cookbook 'macosx_autologin', '= 4.0.0'
macosx_autologin (8) Versions 4.0.0 Follow0
Configures automatic login using a Gavin Brock's kcpassword
cookbook 'macosx_autologin', '= 4.0.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install macosx_autologin
knife supermarket download macosx_autologin
Mac OS X Autologin Cookbook
Enables/disables automatic login for user on boot using a modified version of
Gavin Brock's kcpassword.
- Chef 11.14+
- Mac OS X 10.7+
Requires super-user privileges.
Enable automatic login for user and display login screen
macosx_autologin 'username' do password 'password restart_loginwindow true action :enable end
Disable automatic login and display login screen
macosx_autologin 'username' do restart_loginwindow true action :disable end
- Enables autologin. -
- Disables autologin.
- Username to login as. Required when enabled. Defaults to resource block name. -
- Password of username. Required when enabled. -
- Display login screen. Defaultfalse
`## ChefSpec Matchers
This cookbook includes custom ChefSpec matchers you can use to test
your own cookbooks.
Example Matcher Usage
expect(chef_run).to enable_macosx_autologin('username').with( password: 'password' )
Cookbook Matchers
- enable_macosx_autologin(resource_name)
- disable_macosx_autologin(resource_name)
Getting Help
- Ask specific questions on Stack Overflow.
- Report bugs and discuss potential features in Github issues.
Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.
MIT - see the accompanying LICENSE file
for details.
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
4.0.0 2017-02-03
- Replace recipe with resource to allow for suppressing sensitive info
3.0.0 2015-09-13
- Merge remove recipe into default recipe
2.0.0 2015-05-21
- Convert cookbook from LWRPs to Recipes
- Default restart_loginwindow to false
1.1.2 2015-05-20
- Fix Foodcritic false positive on sensitive resource
1.1.1 2015-05-20
- Update Chef requirements
1.1.0 2015-05-20
- Suppress password output on enable action
- Fix disable action fails when autoLoginUse attribute is missing from
1.0.0 2015-05-18
- Initial release
Collaborator Number Metric
4.0.0 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Foodcritic Metric
4.0.0 passed this metric
License Metric
4.0.0 passed this metric
4.0.0 failed this metric
4.0.0 passed this metric
License Metric
4.0.0 passed this metric
4.0.0 passed this metric