cookbook 'grid', '= 0.1.1'
grid (2) Versions 0.1.1 Follow0
Grid (distributed computing environment) base cookbook
cookbook 'grid', '= 0.1.1', :supermarket
knife supermarket install grid
knife supermarket download grid
grid Cookbook
This cookbook provides some attributes for distributed computing environment and some operational commands.
Key | Type | Description, example | Default |
['grid']['etc_root'] |
String | Configuration directory for grid. | '/grid/etc' |
['grid']['app_root'] |
String | Application root directory for grid. | '/grid/usr' |
['grid']['vol_root'] |
String | Data volume root directory for grid. | '/grid/vol' |
['grid']['max_vol_nums'] |
String | Max data volumes | '1' |
['grid']['cacert']['path'] |
String | Grid CA certificate file path. | '/etc/ssl/certs/grid_internal_cacert.pem' |
['grid']['cacert']['source'] |
String | CA certificate source file path. | 'etc/ssl/certs/grid_internal_cacert.pem' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['DOMAIN'] |
String | e.g. ''
'' (for localhost; pseudo distributed env.) |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HADOOP_ARTIFACT_TYPE'] |
String | 'package' or 'tarball' | '' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HADOOP_DISTRIBUTION'] |
String | 'apache'or 'cdh(3 or 4)' | 'hdp' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HADOOP_HOME'] |
String | e.g. '/grid/usr/hadoop'
'' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HADOOP_PREFIX'] |
String | e.g. '$HADOOP_HOME'
'' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HADOOP_CONF_DIR'] |
String | '' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HDFS_USER'] |
String | 'hdfs' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['MAPRED_USER'] |
String | 'mapred' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['DN_INIT_USER'] |
String | 'root' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['NAMENODE'] |
String | e.g. 'nn00'
'localhost' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['SECONDARYNAMENODE'] |
String | e.g. 'nn02'
'localhost' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['DATANODES'] |
String | e.g. 'dn00000 dn00001'
'localhost' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['BALANCER'] |
String | 'localhost' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['JOBTRACKER'] |
String | e.g. 'jt00'
'localhost' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['TASKTRACKERS'] |
String | '$DATANODES' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HISTORYSERVER'] |
String | 'localhost' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['YARN_USER'] |
String | 'yarn' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['RESOURCEMANAGER'] |
String | e.g. 'rm00'
'localhost' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['NODEMANAGERS'] |
String | '$DATANODES' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HBASE_HOME'] |
String | e.g. '/grid/usr/hbase'
'' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HBASE_USER'] |
String | 'hbase' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HMASTERS'] |
String | e.g. 'hm00 hm01'
'localhost' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['HREGIONSERVERS'] |
String | e.g. 'dn00000 dn00001'
'localhost' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['ZOOKEEPER_PREFIX'] |
String | e.g. '/grid/usr/zookeeper'
'' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['ZOOCFGDIR'] |
String | '${ZOOKEEPER_PREFIX}/conf' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['ZOOKEEPER_USER'] |
String | 'zookeeper' |
['grid']['gridctl']['env']['ZOOKEEPER_PEERS'] |
String | e.g. 'zk00 zk01 zk02'
'localhost' |
- creates fundamental derectories.
- installs the following operational commands. -- dsh_ipass -- gridctl
License and Authors
- Author:: whitestar at
Copyright 2013-2017, whitestar Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
CHANGELOG for grid
- refactoring.
- Documentation update.
- Initial release of grid
Collaborator Number Metric
0.1.1 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Foodcritic Metric
0.1.1 passed this metric
License Metric
0.1.1 passed this metric
0.1.1 failed this metric
0.1.1 passed this metric
License Metric
0.1.1 passed this metric
0.1.1 passed this metric