>
<td>The user of the RDBMS Server which will be used by OpenCart</td>
<td>The password for the provided RDBMS Server username</td>
<td>The name of the database which will be used by OpenCart</td>
<td>This prefix will be prepended to the table's name</td>
<td>Admin username</td>
<td>Admin password</td>


No recipes defined

License and Author

Author:: Manoel Carvalho (

Copyright:: 2016, Manoel Carvalho

License:: MIT

Dependent cookbooks

tar >= 0.0.0
git >= 0.0.0
mysql >= 0.0.0
composer >= 0.0.0
php >= 0.0.0
apache2 >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

opencart CHANGELOG

This file is used to list changes made in each version of the opencart cookbook.


  • [your_name] - Initial release of opencart

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The Github Flavored Markdown page describes the differences between markdown on github and standard markdown.

Collaborator Number Metric

0.1.0 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Foodcritic Metric

0.1.0 passed this metric