cookbook 'identities', '= 0.3.4'
identities (7) Versions 0.3.4 Follow0
Installs/Configures identities
cookbook 'identities', '= 0.3.4', :supermarket
knife supermarket install identities
knife supermarket download identities
Cookbook that creates LWRPs to manage users/groups. Inspired by the Opscode 'users' cookbook. But more complete.
Apprently, some people are confused by the fact that the repository is named chef-identities and that you should rename the cookbook
to identities.
It's kind of a defacto standard on Github for people to name their cookbooks chef-foo.
In any case, now you know : )
In order for this cookbook to work properly, you need to install the ruby-shadow gem.
Users data bag example
"home_dir": "/root",
"shell": "/bin/bash",
"uid": 0,
"groups": [
"comment": "The all mighty root",
"id": "root"
If keys are missing, it's not a problem. The provider will just use the user resource's defaults.
Users vault data bag example
"authorized_keys": [
"some SSH key"
"ssh_pub": "some_key",
"ssh_priv": "some_key",
"password": "some password hash"
NOTE: Passwords and SSH keys need to be stored in an encrypted data bag.
NOTE: The private SSH key needs to be converted to a one-liner. I recommend you use that tool from a coworker of mine: multiline2backslashn
User management example
identities_user 'root' do
data_bag 'foo'
encrypted_databag true
secret_file '/etc/chef/example'
In the above example, the values will be taken from the 'foo' data bag instead of the 'users' default.
- :manage => create/manage user
- :remove => delete user (leaves home directory)
- :lock => lock user
- :unlock => unlock user
- :cleanup => remove home directory
Group management
identities_group 'root' do
data_bag 'foo'
members [ 'foo', 'bar' ]
gid 0
In the above example, the members of the group are specified. But the group provider will also search the specified data bag for the 'groups' key to append those members as well.
- :manage => create/manage
- :remove => delete group
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.