cookbook 'nc_base', '~> 1.0.0'
The nc_base cookbook has been deprecated
Author provided reason for deprecation:
The nc_base cookbook has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained by its authors. Use of the nc_base cookbook is no longer recommended.
You may find that the github cookbook is a suitable alternative.
nc_base (3) Versions 1.0.0 Follow0
Installs/Configures nc_base
cookbook 'nc_base', '~> 1.0.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install nc_base
knife supermarket download nc_base
nc_base Cookbook
The purpose of this cookbook is to install Netcool/OMNIbus version 8.1.<br>
This will also update it to the latest FP.<br>
This uses Installation Manager to install the software.<br>
So Installation Manager will be installed as well.<br>
This does NOT supply any IBM binaries, you will have to do that via PPA.<br>
As of 2019-02-06 the latest:<br>
Netcool/OMNIbus FP:<br>
Installation Manager:<br>
Only install the base and FP software.
This will !! NOT !!:
1) create an Object Server
2) install any probes or gateways
a. Use nc_tools to install these
3) configure/setup the Pad
Todo: List any technical requirements for using this cookbook. Do you need to
install binaries from the network? Does the cookbook make other assumptions
about the environment for it to be used? Does the operating system need to have
any special configuration before using this cookbook (i.e. disable selinux)?
Also, tailor the subsections below:
- Redhat 7.x+
- Chef 13+
- Chef SDK 2.5.3+
- Git 2.17+
- Vagrant 2.0.4+
- server_utils
- limits
- selinux
Todo: This will be unique depending on how the cookbook is developed and the
tools it provides to configure nodes. Here's a simple example of using a
cookbook and it's recipe. You'll want to elaborate on your own steps and
include any necessary steps like setting required attributes.
Use the following command to create shadow linux passwords for accounts:<br>
openssl passwd -1 -salt $(openssl rand -base64 6) [password]<br>
Place a dependency on the nc_base
cookbook in your cookbook's
depends 'nc_base'
Then, in a recipe:
include_recipe 'nc_base::make_nc_base'
If your cookbook provides resources, be sure to include examples of how to use
those resources, in addition to the resources documentation section below.
: Describe the purpose or usage of this attribute. Defaults tosomevalue
. Indicate the attribute type if necessary.
Todo: Provide a description for the purpose of this recipe file. What does it
do? When would I use it? Does it invoke other recipes?
Custom Resources
Todo: You only need to provide documentation for custom resources if your
cookbook actually provides them. Not all cookbooks have custom resources. If you
don't known what this means, then your cookbook probably doesn't have them
either and can omit this documentation.
Todo: Add a description or purpose for this resource. What does it do?
: Description of this action -
: Description of this action
- Description of this property. What is it used for? What is it's default value? -
- Description of this property. What is it used for? What is it's default value?
todo: Describe this example and what it will accomplish.
# code samples are helpful nc_base_resource_name 'some value' do property_name 'another value' property_name2 'foo bar' action :do_something end
And don't forgot to show an example for your other actions.
# code samples are helpful nc_base_resource_name 'some value' do property_name 'another value' property_name2 'foo bar' action :another_action end
Collaborator Number Metric
1.0.0 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Cookstyle Metric
1.0.0 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
1.0.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
1.0.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
1.0.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
1.0.0 failed this metric
1.0.0 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
1.0.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
1.0.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
1.0.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
1.0.0 passed this metric
1.0.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
1.0.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
1.0.0 failed this metric