cookbook 'hurry-up-and-test', '= 0.1.1'
hurry-up-and-test (3) Versions 0.1.1 Follow0
Recipes to help with testing
cookbook 'hurry-up-and-test', '= 0.1.1', :supermarket
knife supermarket install hurry-up-and-test
knife supermarket download hurry-up-and-test
Recipes that help with testing and often used in code samples on
export-node exports node attributes to a json file so that it can be retrieved from a kitchen test.
Add the export-node cookbook to the end of the runlist in your kitchen suites:
- name: my-suite
- recipe[cookbook-under-test]
- recipe[hurry-up-and-test::export_node]
Now your tests can access any node attribute by parsing the file's json to a hash:
describe file('/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg') do
let(:node) { JSON.parse('/tmp/kitchen/chef_node.json')) }
let(:subnet) {
ip = node["automatic"]["ipaddress"]
let(:current_env) { node["chef_environment"].upcase}
it { should be_a_file }
its(:content) {
should match <<-EOS
backend elasticsearch_backend
mode http
balance roundrobin
server #{current_env}SEARCH01 #{subnet}.121:9200 weight 1 check port 9200
server #{current_env}SEARCH02 #{subnet}.122:9200 weight 1 check port 9200
server #{current_env}SEARCH03 #{subnet}.123:9200 weight 1 check port 9200
backend web_backend
mode http
balance roundrobin
timeout server 5m
server #{current_env}WEB01 #{subnet}.131:80 weight 1 check port 80
server #{current_env}WEB02 #{subnet}.132:80 weight 1 check port 80
backend rabbit_backend
mode http
balance roundrobin
server #{current_env}RABBIT01 #{subnet}.141:15672 weight 1 check port 15672
server #{current_env}RABBIT02 #{subnet}.142:15672 weight 1 check port 15672
server #{current_env}RABBIT03 #{subnet}.143:15672 weight 1 check port 15672
Add this recipe to the top of your runlist to set a nodes ipaddress
attribute to a non NAT ip address on VirtualBox.
name: docker
- ["private_network", { type: "dhcp" }]
- name: my-suite
- recipe[hurry-up-and-test::set_non_nat_vbox_ip]
- recipe[cookbook-under-test]
If your tests are not using VirtualBox, this recipe will do nothing.
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
Foodcritic Metric
0.1.1 failed this metric
FC019: Access node attributes in a consistent manner: /tmp/cook/c2f3f996c42f97e331cb7d0c/hurry-up-and-test/recipes/set_non_nat_vbox_ip.rb:7
FC019: Access node attributes in a consistent manner: /tmp/cook/c2f3f996c42f97e331cb7d0c/hurry-up-and-test/recipes/set_non_nat_vbox_ip.rb:15
FC047: Attribute assignment does not specify precedence: /tmp/cook/c2f3f996c42f97e331cb7d0c/hurry-up-and-test/recipes/set_non_nat_vbox_ip.rb:7
FC047: Attribute assignment does not specify precedence: /tmp/cook/c2f3f996c42f97e331cb7d0c/hurry-up-and-test/recipes/set_non_nat_vbox_ip.rb:15
0.1.1 failed this metric
FC019: Access node attributes in a consistent manner: /tmp/cook/c2f3f996c42f97e331cb7d0c/hurry-up-and-test/recipes/set_non_nat_vbox_ip.rb:15
FC047: Attribute assignment does not specify precedence: /tmp/cook/c2f3f996c42f97e331cb7d0c/hurry-up-and-test/recipes/set_non_nat_vbox_ip.rb:7
FC047: Attribute assignment does not specify precedence: /tmp/cook/c2f3f996c42f97e331cb7d0c/hurry-up-and-test/recipes/set_non_nat_vbox_ip.rb:15